extreme dog days

Chapter 2474 Hurry up, come help me

Chapter 2474 Hurry up, come help me

"not good!"

Mingyao was also taken aback, she wanted to make a move, but it was too late when she reached the edge of the battle platform, Tianliu's sword was too fast, and she was also very domineering.


All the ghost cultivators present stood up, as if their hearts were raised in their voices, and there was silence.

"I didn't expect Liu Rulong to reach the point where Tianliu hits six times with one knife. Even I may not be able to catch it. It's a pity that I don't have a chance to teach him a lesson."

Tie Jian Wuhen sighed.When he said him, he was naturally referring to Ling Yun.

"Dead? This guy is too big. If he uses swordsmanship at the beginning, maybe he still has a chance to win."

The chrysanthemum inkstone is a pity for a while.He was defeated by Mr. Wuchen, but he really wanted to fight Ling Yun, even if he knew he was not Ling Yun's opponent.But now it seems that there is no chance.For Liu Rulong's six-strike combo, he thought he was facing him head-on, and he had little chance of surviving.

Under Liu Rulong's six consecutive strikes, except for the platform he stood on which was intact, everything else was reduced to ashes.At this time, all the ghost cultivators on the scene held their breath and watched the battle stage.

Just wait for the moment when the air waves and dust caused by the six-strike combo on the battle platform disappear, to confirm Ling Yun's life and death.

"how is this possible!"

As the air wave gradually dissipated, there was a scream from the field. The ghost cultivator saw figures other than Liu Rulong, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes, thinking that he had misread.

"He, he's still alive!"

"You are so charming! Nothing happened at all."

"It's unreasonable. The clothes are all intact. It's unscientific! Maybe Liu Yidao will fail."

"Ineffective? Or, you can try it when you have time."


The air wave disappeared, but Ling Yun was still standing there, even the black robe on his body was intact.However, the ghost cultivator who had noticed Ling Yun avoiding the five-strike combo before must know that the black robe Ling Yun was wearing at this time was not the original one.

The original black robe had been torn into pieces in the six consecutive hits, and even Ling Yun's ghost mask could not be spared.In order to prevent his identity from being discovered, Ling Yun immediately put on a new black robe and a new ghost mask after avoiding the six-strike combo.

"Ah! You! How can you still be alive?"

Standing within the range of the original six-strike attack at this moment, who else would it be if it wasn't Ling Yun.Liu Rulong had an expression of seeing each other.He knew exactly how powerful the six-strike combo was.

That is his limit, after using this trick, he will be powerless to fight again, below the sixth level, it is absolutely impossible for him to survive.But Ling Yun looked unscathed, wouldn't he be surprised?

"Brother Ling! You scared me to death."

Ling Guoguo also ran out of the range of Liu Rulong's six-strike attack when Liu Rulong launched the six-strike combo. Seeing that Ling Yun was safe and sound, she rushed up immediately, and couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

"Don't cry, silly girl, I'm fine!"

Ling Yun patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, then looked around, and happened to see Mingyao who confirmed that he was fine, and wanted to turn around and walk back.Mingyao left the previous position and appeared on the edge of the battle platform, of course Ling Yun could guess that Mingyao wanted to save him just now, but it was just a step too late.

Looking at her, Ling Yun nodded.

"The plot is not right! Lord Liu seems to be Miss Ling's uncle!"

"Isn't it? And Lord Liu is also Miss Ling's flower protector, so Miss Ling has embraced the wrong person."

"I don't think it looks like it, unless you are blind!"


Ling Guoguo ran over and hugged Ling Yun, causing a burst of criticism!

Liu Rulong launched Tianliu's six consecutive strikes with one sword, and he was no longer able to fight. Ling Yun was still alive, which meant that Liu Rulong had already lost.Liu Rulong is the flower protector of Linguoguo, and if he loses, it naturally means that the battle for the top eight of Linguoguo will stop at the top eight!

Fortunately, there are currently nine vacancies on the Oiran Ranking!Stopped at the top eight, still in the top ranking.

"How did he manage to avoid Tianliu's one-knife six-strike combo?"

Mr. Wuchen was surprised for a while.His agility is very powerful, but he dare not say that he can avoid Tian Liu's six blows in a row.

"How did this guy do it? It's impossible to avoid Tianliu Yidao with speed alone?"

Tie Jian Wuhen was also very surprised!

"Guoguo, you've gone too far. If you don't help uncle, go and help him! Does he seem to be in trouble?"

Liu Rulong said angrily.

"Hmph, Uncle, you are going too far! You can't control Tianliu's six blows in a row, yet you still dare to use it. Do you want to kill Brother Ling?"

Ling Guoguo said angrily.If Liu Rulong hadn't been for her uncle, maybe she would have run up and kicked him a few times.

"Isn't he all right? Look at me! It looks like something is wrong! Quick, come help me!"

Liu Rulong felt a little unsteady, if it wasn't for the knife supporting him, he might have fallen down.The majestic dead wood lord, known as the head of the six great lords of Qingmu Ghost Domain, when the main attack was on, the opponent hadn't made a move yet, and he was already tired and lay down, so he spread the word and put his face there.

"you deserve it!"

Lingguo scolded.

"Hey! The female college is not accepted. Visually, you are indeed born to your mother."

Liu Rulong said with a bitter face.He remembered the battle between him and Lingguoguo's father, Lingyuntong, and his sister scolded him in the same way in the end.


Ling Yun stretched out his hand and flicked his fingers, and a stream of sword energy landed at Liu Rulong's feet.

"I, you are charming!"

Liu Rulong was taken aback, if this sword energy entered more, would it cut him.

(End of this chapter)

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