extreme dog days

Chapter 2604 Attacking the Temple

Chapter 2604 Attacking the Temple
With their six puppet masters, how could they restore so many puppets in such a short period of time.

"Notify them, prepare to attack the puppet temple!"

Now that they have tried their best to create a puppet, it is time to deal with the spirit of the puppet king.

Master Qian knew that Ling Yun and the others not only possessed artifacts, but also the power of reincarnation, so now he did not dare to attack Ling Yun easily.

But he has another plan, that is to let Ling Yun and the others fight with the puppet king, and let them fight to the detriment of both, then he can be a fisherman!

"Hiss! So many puppets!"

Mingyao couldn't help being surprised when she saw the restored puppet.There are nearly [-] high-level puppets here, but half of them belong to the sixth-order puppets.

Although there are some sixth-order high-level puppets, which are weaker than the high-level puppets owned by the previous puppet masters, they are still sixth-level.

No matter how bad it is, it is not something that ordinary ghost masters can match.

"How? Girls, don't underestimate the puppet king! Although I'm not sure how many puppet soldiers are under the puppet king's hands, the puppet city and the puppet temple occupy one-third! And you have also seen that this puppet garbage How many puppets have been abandoned in the field! This is enough to imagine the scene of the city of puppets in the past! To be honest, with these puppets, the old man is not at all sure. It's just that the arrow is on the string now, and we have to! If we don't do it, the puppets The king will not let them go. I am afraid that he will send puppets to attack again in a short time!"

Master Qian said earnestly.

If it wasn't for the strange behavior of this guy in Youzi Peak, Ling Yun might have been moved by him.

"Master Qian, look, what is this!"

A puppet master found a broken map from somewhere, and ran over excitedly!

"Remnant map of the puppet city! This is the temple, great, great, with this incomplete map, we have more hope! You see, this is the road we used to lead to the temple! Here is The outer door of the temple, if we want to enter the temple, we must first control the outer door of the temple! I have observed this outer door before! It is definitely made of extraterrestrial stone, if it is closed, we will have no way out! In addition, here, and here! It may be a place to place puppet soldiers! As long as you find these puppet soldiers, you can destroy them in advance!"

As soon as Master Qian saw the incomplete map, he immediately deployed it.Because this map was actually picked up by the puppeteer on purpose.

And even without this incomplete map of the Puppet City, he actually knows the Puppet City well.The reason why this incomplete map was taken out was to prevent Ling Yun and the others from doubting his identity.

"What to destroy! Find those puppets, we can find a way to take them as our own, wouldn't it be more strength."

"Yes, yes! If the puppet king's puppet soldiers are used for their own use, it will not only weaken his strength, but also increase our strength. This will kill two birds with one stone."

Two puppet masters said excitedly.

"Ha ha!"

Master Qian smiled at them as if he was looking at an idiot.The other four puppet masters also cast strange glances at them.

"Master Qian, what kind of eyes do you have! Did we say something wrong!"

One of the puppet masters still feels unconvinced!
According to his method, isn't it killing two birds with one stone?

"I have seen idiots, but I have never seen such an idiot as you. You also want to take possession of the puppet king's puppet soldiers. Do you think he died?"

"That's right, please stay away from me, standing with you, it feels like it will lower my IQ!"


The puppet king, that is the originator of the puppet!Wanting to take his puppet soldiers as his own is simply killing him!I'm afraid that as long as they perform puppet techniques on those puppet soldiers, they will be discovered by the puppet king immediately.

When the puppet king gives an order, he can definitely turn you into a scumbag!

The puppet master also reacted!Suddenly, I felt that I didn't know where to put that face!
"Okay, stop making trouble. Immediately assign puppets and prepare to attack the puppet temple!"

Master Qian played a smooth game!
All the restored puppets were distributed, and the nearly [-] high-level puppets were led by six puppet masters.

And Qianshi himself is in charge of sixteen super puppets, his main purpose is to destroy the puppet soldiers placed by the puppet king at the outer door!

And Ling Yun and Ming Yao are in charge of responding!At the same time, make the last move to deal with the puppet king!This was proposed by Master Qian, and the other six puppet masters wanted to raise their hands and feet to express their agreement.

They didn't know that Master Qian was plotting against Ling Yun and Ming Yao, they only knew that Ling Yun and Ming Yao were the most powerful among them!

This time, we can only rely on them to deal with the puppet king.

So let them be mainly responsible for the puppet king, how could they disagree!
"Oh, this old thing is really smart!"

Ling Yun's voice was very low, Qian Shi and the others couldn't hear it, but Ming Yao who was standing beside him could hear it clearly.

"Does your arrangement for Master Qian make sense?"

Mingyao herself also felt that Master Qian's arrangement was very reasonable!After all, these puppet masters present, their puppets, represent their strength.

Its own strength is not very good.It is a joke to expect them to deal with the puppet king.

"It's not that he's interested in his arrangement, but that he has an opinion! Be careful with him, this old thing is not simple!"

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth raised slightly, and he reminded Ming Yao in a low voice.

"Uh! Did you find something?"

Ming Yao frowned and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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