extreme dog days

Chapter 2661 The first beauty in the underworld for 3 years

Chapter 2661 The Three Thousand Years First Beauty in the Underworld

The old Taoist Xuan Song can bear this grievance!He drew his sword and killed the Youming ghosts.One-on-two, he didn't get the slightest advantage.

However, once the master of a sect, his strength should not be underestimated.

Youming's two ghost hands will definitely not be able to do anything to him for a while.

"Xuan Song, go to hell!"


Under the onslaught of the two ghosts of Youming, Xuansong retreated steadily, and if he defended for a long time, he would lose.The Nether ghosts have also been looking for opportunities, planning to hit the old Taoist Xuansong hard first with a full blow.

When You Ghost hit Xuansong Old Daoist with one palm, a force appeared out of thin air, buffering his strength and speed.Fighting for time for the old Taoist Xuansong to react, he swung his sword to repel the ghost.

"Sonny girl!"

It was Yu Shuirou, the master of the Wangyou Pavilion, who rescued the old Taoist Xuansong.She is also one of the three female ghost saints in the Black Water Ghost Domain.Most importantly, she was also the number one oiran in the previous underworld oiran list.

Just because she was over three thousand years old, she retired from the oiran list.

"Who the hell are you? Wangyou Pavilion and the ten evil ghosts have never offended anyone. If there is any offence, this pavilion is here to make amends! We can discuss any compensation you need!"

Yu Shuirou knew that the ghosts of Youming were not kind.And here besides them, there is another ghost saint level powerhouse. ,

But on their side, the principal, Wang Donglai, was not there.

If the fight continues, the Wangyou Pavilion may be completely destroyed.

"Hey! The number one beauty in the underworld for three thousand years is really beautiful!"

Yu Shuirou appeared, and another masked ghost saint ran out immediately, seeing Yu Shuirou, his eyes were straightened.

"Who are you, talking with your face covered, isn't it impolite?"

Yu Shuirou said with a slight smile.

"Hey, are you covering your face too? Take off the veil and I'll show up, how about it!"

Yu Shuirou is also covering her face, but her veil is a decoration, half covering her face.For beautiful women, this is not considered impolite.

While the other party covered his face with a black cloth, it felt like he couldn't see the light.

"Since you don't show up, let me guess! Your steps are as light as a fairy, your speed is fast and steady, your aura is faintly visible, and there is a sword aura between your brows. If my guess is correct, you are one of the three great sword masters in the underworld. One of them, the Northern Holy Lotus God."

Yu Shuirou said.


The two ghosts of Youming straightened up their big thumbs, because Yu Shuirou guessed right.

The other party was the Northern Holy Lotus God. Although he covered his face and concealed his aura, when Yu Shuirou appeared just now, this guy lost his mind for a moment, and his aura leaked out.

Furthermore, Jianxiu's aura is full of sword energy, which is quite different from other ghost cultivators.And there are only three sword masters currently appearing in the underworld.

With the Ghost Saint-level swordsman and Beishenglian God's wretched eyes, Yu Shuirou immediately judged his identity.Furthermore, she had also received news beforehand that the God of the Northern Holy Lotus had appeared in the Worry-Free Sea Area.

So if it wasn't him, could it be Sui?
"Amazing, amazing! The number one beauty in three thousand years is really as careful as dust. We are really a match made in heaven! As long as you marry me, I will protect Wangyou Pavilion from now on!"

The Northern Holy Lotus God and the Nether Ghosts came to deal with the Wangyou Pavilion, and it was Bingyue's order to take over the Long Wangyou Pavilion.If Wangyou Pavilion doesn't follow, then there is no need to exist.

"Hey! Lian Shen, you can't monopolize it! We brothers also want to repay the taste of the number one beauty in three thousand years."

The Nether Ghosts are also not a good deal.There is nothing they can't do.If not, how could they be worthy of the ten evil spirits?

"That's for sure. When she marries me, she will still be able to wrong you two!"

Bei Shenglian God was reluctant to give up, but said with a smile on his mouth.Although the Nether ghosts may not be his opponents, they are the subordinates of the number one evil ghost.

He can't afford to offend this number one evil ghost.


Even if Yu Shuirou is resting well, she should be angry when she hears their conversation.

"I'm so angry! Beishenglian God, this songworm, I cut you off today! God descends!"

Judging from the tone of Bei Shenglian God and the others, it is absolutely impossible for this matter to be good today.The old Taoist Xuansong used his method and swung his sword to chop.

"This old Taoist Xuan Song, leave it to our brothers."

You Gui sneered and said, joining forces with Ming Gui to meet the old Taoist Xuansong.And Beishenglian God took action to deal with Yushuirou.Yu Shuirou has mastered the field of water system, can control water and transform water, and use magic to transform water!

It's just that the strength is much worse than that of Beishenglian God.

The God of Beishenglian is very sympathetic to the fragrance and cherishes the jade. In order not to hurt her, he has been besieging her with sword energy and sword soul, slowly consuming her strength, and at the same time, he does not forget to tease her.

Yu Shuirou was ashamed and angry, but she had nothing to do with Bei Shenglian God.


The old Taoist Xuansong fought against two with one, but finally lost to the two ghosts of Youming and was injured by them.

"Xuan Song, let's capture it without a fight. You are not our brother's opponent. As long as you swear allegiance to Miss, we can let you go. Otherwise, you Wangyou Pavilion will be removed from the sea today."

The lady that Minggui spoke of was Bingyue.

Bingyue hid it very deeply, even the Black Emperor Ice Demon never thought that his precious daughter, the real master, would be the number one evil ghost in the underworld.

It is precisely because she is the direct disciple of the number one evil ghost that both ghosts of Youming obey her orders.After the Northern Holy Lotus God was injured in the thick earth ghost domain.

Originally, he didn't want to wade into the muddy water of the Blackwater Ghost Realm again, but it was precisely because the first evil ghost found him that he obediently returned to Bingyue's side.

(End of this chapter)

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