extreme dog days

Chapter 2737 Beat them hard

Chapter 2737 Beat them hard
"you dare!"

Wang Donglai appeared above Wangyou Ghost City, looked down at Xiya, and said domineeringly.

"Why don't you dare! Is it possible that you think that this old man is the head of the Wuyou Pavilion, and you still need to see the face of you, the head of the Wangyou Pavilion!"

Xi Ya said disdainfully.

The same is the big boss, but he, the big boss of Wuyou Haifu, is much higher than Wang Donglai in terms of status and status.

Because in the Black Water Ghost Realm, he is one of the main players of the real name.

And the identity of Wang Donglai, the head of Wangyou Pavilion, is not in the blackwater ghost realm.


"Wang Donglai, this seat asks you, the order of Wuyou Haifu, Wangyou Pavilion obeys, or not!"

Xi Ya asked directly, stepping on Man Yishui with his feet, as long as he had enough energy, he could directly burst his head full of water.

"Xiya, don't go too far!"

Wang Donglai never thought that Xiya would give him such a big dismount as soon as they met.If he said to obey, then Wangyou Pavilion would have to obey Wuyouhai Mansion in the future.

If he doesn't comply, then Xiya can use the topic to attack Wangyou Pavilion.

"Excessive, Wang Donglai, you take yourself too seriously."

Fa Wudu appeared and said with a sneer.

"Master Liuhe, the law is boundless!"

Wang Donglai has been in the Black Water Ghost Territory for many years, and he naturally knows the heads of the various sea houses in the Black Water Ghost Territory.Wang Donglai couldn't be surprised that this Fa Wudu appeared here.

Because this product represents Liuhe Haifu!
"It's this old man! Wang Donglai, Mr. Wang, it's an honor for you to remember me!"

Fa Wudu's words are full of irony.


Wang Donglai couldn't help but snorted coldly and clenched his fists tightly.If it wasn't for their identities, they would have gone up to smoke him long ago.

"Wang Donglai, have you ever heard of the Heavenly Dust Ghost Sect!"

Xi Ya asked.

"The number one sect in the Liuhe Sea Area, even among the many forces in the Black Water Ghost Domain, can also be ranked among the top three super sects, how could I not know it!"

Wang Donglai was stunned and said.He didn't understand something, and Xi Ya asked what this meant.

There are not [-] forces in the Black Water Ghost Territory, but also [-].Although there are not many giant-level forces like Wangyou Pavilion, there are not many.

But the Heavenly Dust Ghost Sect is different.It is also well-known in the entire Blackwater Ghost Territory, and its strength can be ranked in the top three.And as we all know, the Tianchen Ghost Sect actually belongs to the affiliated sect of the Black Water Ghost Temple.

"It's good to know. Wang Donglai, the old man is also going around with you. Brother Fa and I both come from the Heavenly Dust Ghost Sect!"

In the worry-free sea area, not many people know the true identity of Xiya.

"What, you all come from the Heavenly Dust Ghost Sect!"

Both the Tianchen Ghost Sect and the Thousand Spirit Ghost Sect are the first sects in a sea area, but this Tianchen Ghost Sect is even better than the Thousand Spirit Ghost Sect.

In addition, the two main things of Liuhe Haifu and Wuyou Haifu both came out of this Heavenly Dust Ghost Sect, not to mention the background of that day's Dust Ghost Sect.

This means that both Liuhe Sea Mansion and Wuyou Sea Mansion are on the same front as Tianchen Ghost Mansion.

"Wang Donglai, since you are the head of Wangyou Pavilion, you can fully represent Wangyou Pavilion. Let's give Wangyou Pavilion one last chance. Whether Wangyou Pavilion will obey or not obey the orders of Wuyou Haifu."

Xi Ya asked again, the last sentence intensified.

Fa Wudu also looked at Wang Donglai with a playful expression.


Wang Donglai couldn't help but gasped.Regarding the fact that the Black Water Ghost Palace had long wanted to unify the major forces in the sea, he had already received rumors.

I just didn't expect that they would forget about your hand so quickly.

In other words, his Wang Donglai is not the water ghost domain of the Black Water Ghost Domain, but from the Thick Earth Ghost Domain.And he stayed in the Black Water Ghost Realm just to make it difficult for him to get along with the Black Water Ghost Palace?
If Wangyou Pavilion respects Wuyou Haifu, what will he do!Didn't this make him betray the Houtu Ghost Temple?But now Xiya has put down his words, if Wangyou Pavilion does not obey the orders of Wuyou Haifu, then even if Wuyou Haiwang does not move Wangyou Pavilion, the Heavenly Dust Ghost Sect will also take action!

And it will also implicate the Thousand Spirit Ghost Sect!

"Old man Wang, why are you talking nonsense with them. With your cultivation strength, one-on-two, if you can't beat them, don't blame this girl for looking down on you! Beat them up for me and beat them hard."

Just when Wang Donglai was in a dilemma, he did not know when Ming Yao appeared near him.He said to Wang Dong as if he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

Although her voice was not loud, whether it was Xi Ya or Fa Wudu, she could hear it clearly.

"Girl, this is not good!"

Wang Donglai's cultivation strength is higher than that of Xiya and Fa Wudu. Even if they join forces, they will not be able to beat Wang Donglai.

The problem is, the two of them are the main bosses of the two great palaces. If they beat them, wouldn't it mean to offend the two great palaces at the same time.

The most terrible thing is that behind them there is a super sect Tianchen Ghost Sect whose strength is still higher than that of Qianling Ghost Sect.

"What's not so good. With your aunt supporting you, what are you afraid of! But if you can't beat them, the consequences will be worse than being beaten by them. You know!"

Ming Yao pulled the wrench and threatened Wang Dong.Ming Yao had a fight with Wang Donglai and Xuansong when they first arrived at Wangyou Pavilion with Ling Yun.

They joined forces, and in the end they were still beaten up by her.

Ming Yao's attack was not ruthless.
Hearing her words, Wang Donglai couldn't help shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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