extreme dog days

Chapter 2807 Snow Mountain Adventure

Chapter 2807 Snow Mountain Adventure
"The old man's soul consciousness is also limited, and it is not more than ten thousand feet. It is impossible to cover this snowy mountain. Ling boy, this place is too weird. If you are not sure, you can finally retreat."

Yu Zifeng said in a deep voice.

He has a seventh-order soul consciousness, but in this cold plain snow mountain, he is still limited, and the scope is compressed to less than ten thousand feet.

"Then what can you see?"

Ling Yun asked.

"The old man only felt that this place was weird, but I really can't tell. Ling boy, you shouldn't see what's coming."

Yu Zifeng asked.

"Well, I'm not sure yet."

Ling Yun realized that he was more familiar with Heaven and Earth than Youzi Peak.Although his soul consciousness range is only [-], he has discovered the mystery here.

"Kid Ling, honestly, has your soul recovered?"

Yu Zifeng asked suddenly.

"Ha ha!"

Ling Yun was dumbfounded and didn't answer.

"Lingyun, did you hear what I said?"

Seeing that Ling Yun was ignoring her, Ming Yao pulled him angrily, almost attacking his waist.

"Listen, of course! What did you say?"

Ling Yun was talking to You Zifeng just now, so he knew what Ming Yao said.

"You... I mean, if we're not sure, we'd better leave. I can't blame you for this."

Ming Yao said angrily.

"Certainly, really not? But I can guarantee that I won't get lost!"

Because the scope of the soul consciousness has been greatly reduced, Ling Yun can't guarantee that they can find the first medicine.However, he already knows the secrets of this place, so he will not lose his way here.

"You won't get lost, did you find something?"

Ming Yao asked immediately.

Like Yuzifeng, she also felt that this place was very strange, but she couldn't say why.

"The reason why the scope of soul consciousness is limited here is because of space faults! Usually, the reasons for space faults are caused by the confusion of the laws of heaven and earth! However, there are two reasons for the confusion of laws of heaven and earth. One is natural formation, but This kind of place is usually a place of extreme poverty. The other kind is caused by the day after tomorrow. The so-called caused by the day after tomorrow is because the powers above the seventh rank fought against the law of heaven and earth. So I concluded that this cold plain Snow Mountain once had powerhouses above the seventh rank fighting, so this phenomenon occurs."

Ling Yun explained.

"You said that the powerhouses above the seventh rank have the ability to disrupt the laws of heaven and earth. But according to the glaciers map of the Yaoyuan family, this happened in the Hanyuan Snow Mountains for tens of thousands of years. As far as I know, Although the powers above the seventh rank can disrupt the laws of heaven and earth and destroy the world, but the world runs and has the ability to repair itself. Even if the Hanyuan Snow Mountain was once the place where the powers above the seventh rank fought, after so many years, should they have recovered a long time ago? already."

The heaven and the earth revolve, endlessly!Although the powerhouses above the seventh rank can destroy the world to a certain extent, they can recover on their own as long as the origin of the world is not lost.

The situation in the Hanyuan Snow Mountains has existed for tens of thousands of years.

If it was really just because of the damage caused by the fighting of the seventh-order powerhouses, shouldn't it have been restored long ago?

"That's what I'm wondering! Maybe when we get to the top, we'll know!"

Ling Yun could almost conclude that the situation here was caused by the fighting of the powerhouses above the seventh rank, but he also couldn't understand why the place had not recovered after so long.

"Then let's go and see!"

Ming Yao was relieved to hear that Ling Yun would not lose her way here, but she did not notice the meaning of Ling Yun's words.

The snow-capped mountains in the cold plains are huge, with a range of nearly [-] miles. Originally, such a range was nothing under the soul-consciousness of a ghost saint.

But the environment of this glacial land is cold to the bone.The scope of the soul consciousness itself has shrunk a lot here, and there is a fault in the heaven and earth space here, blocking the soul consciousness.

Therefore, the range of soul consciousness is greatly reduced. The ghost is on the mountainside, and the range of soul consciousness is only a hundred feet. When it reaches the top of the mountain, it is almost unusable, and it becomes inferior to the naked eye.

Ming Yao, a quasi-ghost master-level powerhouse, climbed to the top of the mountain, and the scope of his soul consciousness was less than a thousand feet!
They turned around in the Hanyuan Snow Mountain for an hour, and the sights they saw had a roughly similar feeling.Because the entire Hanyuan Snow Mountain is covered by heavy snow!

In some places, the snow reaches hundreds of meters, and it feels like this mountain is made of snow. If you step on the air, you don't even know where you are.

"Ah, I'll go..."

"Be careful……"

Yao Shan accidentally stepped on the air, if Yao Donglai grabbed him in time, it is estimated that he would instantly fall into the snow.

"No, let's go, this place is going to collapse!"

Lingyun heard the movement from the snowy mountains, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ming Yao and ran!

"My mother! Run!"

After Yao Donglai picked up Yaoshan, he also found that something was wrong, and Yunli threw Yaoshan out. If he hadn't reacted fast enough, he probably would have fallen.

The snow they were in collapsed crazily, and the bottom seemed to be hollowed out.

"Oh my god, this ghost place, no wonder no ghost repairers dare to come! This mountain is really a snowy mountain!"

Yao Shan seemed to have lingering fears for a while, the scene just now was too spectacular, and instantly collapsed into the snow for more than ten miles.

Let there be a big pit in there!

(End of this chapter)

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