extreme dog days

Chapter 2900 The stupidest sword repairer?

Chapter 2900 The stupidest sword repairer?

The Celestial Pole Immortal Sword is too sharp, even if Ling Yun did not use Kendo Unbounded and did not trigger the split between the two poles of the mirror image, but as long as Ling Yun was approached, the Celestial Pole Immortal Sword could also leave scars on the fourth generation number one.

There were at least [-] sword wounds on No. [-]'s body, and blood was flowing.According to such a situation, even if Ling Yun did not use Wujie and did not trigger the split between the two poles of the mirror image, it would be a matter of time to kill the fourth generation number one.

But does Lingyun have this opportunity?

Originally, Ling Yun only needed to stab at the Achilles heel of the fourth generation number one to behead him.

But the Achilles heel of this fourth-generation No. [-] is on the soles of his feet. The problem is that he has been fighting with the law of the flesh, not giving Ling Yun a chance at all.

"No energy consumption! Supreme Kendo, boundless!"

Originally, Ling Yun planned to find an opportunity to hit the Achilles heel of the fourth generation number one in the battle, so that he would not need to use Kendo Wujie.

Now he needs the power to approach Bajin, but this power is not his.Using this power to fight, there will be no hindrance.

However, when it is used to perform Kendo Unbounded, it will damage his meridians, making it impossible to perform continuously.Otherwise, it was in the Stone City space before.

He directly used this move, maybe he still had a chance to kill No. 36 and No. [-] of the third generation.

"Ah, not good!"

Fourth Generation No. [-] sensed danger. He was not like a beastized mother, and he could only lie there motionless.Seeing Ling Yun slashing with a sword, he wanted to avoid it.


Ling Yun hurriedly shifted his direction and swung his sword down.

"Do not……"

Fourth Generation No. [-] screamed, and a small half of his left arm was chopped off.

Ling Yun thought that the fourth generation number one would die, so he naturally breathed a sigh of relief, but he never imagined that the fourth generation number one was cut off by a quarter of his body, and he still didn't die.

He suddenly flew up and slapped Ling Yun with his palm.


"Wow, he didn't die!"

Ming Yao was taken aback by this sudden situation, and the Heaven Devouring Silkworm was also taken aback.A quarter of the body was beheaded, and it was the human race and the ghost race powerhouse, who would have died a long time ago.

However, No. [-] of the fourth generation is a physical powerhouse of the seventh order.

Unless it hits his Achilles heel or shatters his bones, or even if his head is cut off, his body may continue to fight.

Seventh-order physical body, this is the physical body of the world.

"Pfft! It's not dead! Cough, cough!"

Fortunately, Ling Yun blocked it in time with the supreme swordsmanship.However, after receiving the full force of the fourth generation No. [-], even if it is only one-tenth of the power, it is enough to cause heavy damage.

"Damn it!"

The fourth generation number one looked at his wound, not to mention how shocking it was.

Pain, that's a must.

This kind of injury, for the seventh-order physical powerhouse, is also a serious injury, a very serious injury.In a short period of time, it will not recover.

And there are scars on top of the wound.

The fourth-generation No. [-] cannot be recovered at all.

"There's no time, it's half over! Bah!"

Ling Yun didn't have time to adjust his interest rate, and half of the Hundred Interest Rate had passed.This fourth-generation No. [-] is too strong. Although he was seriously injured at this time, once the power of Xuanbing Tianlang disappeared.

It can also kill Ling Yun.

huh, huh

They were all seriously injured, but the physical defense of the fourth generation No. [-] was not affected much.However, in front of Ling Yun, his wound would also become his Achilles heel.

It's just that the beastized demons belong to the strong in the flesh, and they are best at melee combat.Lingyun wanted to melee and attack the wound of the fourth generation number one.

Using supernatural powers on him, or extreme pupils, is very dangerous.

But Ling Yun had no choice.

The physical defense of the seventh-order Great Perfection is too strong, and it cannot be broken without the boundless swordsmanship.However, in a short period of time, it is impossible to cast Kendo Unbounded again.

He could only choose to get close, and use his supernatural powers to break his physical body.

"In melee combat, Jianxiu dares to approach our beastized demons. You are the stupidest Jianxiu in the world in history."

The fourth generation number one is happy, if Ling Yun doesn't get close to him, he will fight again.With Lingyun's current strength, he will definitely be killed.But close combat.

What a joke.

Even if Ling Yun has strength comparable to him, his physical defense is scum in front of him.

"Perhaps, it's you who is stupid! Life and death..."

Lingyun blocked the right hand of the fourth generation number one with the Heavenly Pole Immortal Sword, and in the blink of an eye, the other hand displayed the method of birth and death on the fourth generation number one's wound.

The fourth generation number one's eyes stared, and he looked at Ling Yun in disbelief, and then found a scream.The power in the body erupted, and Ling Yun and the Celestial Sword Immortal Sword flew out directly.


The fourth generation number one will make a scream before dying, and the way of life and death will collide with the physical strength in his body, and the body will explode directly.

"Number one!"

"Number One is also dead!"

Number five and number six were terrified.


Ling Yun was shaken away, almost all his internal organs were displaced, and he vomited two mouthfuls of blood in a row.


Ming Yao, the sky-devouring silkworm immediately rushed to Ling Yun's side.

However, Ling Yun, who was originally injured, was speechless for a while, but his eyes were looking at No. [-] and No. [-]. There were still two seventh-order physical powerhouses.

He can't fall.

However, No. [-] and No. [-] did not dare to move, because even the strongest No. [-] of their fourth generation was killed by Ling Yun, and the two of them together were far inferior to No. [-] of the fourth generation.

"How to do?"

Six swallowed and looked at Five.Ling Yun looked seriously injured and lost his strength to fight again!Are they going to kill him while he is sick?still run.

In case Lingyun could fight again, they rushed over, and his life would be gone.This is no joke.

Six dared not take the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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