extreme dog days

Chapter 2927 The evil deeds of Wen Yunlun

Chapter 2927 The evil deeds of Wen Yunlun
However, none of them reached the gold medal.Because the gold ghost will represent the fighting power of the ghost saint.

Chi Feiyu only knew about the Thirteen Sea Guards, but he didn't know that there were ghost generals who had reached the gold medal among the Thirteen.

"I am the gold medal ghost Mu Tianze! Under the orders of the Fourth Emperor, I will capture Wen Yunlun, the sea king of Liuhe, and the irrelevant ghost Xiu will leave quickly."

Mu Tianze shouted.

"Haha, grab this king, are your brains flooded? Not to mention the four emperors, even the prince does not have this qualification."

Wen Yunlun was overjoyed.

Ordered to arrest him, what a joke.As a sea king, he wants to take care of him for no reason, not to mention the emperor, not even a ghost emperor!

"Is it?"

Mu Tianze replied with a sneer.

"Indeed, according to the rules, if the sea king has not committed a major crime, even the ghost emperor cannot be held accountable. This is the rule set by the ghost emperors of all dynasties. General Mu, retreat!"

Chi Feiyu stood up and said.

He wasn't helping Wen Yunlun, but he didn't want Bingyuan to be mad.

"Liuhe Haiwang has been in office for more than 50 years, and he has been greedy for as much as [-] billion money in the Liuhe sea area. In the past, in order to win the favor of the former Haiwang, he did not hesitate to kill his brother and father, and cast himself under the former Haiwang's family as a foster son. When you were careful, you poisoned him, so that the previous Neptune went mad and killed innocent people indiscriminately. Then, in the name of eliminating demons and defending the way, you killed the previous Neptune. More importantly, you dared to dig open the grave of Liuhe Neptune, private secret Palace. The above are all ironclad evidence! Sect Master Tianchen, you have to protect him!"

Ghosts die and return to heaven and earth, so generally ghosts are tombs, with only a small spiritual seat, but whether it is the ghost emperors of the past dynasties, or the sea kings have set up tombs.

This is a remembrance of their great achievements during their lifetimes.And generally speaking, one-tenth of their property will be used as a burial.

Wen Yunlun took over as the Sea King back then, and the resources of the Liuhe Sea Mansion were quickly emptied by him, so he decided to hit the graves of the Liuhe Sea Kings of all dynasties.

There is a lot of wealth there.These wealth are actually prepared by the Ghost Palace for emergencies. They are stored in the tombs of the sea kings of all dynasties, and can only be opened with the permission of the Ghost Palace.

However, Wen Yunlun took these things out without the knowledge of the Black Water Ghost Palace.He thought that no one knew about this, but he didn't want the evidence to be in the hands of the fourth emperor Bingyuan.

In fact, it's not just him. The evidence of most of the officials in the Black Water Ghost Palace is in the hands of Bingyuan. What he did was originally only for self-protection.

But now it has become a help in his ascension to the emperor.

"Hey...is this true?"

Chi Feiyu was startled, looked at Mu Tianze, and asked seriously.

"If it was false, I would have dared to come here!"

Mu Tianze said solemnly.

"Wen Yunlun, you are really brave."

Chi Feiyu was surprised for a while, looked at Wen Yunlun and shouted.

"My business, I don't need you to worry about it! Kill..."

Wen Yunlun knew that the matter had been exposed, and at this time either pleaded guilty and surrendered, or killed Mu Tianze and the others, as for the other ghost cultivators.

Even if it is Tianchen Ghost Sect, he has nothing to be afraid of.

After the incident, he could ask Bingyue to help him to suppress the matter.As long as the ice edge is prevented from reporting it to the ghost hall, won't this matter be over?

Mu Tianze also had long been the turn of Wen Yunlun to resist. He swung the Tianhua halberd in his hand and attacked the brocade-clothed ghost saint in Liuhe Haifu.

In addition, Bingqi faced the four pseudo-sacred masters of Liuhe Haifu.These two cavalry are only quasi ghost saints, but their combat power is comparable to false saints.

Although one-on-two, there is no possibility of winning, but they can hold on.After a while, the other party couldn't help them.

And the Heishui Ghost Palace Haiwei Ghost Soldiers they brought could all be able to fight one to ten, so they quickly gained the upper hand and suppressed the ghost guards of Liuhe Haifu.

"Damn, I already knew that the ghost soldiers would be transferred. Mu Tianze must die. As long as he can't take me, even if the fourth emperor has the evidence, he can't do anything about me."

Wen Yunlun's expression was not good when he saw that the ghost guard of Liuhe Haifu was not the enemy of the ghost soldiers of the Thirteenth cavalry of Haiwei!If the ghost soldiers of the Thirteenth Hall of Haiwei were able to deal with the ghost guards of Liuhe Haifu and go to help the other two horses, the other four false saints, then the four false saints would be in danger.

On the other hand, although Mu Tianze is only in the early stage of Ghost Sage, his combat power is still higher than that of the Ghost Sage of Liuhe Haifu. If he continues to fight, the Ghost Sage of Liuhe Haifu will definitely be beheaded.

This was not what Wen Yunlun wanted to see.

"Ah! My hand..."

Wen Yunlun wanted to shoot, but his hand was chopped off.But who did it, he never found out.I saw that ghost mask man took his place and stood beside Yu Shuirou.

"Sister Rou, are you alright!"

The ghost mask man is Ling Yun.Wen Yunlun was standing beside Yu Shuirou just now, with his hand still on her waist, so he didn't dare to move rashly.

When Wen Yunlun let go of Yu Shuirou, he made a move and decisively chopped off his salty pig hand.

"This voice!"

When Yu Shuirou heard Ling Yun's voice, she suddenly woke up from her lost soul, and turned to look at Ling Yun, only to see a strange ghost mask.

But she had a feeling that this was Ling Yun.She took the initiative to reach out and stroke the mask gently and carefully.

"Is that you?"

"It's me! I'm back!"

Ling Yun replied.

"who are you."

Wen Yunlun stared at Ling Yun and broke his arm, his breath seemed a little chaotic.Previously, because of Mu Tianze and the others, all the ghost cultivators present ignored Ling Yun who spoke first.

(End of this chapter)

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