extreme dog days

Chapter 2930 The ghost occupies the ghost sect

Chapter 2930 The ghost occupies the ghost sect

Entering the Tianchen Ghost Sect's south, north, and east ghost repairers all came to report, she didn't seem to hear the situation on the west side.

The west side is also where the west courtyard of the Tianchen Ghost Sect is located, and behind this west courtyard is the forbidden area of ​​the Tianchen Ghost Sect, and it is also where the tombs of the suzerains of the Tianchen Ghost Sect are located.

The merit pool of Tianchen Ghost Sect is actually in the tomb, which is the cornerstone of Tianchen Ghost Sect.

"Holy water, it's Elder Slag who went to the West Court to search, but he doesn't seem to have come back yet."

an elder said.

"Go and have a look! If you find anything, just send out the signal."

Yu Shui really felt a little unusual.The huge Tianchen Ghost Sect didn't even have a ghost, it was too quiet.Even an ambush should not be so quiet.

Elder Slag brought hundreds of Wuying Sect disciples into the Western Courtyard, and it didn’t take long for him to encounter a ghost. As a result, he immediately destroyed the team, and he didn’t even have time to ask for help.

"Maybe there is the whereabouts of the scum elders."

Two other elders led the team.They searched the west courtyard room, but found nothing.

"Back to the elders, the houses around here are empty, and there is not a single ghost."

"Elder, look, this seems to be something of the scumbag elder."

"Yes, this piece of jade belongs to Elder Slag, I have seen it before."

A ghost repairer found the jade pendant dropped by Elder Slag on the ground.Although this jade pendant is only for decoration, it is of great value. Usually, the scum elder never leaves his body and is specially used for showing off.

"Look, the scumbag elders and the others must be nearby. I don't believe it. More than one hundred ghost repairers just disappeared out of thin air."

One of the elders said angrily.He ordered his subordinates to conduct a comprehensive search of the western courtyard.

"Hey, isn't that Zuwu they! Hey, you all died, causing us to look for you everywhere."

"Why don't you talk, it's so cool! You're still deaf! You... don't... ah"

One approached the ghost cultivators who were occupied by ghosts, reached out and patted one of the acquaintances on the shoulder, but was invaded by ghosts, his consciousness was instantly eaten, and he rolled his head on the ground.

"Junior Brother, what's wrong with you! Ah..."

Another ghost cultivator stepped forward and was also caught.

"No, there is a situation,"

"What happened! Go and see..."

All the ghost cultivators were hit one after another.The two elders were also unexpected.By the time they react, it will be too late!
However, one of the elders released a signal before being occupied by the ghost.


"It came from the Western Courtyard..."

"Go... go and see!"

When Yu Shuizhen and Xu Jiuniang saw the signal, they immediately led a group of ghost repairers to the west courtyard.

"Old Seven, what's wrong with you!"

Those ghost repairers who came to the West Court before, all stood in the West Court at this time, and they didn't seem to be damaged.

An elder stepped forward to ask, but he was attacked by the other party and was pierced by a knife.

"What! Fu Qi, you're crazy! You dare to kill Elder Tan. Take it down...! Are you deaf, why haven't you started..."

The inner door elder was furious and said to the ghost cultivators standing behind Fu Qi.It's a pity that those ghost cultivators have already been possessed by the spirits like Fu Qi.

"Don't go there! They're all under control."

An inner door elder of Wuyingmen saw the clue and hurriedly stopped the elder, while reminding other ghost repairers.

"It's under control, how could this be..."

Yushui was really puzzled.But before they could react, those ghost cultivators who were possessed by ghosts rushed towards them.Those ghost cultivators who are possessed by ghosts are not very powerful, but if they fight against them, even if they kill them, they will be possessed by ghosts even if they are not killed together with ghosts!
Fortunately, the masters of Wuyingmen are like clouds, and there are no less than [-] quasi-ghost saints, and six false saints shot, and soon all the ghosts were killed.

They didn't use Yu Shuizhen at all.

"What the hell are those guys? It's so weird!"

"Yeah! They seem to be able to possess us."

Although the battle didn't last long, it caused the Shadowless Sect to lose dozens of ghost-level ghost repairers.And after all, all the beheaded are ghost repairs from their Shadowless Sect?
"As far as I know, there is a kind of creature that can possess our ghosts."

Xu Jiuniang said with a heavy face.

"What creature!"

When Yu Shui really saw Xu Jiuniang's bad face, she had a bad premonition.

"Ghosts! It is rumored that they can possess our ghosts and control us. But they have disappeared since ancient times!"

Speaking of ghosts, Xu Jiuniang seemed a little flustered.

"Ghost! Not good, notify the sect master, quickly withdraw!"

When Yu Shuizhen heard this, her complexion changed drastically.She has also read the records about ghosts, but she can't remember them for a while.

When I heard Xu Jiuniang mention it, it was strange that I didn't understand.

This time, in order to capture the merit pool of Tianchen Ghost Sect, Wuyingmen came all over.Not only Yu Shuizhen, but also the ghost shadow, and the Banyue Dao Sheng Shang, who ranked third among the ten evil ghosts, also came.

"Really, what's going on!"

Wuying Sect Master and Yu Shuizhen joined them, and when they saw their faces panic, they asked.

"Get out, something happened here!"

Yushui said impatiently.


The Shadowless Sect Master was stunned for a moment.

"Juniang, what happened, why are you panicking?"

Shang said angrily.

"Ghost... This place has been occupied by ghosts."

Xu Jiuniang hurriedly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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