extreme dog days

Chapter 2935 join forces to fight the ghost

Chapter 2935 join forces to fight the ghost

The sword could not attack the ghost ghost mother, but Ling Yun was still there.

Ling Yun's sword was boundless, and he instantly stabbed at the ghost ghost mother.

In a hurry, the ghost mother waved her hand to gather strength to block it, but at this time the sword halfway had already slashed towards her head.

The ghost mother was so frightened that she was in a cold sweat, ignoring the old wounds on her body, she burst out with all her strength to shake Ling Yun and Jian Halfway back.

The house where they were located was naturally unfortunate and collapsed directly.Ling Yun's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and his figure grabbed the unconscious Chi Feiyu and left the room.

After the sword is halfway unloaded, the sacrifice sword kills the ghost ghost mother to prevent her from taking the opportunity to escape.

"He gave it to you!"

After Ling Yun threw Chi Feiyu to Mu Tianze, he immediately rushed into the air and joined hands with Jian Bandao to surround and kill the ghost mother.Under their siege, the ghost mother is not so easy to escape.

Sword master level powerhouses are the strongest hunters. If it weren't for the ghost mother's ability to regenerate, I'm afraid that at this time, she would no longer have the power to fight.

"Damn! I fought with you!"

Under the siege of Ling Yun and the others, the ghost mother was completely suppressed. It was difficult to launch an attack, and she could only be exhausted.

"Fight, what are you fighting for..."

Jian Bandao said disdainfully, danced the sword flower, and immediately six sword flowers appeared around the ghost ghost mother, and he waved the sword flower and pressed it from top to bottom.

The ghost mother tried to resist, but the ghost mist she released disappeared under the seven sword flowers.You can only hold on with force.

Originally, her strength was not weaker than Jian Bandao, but there was still a threat from Ling Yun. She didn't dare to try her best to resist Jian Bandao's Jianhua, and finally let the seven Jianhuas unite to suppress her.

A huge deep pit appeared directly on the ground of the island.

"Well, gone?"

Jian Bandao could clearly sense that he had not succeeded in beheading Gangling Ghost Mother, but he had slain her on the island, but disappeared.


Ling Yun also sensed that the ghost mother was not dead, and was near them.

"If you don't come out, the deity will force you to come out! The sword is chaos in the world!"

Halfway through the sword, the sword swung to the ground, and the sword light exploded around them, completely sweeping [-] degrees without dead ends.

"Ghost World!"

The ghost mother was forced to show up, desperate to use her strongest means to summon the ghost world.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Liuhe Island was shrouded in the ghost world, and the ghosts on the Liuhe Island suffered.


Jian Bandao's face changed greatly. If they couldn't stop the ghost ghost mother, the ghost clan on Liuhe Island would become ghosts.

"You forced me! This deity wants all the ghosts on this island to be buried with you!"

The ghost mother said angrily.

"She can't let her realm cover the entire island, otherwise no one on the island will be spared!"

Jian Bandao is a sword master. Although he acts strangely and is both righteous and evil, there is one thing that he is a real sword cultivator, and he naturally has the style of a sword cultivator.

After what he said, Ling Yun was naturally taken aback.Yu Shuirou is still on this island, so whether it is for the ghost clan on this island or for Yu Shuirou, he must prevent the ghost world of the ghost ghost mother from covering the entire island.

It's just that they are all in the ghost world. There are ghosts everywhere, almost all of them are killed. At the same time, the ghost mother is also hidden. It is not easy to find her.

"Can't you break the boundary with the boundary?"

Ling Yun asked anxiously.

"You are also a sword cultivator, can you have some brains? Don't you know that the sword cultivator world has both offensive and defensive capabilities, but is it much smaller than the world of other ghost masters? Moreover, this ghost world is obviously larger than the world of ghost clan. How to break the boundary with the boundary?"

Jian Bandao seemed to see an idiot looking at Ling Yun.

The only place where the Sword Master level is inferior to other seventh-order powerhouses is the scope of the world.Does Lingyun really not know this?Because he is not the real sword master.He belongs to the Dao into the sword, not the sword into the Dao.

Strictly speaking, his kendo is still only the sword realm.And it's only fifth-order, and it can't even reach sixth-order.How could it be known that the realm of kendo is not as large as the realm of other seventh-order powerhouses?
"Uh, extreme pupils!"

Ling Yun was helpless for a while, and could only use his extreme pupils to find the whereabouts of the ghost mother.

The ghost mother displayed her ghost world summon, and derived ghosts, entangled Lingyun and Jian Bandao with ghosts, and took the opportunity to expand the ghost world to cover the entire island.

In this way, she can use the ghosts to devour the ghosts of the ghost clan, and provide her with continuous power to make her stronger.

"I found her, you hold these ghosts, I'll stop her."

Ling Yun found the ghost mother through her extreme pupils.It's just that the guy is too cunning, and has been constantly shifting positions, and the defensive position will be discovered.

So Ling Yun could only go to prevent her from expanding the ghost world.

"No problem! Take the sword as the way, one world and one world! Open..."

The sword half way shows his sword world.He can't break the world with the world, because the scope of his kendo world is too small, and it is insignificant compared to the ghost world.

But with the sword world, it was not a problem to help Ling Yun block the ghosts that were fighting so much.

As soon as the world of kendo opens, ghosts will be executed!Ling Yun naturally managed to get out, and went straight to the ghost mother at the fastest speed.

"Damn it, how did he find me."

The ghost mother saw that Ling Yun was quickly moving towards her position, and her face changed greatly.Through the method of space, he moved several directions in a row, but he couldn't get rid of Lingyun.

(End of this chapter)

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