extreme dog days

Chapter 2963 Father and Son Talking Hearts

Chapter 2963 Father and Son Talking Hearts
"This emperor is tired, you all retreat. Bingyuan is left behind..."

The ice demon waved his hand and said.

"Yes! I'm waiting to retire!"

When the Ghost Emperor spoke, everyone naturally retreated, and soon there were only Bingyuan and Ghost Emperor Bingmo in the discussion hall.

"Father, I don't know if you left the child, is there something wrong?"

Ice edge asked weakly.

"Yuan'er, what do you think about the general trend of the underworld?"

The ice demon looked at the ice edge very seriously.For Bingyuan's mind, his evaluation is very high.And Bingyuan's talent, as the father's ice demon, is naturally clear.

"Father is on top, and the child dare not speak falsely."

There are some ice demons in Bingyuan who can't guess. Although they are father and son, they were born in the emperor's family, and there is very little communication between their father and son.

Coupled with the domineering and sternness of the ice demon, Bingyuan has always maintained a sense of awe towards his father.

"There's only our father and son here, it's all about talking between father and son! Over the years, you have been holding back, not showing off, mainly because you were suppressed by the second wife. But this emperor knows that you are more serious than your other brothers. Smarter and more visionary. Talk about it!"

The ice devil has been watching the ice edge all the time.Even under the pressure of the Second Supreme Being, without his help, he could still accumulate for himself a camp that can be attacked and defended. This ability is something Bing Xuan and the others do not possess.

Even the ice demons are somewhat ashamed.

"The child's aspirations run counter to the father's, and the situation he sees is indeed different from the father's. Since ancient times, it is believed that the five ghost temples in the underworld are elbowing each other, and at the same time supporting each other, because whether it is in the underworld or in the underworld. In addition, there are powerful potential threats. So the boy thinks that the battle of the five temples is okay, but life and death, it should not be!"

Bingyuan said solemnly, he is blaming the ice demon!So after he finished speaking, he looked at him, as if worried that the ice demon would be unhappy.

"Go on!"

The ice demon's expression remained unmoved, whether it was joy or sorrow.

"According to the current situation in the underworld, the five halls are headed by the Xuanjin Ghost Hall, followed by our Black Water Ghost Hall, and then the Aoki Ghost Hall, the Houtu Ghost Hall, and the Chiyan Ghost Hall are the weakest! Except for the five ghost halls, the underworld is the weakest. However, other forces have already sprung up in the middle, such as the unknown force in the Xuanjin Ghost Territory, the Nether Palace in the Aoki Ghost Territory, the potential mysterious force in our Black Water Ghost Territory, and the top ten evil ghost sequences. In the long run, compared to the offset, the Houtu Ghost Temple and the Chiyan Ghost Temple will surpass our other three ghost temples sooner or later."

ice edge analysis.

This is the underworld situation he saw, almost the same as the ice demon.

"Well, you are right. It is precisely because of this that this emperor has always had the heart of the underworld. Before the red flame ghost hall and the thick earth ghost hall were excavated, he annexed it."

It is precisely because the Ice Demon saw this that he designed Chi Zhantian that year, causing civil strife in the Chiyan Ghost Palace.At the same time, let Bingyue calculate the Houtu Ghost Temple, it is a little risky to grasp the power of the Houtu Ghost Temple!
"But the facts have proved that the grand wish of the father is very difficult to realize, isn't it?"

Ice Demon said.

"No, you are wrong. If you give this emperor another three thousand years, this emperor will surely succeed."

Ice Demon said very confidently.

"Emperor Father knows that, in fact, the origin of the unknown force in the Red Gold Ghost Territory."

Ice edge asked back.

"Naturally know that it is a force formed by the Red Gold Ghost Queen. It is specially designed to eliminate the odds for the Golden Emperor."

The Ice Demon naturally knows the origin of the unknown forces that have been dug up in the Red Gold Ghost Territory in the past three thousand years.

"Ha ha!"

Bingyuan smiled.

"You bastard, what are you laughing at, look down on your father."

The ice demon asked coldly, but the words were just the attitude between father and son.

"Child dare not! The father thinks that the emperor has great ambitions, but the boy thinks that the emperor is far inferior to the father, because he is short-hearted as a hero, and his sons and daughters are affectionate. On the contrary, the ambition of the red gold ghost is not worse than that of the father."

The ice devil dare not laugh at the ice devil, he is laughing at the red gold ghost emperor.

Because he knew that almost everyone in the Red Gold Ghost Palace obeyed the Red Gold Ghost Queen, and the Red Gold Ghost Emperor was shaped like a puppet.The grand ambitions of the past are long gone.


The ice demon frowned, lost in thought.He had already heard about the situation of the Red Gold Ghost Palace, but he never thought that the women in the back area of ​​the Red Gold Ghost could actually master the Red Gold Ghost Emperor.

"The Scarlet Gold Ghost Palace has already been in the hands of the Scarlet Gold Ghost Queen, so the Scarlet Gold Ghost Palace is actually in full swing, while the Underworld Palace in the Qingmu Huaiyu actually belongs to the Qingmu Ghost Palace. Therefore, the father wants to unify it. The underworld is difficult. It is too difficult. Even if the father can succeed, it will be a loser for both sides. No matter who takes over the ghost hall in the future, they will not be able to keep the situation, and the five ghost halls in the underworld will be in danger! This is what the child thinks that the five The reason why the ghost palace coexists, can you worry about it."

Bingyuan said solemnly.

"Indeed, this is what this emperor is worried about. Yuan'er, according to legend, you have the support of the sword master in the Wuyouhai Sea, how much do you know about him."

Ice Demon is confident that he has the ability to rule the underworld, he just needs to give him time.But he also understands that if he can't get rid of all the hidden dangers in the underworld, then after unifying the underworld, none of his sons will be able to support the situation.

This is the biggest flaw, so he dared not take that step.

"Not much, but Baer knows he has the same aspirations as Babe."

It is precisely because Bingyuan's ambition is to yearn for peace in the underworld and resist foreign powers that he chooses to help him.

(End of this chapter)

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