extreme dog days

Chapter 2965 Symphony Butterfly Offers

Chapter 2965 Symphony Butterfly Offers

"You, you! Let the concubine tell you what's good about you? The ghost emperor is so painstaking, but you are treated like a donkey's liver and lungs."

Symphony Butterfly stretched out her jade hand and flicked Bing Xuan's forehead.

"Uh, you are saying that my father is partial to me. This is impossible! Now that we are facing a period of competition for the throne, it is very important to make great achievements and accumulate prestige!"

Although the power to decide who becomes the Ghost Emperor is in the hands of the Ghost Emperor Ice Demon, but if the superior has a reputation and merit, the Ice Demon can't help it either!

"Hehe, this is indeed a great achievement, but don't forget to unite with the Red Gold Ghost Palace. In the end, you need to renege on this covenant. This move will inevitably carry the name of perfidy. It will be detrimental to the throne."

Symphony Butterfly rolled his eyes at him and said with a smile.

"Uh, so that's the case! Die'er, it's fortunate that I have you, otherwise this palace would have given up on myself."

Bing Xuan suddenly realized, and his mood instantly became happy. He couldn't help hugging the tired Symphony Butterfly, and was just about to do whatever he wanted.

"This concubine's cultivation can't stand the prince's toss! Please let it go!"

The Symphony Butterfly looked weak, making Bing Xuan feel pity.

"Ha ha!"

Bing Xuan laughed.

"Prince, you can't take it lightly. According to what you said, the fourth emperor may have officially stepped forward to fight for the throne, and he will become your biggest opponent. Moreover, the ghost emperor is obviously more partial to him, otherwise he will not In the end, the matter of the Alliance Hades is handed over to him."

After Symphony Butterfly pushed Bing Xuan away, she reminded him.

"You said my fourth brother. This is impossible! Just by virtue of it, he deserves to be my biggest opponent. Even if I agree, the second wife will not agree."

Bing Xuan didn't seem to care, because in his opinion, Bing Yuan seemed to have already been out of the game.

"That's not necessarily the case. The reason why I rushed here this time is just to tell you. The Fourth Emperor may have already been recognized by the Wangyou Venerable in the Wuyou Sea Area."

Symphony Butterfly had been in the worry-free sea area before. Originally, she planned to help Bing Xuan to form forces in the worry-free sea area, but then the Shadowless Gate and the ghost incident happened, which directly disrupted her plan.

"Oh, so what, Wang You Zun is not the ghost master of our ghost temple after all. He is not qualified to interfere in the ghost emperor dispute."

Bing Xuan said disdainfully.

Not all seventh-order powerhouses are qualified to interfere in their struggle for the throne of the Black Water Ghost Palace at will.At least the current ghost emperor, or two or more ghost halls, must be approved.

"He has, the ghosts in the worry-free sea area were the ones who helped the Fourth Emperor settle down, and it is rumored that he also saved the life of Tianchen Sect Master Chi Feiyu. Based on this, the Fourth Emperor can help him get The recognition of the great madam. At the same time, it is not difficult for the ghost emperor to recognize him with the ability of the fourth emperor! It is the best proof that the ghost emperor handed over the matter of the underworld palace to him."

Symphony Butterfly's ability to look at the overall situation is not bad.

To be honest, if Bing Xuan hadn't gotten her, and she had been supporting her all the time, he would have been replaced long ago as the prince.


Hearing that Ling Yun might get the approval of the Black Water Ghost Emperor and their eldest wife, Bing Xuan had to be cautious.

This means that there is already a ghost master-level powerhouse behind Bing Xuan to stand for him.

In this way, coupled with the fact that he has mastered the two major sea areas of Liuhe and Wuyou at this time, he is indeed qualified to be his biggest opponent.

"I persuaded you back then to pull him at all costs, but you just didn't listen."

Symphony Butterfly said with some complaints.Back then, when Bingxuan pulled Long Bingxuan, it was Huan Caidie's idea.Unfortunately, in the end, I couldn't be stunned.

"His appetite is too great, and he wants to become Tianhe Haiwang. How could Ben Gong agree to this."

The Tianhe sea area is one of the largest sea areas in the Black Water Ghost Domain. At the same time, it has the most troops and is the most prosperous. To become the sea king there, his status is comparable to that of the highest level.

Even the ghost emperor must give him three points.

When Bing Xuan recruited Bing Yuan, Bing Yuan's condition was to make him the Sea King of Tianhe.And this time, the Tianhe Sea King has been directly targeting Bing Xuan.

How could he possibly agree to this.

"Why not! If you make him the King of Tianhe, at least he won't be able to compete with you for the throne in the future, right? It's better now, he has become your biggest opponent."

Symphony Butterfly always believed that Bingyuan would become Bingxuan's biggest competitor.Bingxuan didn't believe it before, but now he can't believe it or not.

"Then what should we do now?"

Bing Xuan was also aware of the threat that Bingyuan brought him.

"The only way to do it today is to do the following three things to be safe."

Symphony Butterfly thought for a moment and said.

"tell me the story."

Bing Xuan asked impatiently.

"The first is to join forces with Princess Bingyue."

"It's not difficult. Although that dead girl Bingyue is a compatriot of Bingyuan, she is much more ruthless than me. She will do anything to achieve her goals, and even betray herself. I believe she will not refuse."

Bing Xuan and Bingyue belong to the same category, they are all for their own purposes, and they can do whatever they can.But as Bing Xuan said.

Bingyue is more ruthless than him.

So although Bingyuan is Bingyue's younger brother, since Bingyuan wants to compete with her for the throne.As long as he finds an opportunity, Bingyue will never keep him.

"The second is Li Dai Taojiang, looking for an opportunity to alienate the relationship between the fourth emperor and Wangyou Zunshang, and replace it! The third is to completely disqualify the fourth emperor from becoming emperor. If the three are successful, the prince will definitely be in the throne."

Symphony Butterfly said solemnly.

"It's not easy!"

Bing Xuan's face darkened.He can easily fulfill the first condition, but the second and third are beyond his control.

(End of this chapter)

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