extreme dog days

Chapter 2985 Bingyuan's thoughts

Chapter 2985 Bingyuan's thoughts

Even when the Thousand Spirit Ghost Sect was at its peak, it was far from inferior.

But if Yu Xingkong was alive, maybe he would know something about that power.

Because the Thousand Spirit Ghost Sect had also participated in the suppression of the Hall of Human Souls in the past.But not five thousand years ago, but ten thousand years ago,

Ling Yun wanted to know about the Hall of Human Souls, and now he was afraid that he had to go to the Hall of Ghosts in the Black Water.

Black Water Ghost Temple
Because Bing Xuan didn't listen to Huan Caidie's advice, he finally lost his power.Although the title of the prince is still hanging, in reality, it has no real name.

To put it bluntly, it was just used as a guise, like a puppet.

On the contrary, the ice edge, the latecomer comes first.In the Tianhe Sea Area, he handled it properly and notified the eldest wife in time to prevent a catastrophe from coming.

Not only saved the Tianhe sea area, but also saved the life of the third Taishang.The third wife was grateful for this, and supported him instead.

In addition, the ice demon canonized Ling Yun as the second emperor of the Black Water, the current ice edge is only the last step, and it is only temporarily suppressed by the ice demon.

As for why he should be suppressed instead of making him the prince, he was naturally thinking of Bingyuan.

He was waiting for Bingyuan to seize the rights in the hands of the other emperors, so that he could be as stable as Mount Tai when he ascended the throne. In fact, the ice demon also wanted to help him clear the threat in the Blackwater Ghost Domain before Bingyuan ascended to the throne.


"Fourth Emperor, you, why are you here?"

Symphony Butterfly was startled when she saw Bingyuan appearing in the secret garden of the Prince's Mansion.

"I've seen the princess. If it's rude, I also ask Haihan. Bingyuan really didn't know that the princess would bathe in the pool garden."

Bingyuan quietly entered the Prince's Mansion in order to see the colorful butterfly.However, he really didn't think of this situation, so he seemed a little embarrassed and hurriedly explained it.

"What kind of prince is there now! If I guessed correctly, the future prince will not only be you, but the future ghost emperor will also be you."

Symphony Butterfly can see clearly, the current situation in the Black Water Ghost Palace, the future Ghost Emperor will definitely be Bingyuan.Unless he is dead, but it is not easy to kill him now.

"In my opinion, as long as you are willing, you will always be the crown princess, and you will also be the queen in the future."

Bingyuan handed Symphony Butterfly's clothes to her and smiled.


Hearing Bingyuan's words, Shan Caidie was stunned, and the hand that reached out to pick up her clothes also stopped in mid-air.As smart as she is, how could she not understand?

Bingyuan stretched out his hand and hugged Symphony Butterfly, who couldn't react, into his arms. Shuania Butterfly was startled by his actions, but before he could react, Bingyuan had already kissed.

In desperation, Symphony Butterfly bit his lips.

"Fourth Emperor, please respect yourself, I am the concubine of Prince Bingxuan after all."

Symphony Butterfly is still a crown princess so far, and she is Bing Xuan's concubine, as everyone in the ghost hall knows.So she felt that Bingyuan's promise to her was nothing but rhetoric.

She is not some gullible little girl who can be deceived by a few words.

"Haha! Do you know why the father emperor knew that Bing Xuan was brave and reckless, but he had plans to make him emperor."

Bingyuan wiped the blood from his mouth and smiled instead of anger.Bing Xuan's IQ really has some arrears, and it stands to reason that he does not have the qualifications to ascend to the emperor.

But because there were Symphony Butterfly behind him all the time, he was in full swing.Therefore, the Symphony Butterfly is Bingxuan Dengdi's biggest trump card.

It is a pity that Bing Xuan failed to use this card well in the end.

"Oh, how about that! If you lose, you will lose. Why should the Fourth Emperor be sarcastic and embarrassing me?"

Symphony Butterfly bit her jade lips and said in a deep voice.She knew that Bingyuan wanted to get her, not because she liked her so easily, but because she wanted to master all the resources in Bingxuan's hands through her.

"It's embarrassing, Huan Caidie, don't you feel sorry for me. If I guessed correctly, you must have offered a plan for Bing Xuan to deal with me, right?"

Bingyuan smiled and asked in turn.

Symphony Butterfly bowed her head, because she was told by Bingyuan.

"Let me guess, what way do you want to deal with me. Set up a frame, right! Because before this. Although I have threatened the position of Prince Bingxuan, it may not be out of control."

Bingyuan said with a smile.

"You, you are terrible."

Symphony Butterfly took a step back and took a deep breath.

"No, it's just the ability to protect myself. Do you know what I've been unmarried for all these years?"

Bingyuan is the only one among all the emperors who has not yet been married, and even has zero scandals.However, he always had a concubine candidate in his heart.

That is Phantom Butterfly.

From the first time he saw Symphony Butterfly, he was deeply infatuated with her.It's just that he was weak before, and the Symphony Butterfly was out of reach for him.

Even back then, Symphony Butterfly lobbied him on behalf of Bing Xuan, if Bing Xuan could really agree to make him the Sea King of Tianhe, he would choose to submit to Bing Xuan.

It’s a pity that Bing Xuan finally underestimated Bingyuan.It is precisely because of this that the ice edge has been excavated today.

Now Bingyuan has almost been accepted as the successor of the Ghost Emperor, and he has enough abilities, so he naturally wants to win the Symphony Butterfly.

First, this is what he loves in his heart, and secondly, it is just as Symphony Butterfly thinks.As long as Bingyuan gets her, he can master Bingxuan's resources and power.

After three, there will be Symphony Butterfly to help him, and it will be even more powerful for him to master the ghost palace.

(End of this chapter)

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