extreme dog days

Chapter 2987 Rumors of Bingyuan

Chapter 2987 Rumors of Bingyuan
However, this rumor that year was eventually forgotten as Bingyuan forbearance.But now that the edge of the ice is digging up, the eldest wife is worried that it will be used as an excuse.

After all, Bingyuan has not been married all these years.

"Uh, Mr. Chi didn't mention it, but the old man forgot. Four emperors, you won't..."

Sapichu frowned and looked at the edge of the ice.

If Bingyuan really had that hobby, it would be a big problem.

"Haha! Shazu thinks too much. I'm very good!"

Bingyuan smiled.The reason why he has not married all these years is because of a dream in his heart.Now that dream has come true, I am in a good mood.

Who said there is something wrong with his orientation, but he has been relying on the arms of beautiful women for the past two days.

"Uh! It's fine. According to the old man's opinion, it is better to let Chi Lao make a plan. How about the fourth emperor's son marrying the daughter of the Yu family."

Shabiqiu just clapped his hands, looked at Chi Hualong and said.

Although the Yu Family is not a big clan in the Black Water Ghost Domain, the contemporary ancestor of the Yu Family is the Fourth Grand Master of the Black Water Ghost Palace.The fourth Taishang and the eldest wife Shangchi family are family friends.

It's just that these four princes have weird temperaments. Although they are the fourth princes of the Ghost Palace, they almost never ask about the Ghost Palace, and they have always remained neutral when it comes to the emperor's struggle for the throne.

It's just that the Yu family once revealed the news that the fourth Taishang has always been haunted by the death of the mother of the ice mania, and threatened to keep the ice maniac.Whether the four Taishang fully supported the ice mad ascension to the emperor, but did not explicitly say.

Bingyuan is now the general trend. As long as he marries the daughter of the Yu family, since the Fourth Taishang will not directly stand in line, he will not come forward to stop him.


Chi Hualong also felt that this method was feasible.As long as Bingyuan gets the support of the fourth prince, or he doesn't object, then even if the second prince objects, it won't hurt.

"Uh, I don't need to worry about my second ancestor. Concubine Gui, I have a heart. Huan'er, come in!"

Bingyuan also brought Shan Caidie today, because he knew that when he came to see the eldest wife and the third wife, they would definitely mention the matter of the ghost concubine.



Both Chi Hualong and Shabichu had seen the Symphony Butterfly.Isn't this a princess?It seems to be fine!Bingyuan also wants to marry her, and soon Bingyuan will replace Bingxuan as the prince. This Shan Caidie is still the crown princess.

"Her name is Huanmengdie, Huan'er, she has never seen the second ancestor."

Bingyuan said with a smile.Symphony Butterfly has a past.Bingyuan may not care, but it is not good to spread it out, so changing the name is justified.

Although everyone is well aware of this matter, as long as Bingyuan takes the top position and becomes the Ghost Emperor, no one will dare to mention it.

"Huan'er sees the eldest wife and the third wife!"

Symphony Butterfly stepped forward and saluted with a well-behaved look.


Shabiqiu couldn't react. He wanted to ask Chi Hualong, is this really good?But Chi Hualong laughed.

"Haha... Fantasy Dream Butterfly, wonderful, really wonderful. How about you become the granddaughter of this old man from now on."

Chi Hualong quickly understood Bingyuan's intention.

It was a wise move for Bingyuan to accept Symphony Butterfly as a concubine.

Not only can he hold the beauty Xu, but also get the help of Shua Caidie, and easily seize the power of Prince Bingxuan, as well as his resources.

And Symphony Butterfly is smart, and with her help, Bingyuan is even more powerful.

It's just that Symphony Butterfly's eyes are blurred. Although she has received Bingyuan's love in her heart, she is like a rootless duckweed, but she feels that there is no guarantee.

This time, Bingyuan brought Huan Caidie to see their second elders, but I just hope that their second elders can give Huan Caidie a guarantee?


Symphony Butterfly did not expect that the eldest wife would accept her as a granddaughter, which made her flattered.

"Huan'er, why are you stunned, why don't you call Grandpa soon?"

Bingyuan patted her seductively behind her and smiled.

"Huan'er, see Grandpa."

Symphony Butterfly came back to her senses and hurriedly knelt down to salute.

"Okay. Huan'er, this is a gift from your grandfather to protect your body! If the four emperors dare to bully you in the future, tell grandpa, and grandpa will never forgive this kid."

Chi Hualong took out a power jade talisman from his sleeve and gave it to Symphony Butterfly as a gift.

Not only can you defend yourself, but you can also feel the power of heaven and earth, which is helpful for practice.

"Thank you grandpa. You are not allowed to bully me in the future!"

Symphony Butterfly took the jade talisman and said happily to Bingyuan.

"Bullying you, how can I be willing, it's too late to hurt you! Haha!"

Bingyuan reached out and hugged her in his arms, smiling.

"Uh, haha... It seems that my three grandfathers also have to pay for it! Since Mr. Chi has given you the Jade Talisman of Power, then the old man will not get an axe and give you a token."

Although Sha Sanqiu is not shrewd, he is not stupid either.Chi Hualong accepted Symphony Butterfly as his granddaughter, which is obviously the meaning of Bingyuan.Representing the future Symphony Butterfly, it will become the Queen of Black Water.

Even if he is the Supreme Being of the Ghost Palace and his status is not below the Queen's Palace, he still has to think about his descendants, so it is right to please him.

A token, but it represents that behind the Symphony Butterfly is not only the eldest wife, but also the third wife.

Bingyuan had previously told Huan Caidie that after she ascended to the palace, there would be no sound to stop her, and now it has come true.

Holding the token, Symphony Butterfly was moved to tears.

At this moment, a ghost servant came in, this is the ghost servant of the eldest wife Chi Hualong.

"Your Majesty, there are ghost messengers outside saying that there is an urgent matter to see the Fourth Emperor."

The ghost servant said respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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