extreme dog days

Chapter 3023 Hell Wheel Chapter: Scythe Shadow

Chapter 3023 Hell Reincarnation: Scythe Shadow
However, I have never heard of anyone who has mastered the reincarnation of hell.

"Reincarnation in hell? Maybe I can help you try..."

Isn't Lingyun mastering the reincarnation of hell?And can hell reincarnation really heal the wound of the soul path? This is the first time he has heard of it, so he is not sure.

"Uh, you mean, you, you master the reincarnation of hell."

Luo Tian naturally wouldn't think that Ling Yun would be willing to exchange his life for his life to help him heal the wound of the soul path. What he thought of was the second one, Ling Yun mastered the legendary hell cycle.

This is incredible.

Ling Yun stretched out his hand, and Hell Reincarnation appeared in the palm of his hand.

"This...this is true...the breath of reincarnation!"

Although Luo Tian didn't know what the reincarnation of hell looked like, but as a ghost master-level powerhouse, he could naturally sense the aura of reincarnation when he came into contact with the power of heaven and earth.

I couldn't help but slap myself hard and felt pain before I believed it was true.The legendary hell cycle really exists.

And the Lord of Reincarnation of Hell is standing in front of him.

"I don't know if the reincarnation of hell can really heal your soul wound. If you want, I can give it a try..."

Ling Yun asked.

He wants to put the reincarnation of hell into Luo Tian's body and control the reincarnation of hell to destroy the wound of the soul, which of course requires Luo Tian's consent.

"This old man has suffered from five thousand years of soul burning, and he has already had enough. Even if I die, this old man is willing to give it a try, but if this old man dies unfortunately, I will ask the second emperor to protect my Luo family, thank you."

Luo Tian wasn't afraid of death, just worried about his family.

Ling Yun was not sure about using the reincarnation of hell to enter the body to clear the wounds of the soul path, and it was also a very dangerous thing. Once he failed, Luo Tian would surely die.

"Okay! But if you succeed, you will survive, and you will be the guardian of Cidi Island for the rest of your life."

Luo Tian had begged him, and it was naturally impossible for him to save Luo Tian for free.If Luo Tian's Soul Dao wound can be cured, then he will have an extra subordinate of a ghost master-level powerhouse by his side.

However, Luo Tian's Soul Dao injury has been five thousand years old, and even if the injury is healed, it is impossible for him to recover.

"The old man promises you! As long as the emperor is the second emperor of Heishui, the old man will obey you. But if you are the enemy of the Heishui Ghost Palace, the old man can only do so not to be the enemy of you."

Although Luo Tian was no longer the ghost emperor of the Heishui Ghost Temple, he saved him twice when he took office as the Heishui Ghost Emperor. The reason why he saved this wreckage five thousand years ago was also due to his appointment as the Heishui Ghost Emperor. .

Ling Yun pushed Hell Reincarnation into Luo Tian's body, Luo Tian immediately sat cross-legged and protected the ghost body with strength, otherwise his ghost body would be destroyed by Hell Reincarnation.

The reincarnation of hell opened in Luo Tian's body, and Ling Yun's spiritual consciousness was attached to it to find the source of Luo Tian's soul injury.This Soul Dao injury was when a Soul Master-level powerhouse was about to die, using his own Soul Dao origin to break into Luo Tian's body.

The source of the other party's soul path is a desolate ancient flame python. This desolate ancient flame python has been entangled in Luo Tian's life path, suppressing each other. In most cases, Luo Tian's life has the upper hand.

It's just that the soul path has stayed in Luo Tian's body for five thousand years, and the origin of the soul path has already penetrated the internal organs and the meridians.

Every once in a while, Soul Dao will suppress Luo Tian's life, so that he can experience the pain of Soul Dao burning his body.That's simply life rather than death.

The ancient flame python, the source of the soul path, was obviously very afraid when he saw the reincarnation of hell.Although provocative, but did not dare to attack rashly.

Luo Tian's life took the opportunity to suppress the source of the soul path, so that Ling Yun's hell reincarnation could have a chance to take action.

The source of Soul Dao was stunned and panicked immediately.He struggled with all his strength, causing Luo Tian's soul to burn his body.The meridians of his whole body were instantly swallowed up by the flame poison of the ancient flame python and burned.


This time, it was more ferocious than the previous Soul Dao Burning Body, and the pain it brought to Luo Tian was ten times higher than before.At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had persisted for five thousand years, also had the idea of ​​dying.

The strength of the whole body is constantly dissipating, and the original desolate ancient fire python that suppresses the soul path is also getting weaker and weaker.

If it wasn't for Luo Tian's life to quell the ancient flame python, then Ling Yun's infernal reincarnation in Luo Tian's body would not be able to help him at all.

"Luo Lao, there is only one chance. If you give up, you will die. And I will also be affected by it, and the previous promise will not count!"

Ling Yun shouted.

Luo Tianmeng had the idea of ​​death, it was too dangerous.So he can only threaten him, hoping to inspire his fighting spirit to live.


Luo Tian's mouth overflowed with blood, gritted his teeth and persisted.

The ancient flame python, which was about to escape from the cycle of hell, was once again suppressed by Luo Tian's life.Ling Yun knew that Luo Tian wouldn't last long.

If you don't get rid of that desolate ancient flame python as soon as possible, once Luo Tian can't support it, it will be over.So speed up the reincarnation of hell and burn the spiritual consciousness that is attached to the reincarnation of hell.

The reincarnation of hell suddenly changed, and a black shadow holding a sickle condensed from the reincarnation of hell, and it directly cut the ancient flame python into two pieces with one knife.

The ancient flame python was beheaded, and its soul source immediately collapsed, colliding with the reincarnation of hell.

With Luo Tian as the center, a powerful force was discharged, sending Ling Yun flying a dozen feet away. The reincarnation of hell produced a backlash, but it inspired the protection of the Heaven and Earth Merit Pool in Ling Yun's body.

"What happened just now?"

Ling Yun was a little stunned, that is to say, the black shadow of the sickle that appeared in the reincarnation of hell just now was triggered, not controlled by him.

After regaining his senses, he hurriedly sat cross-legged, revolving the cycle of hell in his body, and he wanted to know what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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