extreme dog days

Chapter 3039 Ghost Palace Merit Pool

Chapter 3039 Ghost Palace Merit Pool

"The first evil ghost, you are talking about the ghost Tathagata! He is my father."

Gui Mei'er replied without hesitation.It's no secret that her father is the first of the ten evil spirits.

It doesn't prevent her from becoming a black water ghost.

Back then, it was precisely to deal with her father that she married the Ice Demon.

"Uh, I have seen the Queen."

As soon as Ling Yun heard it, he naturally knew Gui Mei'er's identity and saluted slightly.

"Who are you. Even if you know me, but you break into this place, then you shouldn't be a member of the Ghost Palace. Did the Ghost Tathagata send you here?"

Gui Mei'er's expression changed slightly, and he became alert.If Ling Yun didn't know her, then she would think that Ling Yun was the new judge in the Ghost Palace.

But knowing her identity, she naturally suspected that Ling Yun was sent by her father, Ghost Tathagata, to infiltrate the Ghost Palace.It wasn't before.

But those who came before were all beheaded by her.Because she is a quasi-ghost master level, ordinary ghost saints are not her opponents at all.But just now she shot, but was easily resolved by Ling Yun, it can be seen that Ling Yun's strength is not inferior to her.

"Hey, it has leveled the world and shook all directions, and Kuanggushuo has left a fierce name today. I want to become a devil!" This is a book written by the Ghost Emperor, can I go in and read it? "

This couplet is unparalleled domineering, but the horizontal criticism seems to carry guilt.This made Ling Yun very curious. He wanted to know what would make him feel guilty for a generation of heroes like the Ice Demon.


Gui Mei'er was startled and hurriedly blocked the door.What a joke, this is the Spirit Hall, which hides one of the two secrets of the Ice Demon.

It was the one thing he couldn't forgive himself the most in his life.


Ling Yun frowned, and did not intend to forcefully go in to see his plans.

"Old Chi, you are finally here, he..."

Seeing Chi Hualong coming, Gui Mei'er was relieved.

"Don't worry about the queen, he is the Emperor Wangyou! He broke into this place unintentionally, the emperor, the ghost emperor has been waiting for a long time, please..."

Chi Hualong said with a smile.

"Uh! He is Wangyou!"

The ghost was surprised.Of course, she had already heard about Ling Yun's support for her son Bing Yuan, but she didn't know Ling Yun's name or what Ling Yun looked like.

"Old man, are they also ghost concubine?"

Following Chi Hualong all the way out of Xiwan, Lingyun noticed the women living in Xiwan. Some of these women looked very old, while others looked sick, but it seemed that their The identities are not simple, at least there are maids and maids around.

Is this the ghost concubine?
Ling Yun was very curious, although the Ice Demon's life expectancy is approaching, it shouldn't be so heavy.Looking for such a woman to be a ghost concubine.

"You should have also heard about the ghost emperor's practice of secret techniques!"

Chi Hualong got the permission of the ice demon, so naturally he didn't have to hide it from Ling Yun.

"Does it have anything to do with them?"

Ling Yun frowned and seemed to have guessed something.

"Not bad. Alas!"

Chi Hualong responded and sighed at the same time.

These women are all poor.They enjoy the glory and preciousness of most of their lives here, and the family has been taken care of by the ghost temple because of this, but they have also paid the price of their lives for this, and in the end they will not end well.

This is not necessarily what they want, but they have no choice.

And the original ice demon also had no choice.If he is not strong, how can he hold up the Black Water Ghost Palace at that time!

Ling Yun glanced at the ghost concubines, and although he sympathized, he couldn't control it, because it belonged to the ice devil's family.

There is a large lake in the center of Diwan, and a small island of about [-] square meters in the center of the lake, called an island within an island, which is also the core of Diwan.

There are no houses and palaces built on the island within the island, only a large pavilion, and the ice devil is in the pavilion at this moment.

Although the distance between the island in the island and the shore is only 100 meters, even the seventh-order powerhouses cannot fly across directly, and can only rely on wooden boats to cross the water.

Because this big water lake is actually the merit pool of the Black Water Ghost Temple.

"Pool of Merit!"

Ling Yun stepped on the canoe, his face changed slightly.The merit pool in his body was affected by the great water lake. If it wasn't for the fact that his merit pool had already merged with him and turned into a true body of merit, I'm afraid that when he stepped on the canoe, the merit pool would flow into this great pool. in the lake.

"Uh, good insight. Yes, this water lake is the merit pool of our Black Water Ghost Temple. The merit pool is infinitely useful. As a minister of the Ghost Temple, everyone can dip in the water of merit and be sheltered by merit."

Chi Hualong said very proudly.

Because the five ghost halls all have merit pools and are sheltered by merit, the ministers of the ghost halls not only practice faster, but are far faster than ordinary ghosts.

This is also the reason why there are so many ghost clans scrambling to join the five ghost temples.

"Don't touch it. The merit pool is controlled by the master of merit. If you don't have permission, you will be attacked by the merit pool."

Ling Yun was curious and reached out to try the water in this pool of merit, whether it was real water or fake water.Fortunately, Chi Hualong stopped him in time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid something big will happen.

The merit pool, if anyone can use it casually, then what is the use of the ghost emperor in the five ghost halls.The ghost emperor, even the master of the merit pool of the ghost temple, suppresses the merit pool.

It is precisely because of this that as a ghost emperor, he can be supported by all the ghost tribes in the ghost temple.

Although Ling Yun is now the second emperor of the Black Water, he has not yet received the water from the Merit Pond given by the Black Water Ghost Emperor, so he does not have the merit and protection of the Black Water Ghost Temple.

"what sound!"

Chi Hualong frowned slightly when he heard the movement from the water lake. Before he could react, the water lake suddenly set off a huge wave, and then a water dragon rushed out and rushed towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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