extreme dog days

Chapter 3041 Soul Lead

Chapter 3041 Soul Lead
"Have you heard of the nine secluded land over there in the Scarlet Flame Ghost Territory."

the ice demon asked.

"I heard it, I understand, you mean the cracks in the world!"

Ling Yun reacted and looked at the ice demon in surprise.

"Well, that's also called the loophole of heaven and earth! There are only two places in the underworld, one is in the glacial land, and it is rumored that it was left behind in the early days of ancient times. And the land of nine secluded places that appeared in the red flame ghost realm , but it was caused by that war in the early days. It has always been filled with the merits of the five halls of the underworld! The Chiyan Ghost Hall and the Houtu Ghost Hall are responsible for the suppression. In the past, the other three halls occasionally sent strong men I went there to help in the battle, but after that, there were constant changes in the Black Water Ghost Territory, so I withdrew."

The reason why the power of heaven and earth has not been lost in the underworld, and the merits of heaven and earth still exist, is precisely because the five ghost temples fill the loopholes in the land of Jiuyou with the merits of heaven and earth.

In tens of thousands of years, the five ghost temples have also worked together to fight against the alien races in the land of Jiuyou.It was only later that there were differences, so the other three halls withdrew from the land of Jiuyou.

In fact, if it wasn't for the discord between the five ghost halls, the loopholes in the nine secluded land would have been filled long ago.

Back then, in the battle of Dou World against Soul Dao, there was only one loophole in the underworld when it was affected. The Dou World was the main battlefield at that time, and there were probably more than one loophole in the world.

And those powerhouses who survived the fight against Soul Dao back then also went to those loopholes in the world to defend against alien races.

"Because of the Hall of Human Souls, right?"

Back then, the biggest reason why the Blackwater Ghost Palace was withdrawn from the Nine Netherlands was because of the existence of the Human Soul Palace.In other words, the Hall of Human Souls appeared in the underworld for tens of thousands of years.

"Yes! The existence of the Human Soul Temple is like a stab in the throat for the Black Water Ghost Temple! The Black Water Ghost Temple has tried to exterminate them more than once for tens of thousands of years, but in the end it was a complete failure. Five thousand years ago, he took office as the Ghost Emperor. The other four temples supported it," even destroying the Hall of Human Souls at all costs. In that battle, the Black Water Ghost Hall and the previous Ghost Emperor lost the three main ghost masters.Even the Qingmu Huai Temple also lost one person. "

The five-thousand-year battle in the Evil Spirit Sea was the nightmare of the Black Water Ghost Palace. The three powerful ghost masters were killed at one time, and the blow to the Black Water Ghost Palace was huge, so that the interior of the Black Water Ghost Palace was in chaos.

If the ice demon was in the upper position, if he hadn't practiced the secret technique, he wouldn't be able to control the situation at that time.

Chi Hualong didn't know that Lingyun had heard Luo Tian talk about the battle five thousand years ago, so he continued:

"In the original battle, we all thought that the Hall of Human Souls was completely wiped out, but just over a thousand years ago, the Hall of Human Souls was revived. If it wasn't for the Ghost Emperor's action, it would be forcibly suppressed. The Black Water Ghost Territory would not have the situation today."

"Is the Hall of Human Souls able to make a comeback because there were remnants of those who escaped back then?"

Ling Yun asked curiously.

"No, it's because of Soul Yin! As long as Soul Yin is not destroyed, the Hall of Human Souls can continue to create new powerhouses."

Five thousand years ago, the Heishui Ghost Palace destroyed the Hall of Human Souls at all costs, but the whereabouts of Soul Yin were not found, which led to a comeback after more than a thousand years.

As for the matter of soul lead, he actually did not know about the Heishui Ghost Emperor.

But the ice demon went to the Hall of Human Souls alone more than a thousand years ago, but unexpectedly discovered the soul lead.The Human Soul Hall also relies on Soul Yin to forcibly empower the sixth-order powerhouse to reach the seventh-order.

"The whereabouts of the soul lead?"

Ling Yun and Chi Hualong both looked at the ice demon, even Chi Hualong didn't know about it.


The ice demon nodded.

"If you want to destroy the soul guide, how confident are you!"

Ling Yun had already determined that the Human Soul Temple was the power of the Soul Dao, so he naturally wanted to destroy it, but if he couldn't destroy the so-called Soul Yin, it would be meaningless to attack the Human Soul Temple.

"As long as he can hold back the powerhouses in the Hall of Human Souls, this Emperor can destroy Soul Yin. However, the number of soul masters in the Hall of Human Souls today is probably far more than five fingers. And the current Master of the Hall of Human Souls is not strong either. under the Emperor."

More than a thousand years ago, the Ice Demon went to the Hall of Human Souls alone. At that time, the Hall of Human Souls already had five soul masters who were equivalent to ghost masters.

At that time, he could outperform the Soul Hall Master, but he couldn't hold back that there were four other Good Fortune Soul Masters to join forces with him, so although he discovered Soul Yin at that time, he had no chance to destroy it.

Later, when he brought the ghost master of the Black Water Ghost Temple, the Human Soul Temple had already retired.

"More than five good-fortune soul masters! Hiss..."

When Ling Yun heard this, he couldn't help gasping for air.If it is said that there are three to four good-fortune soul masters in the Hall of Human Souls, Ling Yun can still accept it.

But there are more than five good fortune soul masters!
That seems to be stronger than the Black Water Ghost Palace at present.

It's no wonder that the ice demon has been slow to move the soul hall.

"At present, in addition to this emperor, there are only four Supreme Beings who have reached the level of ghost masters in the Black Water Ghost Palace. If you are a warrior, it is impossible to make all of them. At the same time, among these four Supreme Beings, only two are willing to fight to the death. However, in the case of the ghost palace, this emperor can only bring one person to go there, and the other needs to guard the ghost palace in case there is any change."

Although the Ice Demon is the Black Water Ghost Emperor, but of the four Supreme Beings in the Ghost Palace, only two are truly loyal to him and the Ghost Palace.Of course, as long as he is alive, the other two Supremes will naturally obey him.

It's just that if they fight to the death for the ghost palace, I'm afraid they can't do it.

At least that is the case with the second wife, Leng Fengcan,

Ling Yun took a deep breath.He also has some understanding of the situation of Heishui Guili, so he has difficulty understanding the ice demon.

(End of this chapter)

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