extreme dog days

Chapter 3051 Super Ship

Chapter 3051 Super Ship
"Hehe, if we can't come back, then you have lost."

Ling Yun smiled.

"Ah, eldest brother, I have tried my best. After all, it is not something I can contend against at the seventh rank or above."

Bingyuan said helplessly.

With his cultivation strength, it is already very good to be able to stay alone.

"Don't be discouraged, this time, the third grand master of the Ghost Palace should stay to help you, and I will also leave you a move on the second emperor island! I hope you don't have to use it. By the way, you said that the palace of the underworld is fighting with the black. The Water Ghost Palace is fighting, what's going on?"

Lingyun still didn't know that Ming Yao thought he was dead, so he was angry with the Heishui Ghost Palace, and was trying to find trouble for the Heishui Ghost Palace at all costs.

It's just that the Black Water Ghost Palace and the Chijin Ghost Palace are currently united. If the Aoki Ghost Palace hadn't fully assisted, the Nether Palace would have suffered a great loss.

"We don't know much about this. It's just that the Nether Palace didn't know what the wind was blowing. It even blocked all the coasts of the Black Water Ghost Territory and prohibited the ghost palace from trading! As a last resort, we can only join forces with the Chijin Ghost Palace. , but our Black Water Ghost Palace has no intention to be an enemy of the Nether Palace, so the alliance with the Red Gold Ghost Palace is just an expedient measure, just to make the Nether Palace jealous and negotiate with us!"

The Netherworld suddenly attacked their Black Water Ghost Palace, and the Black Water Ghost Palace was also at a loss.Because no matter when, their Black Water Ghost Palace never thought of being an enemy of the Underworld.

"Oh! Or about the alliance of the Underworld, I can help you! You go to the Underworld, and if you see the Lord of the Underworld, tell her that I'm still alive, and this matter is over, I will go to find her and let her She doesn't mind."

Ling Yun seemed to have guessed why the Underworld wanted to attack the Black Water Ghost Palace.

It's not because the Underworld thinks it was the Black Water Ghost Temple that killed him.

"Yao'er, wait for me!"

This is also considered Ling Yun to hear the news of Ming Yao.If it wasn't for Ming Yao, how could the Underworld suddenly start a war with the Black Water Ghost Palace?

"Ah, big brother, you know the Lord of the Underworld."

As Bingyuan knows, the Lord of the Underworld has always been mysterious.So far, not many have seen the Lord of the Underworld, let alone what she looks like.

The only thing I know is that the lord of the underworld is very beautiful, and it is rumored that she has a match with Yu Shuirou, the number one beauty in the underworld for three thousand years.

"When you see her, you should call her sister-in-law."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"What, big brother, don't cheat on me! If not, I will be beaten to death."

The Lord of the Underworld is like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks. So far, it has never been reported that the Lord of the Underworld has anything to do with the man.

If you mistakenly recognize your relatives, you will be very likely to be beaten to death.

"Haha... I still have things to do, I hope to see you again, and then I can have a drink with you."

Ling Yun laughed, got up and left.He also needs to rush back to the Wangyou Sea to find the Sky Devouring Silkworm, and then go to lobby the ancient evil dragon to attack the Human Soul Hall with them.

"A Yuan, is the emperor gone?"

Symphony Butterfly came in with tea, this is the tea she brewed herself.

"Well! Hiss, Huan'er, are you going?"

Bingyuan took the teacup handed by Symphony Butterfly, took a deep breath and said.


When the Symphony Butterfly heard it, she immediately cried.

"Don't cry, I'm alive, I'll pick you up. Okay? With the current situation, I don't know if I can protect you. I don't want what happened today to really happen. In that case, my life still has meaning. Is it?"

Bingyuan didn't want Symphony Butterfly, on the contrary, he cared about her too much.

Especially what happened today!
Let him clearly realize that the Symphony Butterfly has become his weakness.He is really afraid that what he has finally acquired will be lost.

"I don't care, you go there, I'll go there, you live, I dance with you, if I die, I'll be buried for you, don't drive me away... I beg you..."

Symphony Butterfly said while crying.


Ling Yun left the Bingyuan mansion and returned to Cidi Island first, because he needed to explain Luo Tian and let him secretly protect Bingyuan in case something changed.

If Bingyuan were to die, then his alliance with Heishui Ghost Temple would cease to exist, even if he was still the second emperor of Blackwater, it would not help.

After he met Luo Tian, ​​he happened to meet Wei Kui who was waiting for him on Cidi Island. At the invitation of Wei Kui, he went with him to the super sea outside the Thirty-Six Islands of Heishui for the Underworld Auction. ferry.

This ship is one of the seven largest ships in the underworld. Lingyun has been in the underworld for so long, and this is the first time he has seen such a huge ship.

Moreover, the least thing lacking in the underworld auction is money, so this sea ship is definitely the most luxurious among the seven sea ships.

Even if the ghost saints are fighting on the boat, they cannot directly destroy the hull, and the speed of travel is also higher than that of ordinary sea ships.

This ship is considered a base for the Underworld Auction to move in the Blackwater Ghost Domain.If the auction is held in the Blackwater Ghost Domain by the Underworld Auction, it will usually be held on this sea ship.

"This sea ship may not be too big! Your underworld auction is really luxurious."

"Hey, there's no way, whoever asks the underworld auction will have more money! How about it, are you interested in joining our underworld auction! How about I give you the position of the chief executive."

Wei Kui knew that Ling Yun was now the equivalent of a ghost master. If he could be drawn into the underworld auction, it would undoubtedly greatly increase the power of the underworld auction.

Make the Underworld Auction's position in the underworld stronger.

After all, over the past thousand years, how many forces have been eyeing the underworld auction.

(End of this chapter)

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