extreme dog days

Chapter 3083 Scam

Chapter 3083 Scam
It looked deeply at the sky-devouring silkworm, it didn't say anything, and didn't seem to want to force the sky-devouring silkworm to help it.It was afraid of losing the Celestial Eater.

However, the sky-devouring silkworm knows that this will become the inner demon of the jade armored sea leech.

"You also know that we are friends, why did you pretend not to know each other just now! Do you blame me? Devouring the sky, I'm not joking with you. With your ability, there may not be any danger. You just need to help me entangle a fellow The strong one can do it!"

Lingyun knew the virtues of the sky-devouring silkworm very well, and it was really difficult to force it to help it.Before that, he was still thinking about how he could convince the Sky Devouring Silkworm to take action.

Unexpectedly, the sky-devouring silkworm actually paired up.

"Hmph |"

The Heaven-devouring Silkworm snorted coldly, ignoring Lingyun.

But it clearly agrees!
"Sir, you are back, your former friend has left..."

Returning to the previous sea, Gu Shuiyue was still there waiting for Ling Yun, but the Evil Zun had already left.

"Oh! Hehe. Why don't you go..."

Ling Yun had long guessed that the evil lord would leave, so it was not surprising at all.On the contrary, Gu Shuiyue was only a fourth-rank ghost fairy, but he took the risk and stayed here to wait for him to come back.


Gu Shuiyue lowered her head.He actually wanted to go too.But he was worried that he would encounter spirit beasts attacking the ship again on the way.With his cultivation, he can't bear it.

Also, there is the issue of integrity.

So in the end he chose to stay.

"Let's go……"

Lingyun let the sky-devouring silkworm and the jade-jacketed leech go back to the Wuyou ship first, while he took the ship of Gushuiyue, ready to send him back.

Although the battle in Beihai is now over, the spirit beast frenzy has not completely subsided.If Gu Shuiyue is allowed to return to the beast-killing ship alone, it is estimated that he will become the belly of the spirit beast before he is halfway there.

"Well, isn't that Leng's ship?"

Lingyun originally planned to send Gu Shuiyue to the island and then leave, but when he came to the coast, he saw the Leng family's ship docked near the island.

It stands to reason that Leng Qiansui and the others were reprimanded by him to leave the island, so they should not dare to return to the island in a short time.

But at this time, the Leng family's sea boat docked near the island and was far away from the island's pier, indicating that they quietly went to the island for fear of being discovered by him.

Then on this island, there must be something that their Leng family values.

With curiosity, Ling Yun simply went to the island with Gushuiyue, but he took off his mask and covered his breath with the power of heaven and earth.

As long as he is not a ghost master who masters the power of heaven and earth, he will not be able to find out that he is a human race.

Gu Shuiyue carried Ling Yun to Beihai, and this trip made 5 million money.He could just use the 5 million ghost money to redeem the body of Liniang from Zuipinxianglou.

The Zuipin Fragrance Tower is one of the largest incense towers on the six nearby Jie Dao, and Liniang is one of the four top brands of their Fragrant Towers.

The redemption price is as high as 5 million Mingqian.

5 million is not something ordinary ghost cultivators can afford.Moreover, there are no oiran girls in Xianglou here.

The so-called Xiangloutou card, although not bad, is the most popular girl.Ordinary ghost cultivators are not willing to spend this money to redeem their lives, let alone marry them.

However, this Liniang is good at sweet and secret words, but more than one Gushuiyue has been fascinated by her, and those in the know can only express sympathy.

Because even if persuaded, it is impossible to persuade.That's the beauty of that lady.Only after suffering her losses can you see her true colors.

"Li Niang, I'm here. Look..."

After Gu Shuiyue sent Ling Yun to the island, she didn't even bother to clean up, and immediately went to the drunken fragrance building, and ordered Liniang to accompany him at twice the price.

The moment he saw Liniang, he threw the 5 million Mingqian Pass in front of her.

"Wow! So many! You, you're here! It's amazing!"

Liniang's acting skills are superb, does she seem to have never seen 5 million money?But she acted as if she had never seen money, and looked at Gu Shuiyue with admiration.

"What I earned today, how is it, not great! Worship or not!"

Seeing Liniang's adoring expression, Gu Shuiyue couldn't mention how proud she was.

"It's so admirable! Boo! How did you earn it?"

Liniang was of course surprised to hear that Gu Shuiyue earned 5 million money in just one day.

She can earn 5 million Mingqian in one day, which is more than her being the top girl here at Zuipinxianglou.If Gu Shuiyue can earn 5 million money every day in the future, or 1 million, Liniang really considers following him.

But after listening to Gu Shuiyue explain the origin of his 5 million ghost money, she still admires him on the lips, but she is very disappointed and contemptuous in her heart.

She didn't show it, just to get Gu Shuiyue's 5 million ghost money.

"Li Niang, marry me, I'll take you away..."

Gu Shuiyue very naively handed over 5 million money to Liniang so that she could redeem herself, and then he couldn't wait to kneel down on one knee and propose to her.

Even the flowers are ready.

"Go with you? Young Master Gu, stop joking, can you afford me?"

With 5 million Mingqian in hand, Liniang's face changed.


Poor Gushuiyue hasn't reacted yet!

He thinks the plot shouldn't be like this. When Liniang sees him proposing, shouldn't she cover her mouth first, show a look of disbelief, then she is moved to tears, and then she jumps over to hug him and say I'm willing?
(End of this chapter)

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