extreme dog days

Chapter 3094 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 3094 The Lion's Big Opening

Zhanjia Mine, the owner of Zuipinxianglou learned that Gushuiyue was hidden in Zhanjia's mine, and rushed over in person at the first time.

The power and status of the Zhan family on the Beast Extermination Island, but above the Zuipinxianglou, if there is no support from the Lengjia, how can the Zuipinxianglou dare to challenge the Zhanjia.

"Are you sure that kid Gushuiyue is in the Zhanjia mine?"

The Lord of the Drunken Fragrance Tower asked Lei Qianxing cautiously.

"It's true, he saw it with his own eyes. He disguised himself as a miner from this mine and mixed in! He entered the mine before and couldn't escape."

The ghost repairer who reported the letter said with great certainty.

"good very good!"

Tears Qianxing nodded in satisfaction.

"Lord Tears, my..."

The one who reported the letter was naturally for the [-] coin promised by Zuipinxianglou.But he underestimated his sinister heart.Tears Qianxing is a famous miser.

Can he trust it?

It was only a miner from Zhan's family who reported the letter. Even if he was killed, Zhan's family wouldn't even pay attention.And what if you pay attention.

For the sake of the [-] Ming money, he reported to the drunken incense building instead of notifying the Zhan family, which would be tantamount to betraying the Zhan family.He can also count on Zhanjia to seek justice for him.

So dead is dead.

"Lord, there are many ghosts in Zhanjia Mine. If we attack, I'm afraid Gu Shuiyue will take the opportunity to escape!"

Said the large nursing home of Zuipinxianglou.

"Are you stupid? Attack. The Zhan family's influence on the Beast Extermination Island is not small, and there is a ghost sage behind it! Offending a ghost sage is no fun! Go and inform Master Han, as long as Master Han personally Come here, no matter how daring you are, you won't dare to lose face."

Although there is Leng Yunhan from the Leng family behind Zuipin Xianglou, they do not have ghost saints after all.Naturally, he didn't dare to offend a family with ghost saints.


I was lucky enough to save the wife of a ghost saint back then.Therefore, the ghost saint and Zhanfuqi became brothers.

Although the other party is not a ghost clan of the Zhan family, one of the Zhan family had offended a fake saint, and it was the ghost saint who killed the fake saint.

As a result, the Zhan family completely stood firm on the Beast Destruction Island.

"The owner of Tears worked tirelessly to come to our mine with poor mountains and bad waters to play, and he didn't give any notice in advance."

Zhan Fuqi knew that there were Leng Jia before and after Zuipin Xianglou, so he was also polite.

"Haha, playing, I don't have the leisure and pleasure. If it wasn't for a guy with short eyes who stole my things, how could I have come here. Please let the head of the family take care of me! Hand him over! "

Lei Qianxing said immediately without being polite.This is something that Leng Yunhan explained. If he can't do it, then he can't be the owner of the drunken incense building.

"Are you so sure that he is in our mine?"

There are some unhappy things about being lucky.He greeted him with a smile, but in the end he didn't even say a word of courtesy.This is a rhythm that does not speak of martial arts.

If it wasn't for the support of the Leng family behind him, Zhanfu would have been so polite with him, and he would have knocked him down.

"Sure, very sure! Let's search for it. If we can't find it, we'll pay you 1 million. It's not a problem."

Lei Qianxing heard the displeasure of the blessing, so the tone was a little more tactful.After all, he didn't want to offend and get lucky. .

Let them search the mine and give 1 million directly.This Zhanjia is not bad at all.

"1 million! Haha, it is rumored that the tearful landlord like an iron rooster is willing to spend money! 5 million, even one less will do."

Luckily, he also heard that his son was scammed for 5 million in Zuipinxianglou.No, I plan to come back, this is a great opportunity.

"5 million, you really dare to speak."

Hearing that it would cost 5 million to search the mine, I burst into tears.He is notoriously penny-pinching for nothing.

Unexpectedly, just searching the Zhanjia mine, this product would cost 5 million.This lion opened his mouth wide, and his appetite is a bit big!

"Why not! My son stayed in your Drunk Fragrance Building for a few days, and 10 million will be gone. You use a broken card and it is worth 5 million! I let you search my mine, is it too much to give 5 million? "

Zhanfu said unhappily.

"It's not too much, for you..."

Hearing that Zhan Fufu used this as an excuse, what else could Lei Qianxing say. The 5 million Mingqian pass was thrown out directly.

"Uh, Lei Qianxing gave 5 million so readily, what exactly was he stolen?"

Looking at the 5 million Mingqian pass in his hand, he was stunned for a moment.Originally thought that Lei Qianxing would bargain with him again.

But I didn't expect him to give the money so readily.

Received 5 million Tears and Thousand Lines, and the blessings naturally did not stop the ghost guards from the Drunk Fragrance House from searching the mine.But none of them thought that Gu Shuiyue, who was originally hidden in the mine, had been taken away when they were talking.

It was Ling Yun who took Gushuiyue away.

Lingyun and Zhan Daxing rushed to the mine after being blessed, and he found Gushuiyue instantly, so he brought him out.

"Ah, me, why am I here..."

Gushuiyue was buzzing in her head.Just now, he was clearly huddled in the corner, hiding himself so tightly that he didn't even dare to take a breath, but as soon as he regained his senses, he appeared here.

"This, isn't this product Gushuiyue? Why are you here?"

What is even more confusing than Gushuiyue is Zhan Daxing. He and Lingyun are standing here together. There was no third party just now, and there was one more in the blink of an eye. What the hell is this?

(End of this chapter)

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