extreme dog days

Chapter 3223 Difficult to lucid dream

Chapter 3223 Difficult to lucid dream
When he entered the Hai formation, he was dragged into a dream by the formation spirit.Zhenling helped him create such a dream by reading the regret in his heart.

The purpose is to make Ling Yun get lost in the dream and let him manipulate him.But it never occurred to him that Ling Yun never lost himself.

So he became him to help Ling Yun feel the warmth of home.

"You haven't lost yourself, that's impossible. Come again..."

Zhen Ling released his power, Ling Yun was waiting to react, but it was too late, he fell asleep again.When he woke up again, he appeared on the street in the city again, and then his daughter Qin Rui'er ran over to look for him.

Then it's still the same story.

The next day, the spirit reappeared.

Knowing that Ling Yun still hadn't lost himself, Zhen Ling came again.

The same scenario was repeated at least ten times, and Ling Yun became numb.He wanted to escape from the dream, but Zhenling didn't give him this chance at all.

"Hey! That's enough! It's been ten times, don't you bother? Is this interesting?"

This time when Ling Yun saw the spirit, he immediately said.

"How is it possible, why haven't you lost yourself yet?"

Zhen Ling was surprised again.After trying ten times, Ling Yun still didn't lose himself, which is unreasonable.Obviously entering his dream, then he should lose himself and be at his mercy.

"Don't say ten times, it's a hundred times, a thousand times, and the result is still the same... Zhenling... Take your life..."

While Ling Yun was speaking, he made a decisive move.

Zhen Ling didn't have time to dodge at all, but the ending was unexpected, he couldn't beat Zhen Ling.

"what happened."

Ling Yun was dumbfounded, he couldn't hit the formation spirit, how could he play like this!
"You can't touch me, and you can't beat me. Because this is a dream created by me, here I am the master here. I am your nightmare! Haha..."

Zhen Ling said triumphantly.

"Hiss... I understand that Hai Zhen's ability is to create dreams. This is troublesome. If you want to break the formation, you must wake up! But how can you wake up..."

Ling Yun understood.In the dream, he couldn't cause any harm to the spirit, nor could he resist the spirit.

If he wanted to break the formation, he had to wake up first.

"Hey, I'll let you dream again. This time, I'll add something to you..."

Zhen Ling felt complacent for a while, just like before, when his power unfolded, Ling Yun fell asleep.When I woke up again, the plot repeated itself.

"Damn... How can I wake up..."


Ling Yun once again appeared on the street in the city with a very ugly expression on his face.Although he never lost himself, he saw his wife and daughter die in front of his eyes ten times in a row. Although he knew it was fake and just a dream, his heart was still tired!

If it continues like this, he can't guarantee that his heart will not break down.Once the heart breaks down, it will give Zhen Ling a chance to take advantage of it.

But he couldn't beat the spirit, and the spirit could make his dreams repeat with a wave of his hand.

"How to do?"

Seeing Qin Rui'er who was walking towards him again, Ling Yun was at a loss, which meant that the previous plot would repeat itself.

Right now he has to find a way to get out of the dream, and the best way to get out of the dream is to wake up.But how to wake up?

"This is a dream, this is a dream, this is a dream, wake up, wake up."

Ling Yun slapped himself hard several times, but it still didn't work.

"Daddy, why are you hitting yourself? Doesn't it hurt?"

Seeing Ling Yun beating herself, Qin Rui'er was puzzled.

"It doesn't hurt! It doesn't hurt at all, otherwise, why would Dad beat himself?"

Ling Yun was embarrassed for a while, and explained with a smile.

He was dreaming, how could it hurt if he hit himself.If it hurts, I might wake up.

"I don't believe it. Daddy lied."

Qin Rui'er pursed her mouth and looked at Ling Yun with doubtful eyes.Questioned by my daughter, how can this work? ,

"If you don't believe me, let Rui'er give it a try, it's really not... Huh,"

Ling Yun grabbed Qin Rui'er's hand and fanned her face, and unexpectedly found that she felt a little pain.

"Daddy, does it hurt? Rui'er don't hit Daddy."

Seeing Ling Yun's expression moved slightly, Qin Rui'er thought that her little hand had hurt Ling Yun, and felt very wronged.

"It's okay, let's hit again."

Ling Yun seemed to have thought of something.He wants to leave the dream, and the opportunity is likely to be his daughter and wife.


Ling Yun grabbed Qin Rui'er's little hand and slapped himself again, as expected!He doesn't feel the slightest bit when he hits himself, but Qin Rui'er can feel the pain when he hits him.

Qin Ruier was taken aback by his actions, and ran home by herself.

Ling Yun randomly found a passer-by on the street and hit him, but found that he didn't feel any pain at all.Also considered a neuropathy.

"Do you have to do this? I..."

Ling Yun had already found a way to break the dream and wake himself up, but he hesitated.Because although this is a dream, it is too real.

One is his wife and the other is his daughter.

"I can't do this. But if I don't do this, how can I wake up. If I don't wake up, how can I revive Yan'er, how can I see the real Rui'er, and Dong'er."

Ling Yun was very entangled in his heart, and walked home a little bit in a daze.

He has walked this road ten times, and it is difficult to get lost.

"Yun'er, what's going on... Does your face hurt?"

As soon as he entered, Qin Yuyan came over with concern and stroked his face.Because Qin Ruier came back and told her that Ling Yun had been beating herself.

(End of this chapter)

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