extreme dog days

Chapter 3606 Make a sin!

Chapter 3606 Make a sin!
"Drink or not, don't drink and put it down! This is my wine!"

Lin Fanchen glanced at him and said angrily.

They have successfully drank three altars, but now there are only two altars left, which is not enough for them.

"Hmph! Ah! Dad, save me, ah!"

Zi, Zi!
Lei Yiming only took a sip, and a thunder force appeared in his body, and he immediately screamed.He wanted to say that the wine was real and hadn't expired.

"Fortunately, I didn't sprinkle it, or it would be wasted."

Lin Fanchen quickly took the wine bowl from Lei Yiming's hand with his sharp eyes, and poured half of the wine into his own bowl with a look of luck.

"Hmm! The power of thunder!"

When Lei Ao saw Lei Yiming fell to the ground and screamed, the power of the thunder was leaking faintly from his body, his expression changed drastically, he stepped forward to help him expel the power of the thunder from his body.

"There is no smell of wine overflowing, this, this is Leishui!"

After Lei Ao helped Lei Yiming expel the power of the sky thunder from his body, he looked at Lin Fanchen and Ling Yun. It stands to reason that he was standing about ten steps away from them, and he could definitely smell the aroma of wine.

But if you don't drink Leishui, then you won't be able to smell the aroma of the wine.

"Tell me, why did you take out Leishui!"

Lei Chaoshui was furious, turned around and questioned the steward in charge of wine preparation.

"Great, Great Elder, this is, the young master asked me to take it! Great Elder, please die!"

The steward was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.The Lei family lived in seclusion for three thousand years, and it took three thousand years to collect the six altars of thunder water.

It was almost drunk by Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen.

"Really, it's thunder water!"

"Lei Shui, why are they all right?"

"Could it be that the thunder water has expired?"

"Are you blind? Didn't the young master drink just now? If it wasn't for the Patriarch's action, he would have died."


The members of the Lei family were stunned when they heard that what Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen were drinking was really thunder water.

Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen seemed to be worried that the Lei family would not let them drink, so the two altars were divided directly in the end.

"Father, don't hit me!"

Lei Yiming, who had recovered, looked into Lei Ao's eyes, he was afraid.He originally wanted to use thunder water to make Lin Fanchen look ugly, but he met a freak.

Are they immune to the power of thunder?
"I, why did I give birth to a son like you, what a crime!"

At this moment, Lei Ao really wanted to slap Lei Yiming to death.It took their Lei family three thousand years to brew six altars of thunder water.

This is a treasure!

"Lei Shui, how could they not respond."

Lei Chaoshui looked at Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen, feeling overwhelmed.If Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen had only drank the thunder water mixed with wine, he might have lost his temper and slapped the steward to death.

But Ling Yun and the others drank six altars of thunder water, he and Lei Ao both understood what it meant.

Neither Lin Fanchen nor Ling Yun whom Lin Fanchen invited were ordinary people.

"Hi! Good wine! Hey, I've never had such a good wine. Father-in-law, what kind of wine is this. It's so good,"

After Lin Fanchen finished drinking the jar of wine in his hand, he looked at Lei Ao and said.This means, this is delicious, give me some more.

"This is Leishui! It's the Lei family's secret body wine, which contains the power of thunder! Even the Great Elder and I dare not drink too much. But I didn't expect this bastard to change the door-blocking wine into Lei Shui. Make a crime!"

Lei Ao said sadly.

"Wine with the power of thunder, is this brewed by your Lei family?"

Ling Yun's eyes lit up, he looked at Lei Ao and asked.


"I don't know, can you tell me the method of preparation, I can exchange it in equivalent value"

Lei Shui can help Ling Yun improve the foundation of Lei Ting's real body, and it will be of great help to his future reappearance of Thunder's real body and the improvement of Thunder's real body.So although he knew that it would be impolite to directly ask the Lei family how to make thunder water, but he couldn't help it.


When Lei Ao heard this, he frowned.

"Bold, how dare you spy on the secret recipe of my Lei family Leishui!"

The third elder shouted loudly, several top saints of the Lei family also stepped forward and glared at Ling Yun.

"Don't be rude, stand back."

Lei Ao hastily shouted.Ling Yun can drink thunder water without restriction, which means that he may also be at the Taoist level, and he is also a strong person who majors in the physical body, or even the way of heaven.The strength must not be inferior to him and Lei Chaoshui.

The Lei family can't afford to offend them.

"I don't understand, you haven't cultivated the Taoist body, why this thunder water has no effect on you at all."

Lin Fanchen asked.He was already dark enough, he had just drank five or six jars of thunder water from the Lei family, and he was thinking about asking Lei Ao for a few more jars.But he didn't expect that Ling Yun, who was darker than him, actually asked for the formula directly.

They have all drank thunder water, and they know that this thunder water is a priceless treasure without asking.

If it wasn't for the prodigal Lei Yiming who wanted to punish him, they wouldn't be able to drink such good wine.

In addition, this thunder water has the power of heavenly thunder, and the power of heavenly thunder can drink directly into the fishy fish, which is difficult for ordinary Taoist masters to bear, and only those who cultivate the real body of Taoism can not be affected.

Because their physical bodies and internal organs are strong enough to not be afraid of the power of thunder.

And he has the innate five elements, if he doesn't cultivate the Taoist body, it will be a waste.But before he fought Ling Yun, he clearly knew that Ling Yun didn't have a Taoist body!
"I used to cultivate the Taoist real body, but the real body was shattered and never recovered."

Ling Yun smiled wryly.

"That's not right! Even if you were the true body of the Dao body before, but the real body is shattered, it means that you don't have it!"

Lin Fanchen knew quite a bit about the Tao of the flesh body, but he had no way to fool him.

(End of this chapter)

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