extreme dog days

Chapter 3608 Lei's Ancestral Land: Gathering Lei Feng Shui

Chapter 3608 Lei's Ancestral Land: Gathering Lei Feng Shui

Like the Lu family, the Lei family's ancestral land does not hide a certain secret world, but is hidden in the deep mountains and old forests.Compared with the Lu family's ancestral land, the Lei family's ancestral land has the feeling of a poor area.

To be hidden from the world is naturally to be isolated from the world.In order to prevent the ancestral land from being known to outsiders, under normal circumstances, once the clansmen return to the ancestral land, they will not leave easily.

So this ancestral land naturally has the resources they can live in.

The ancestral land is usually the land of the main family, and ordinary collateral disciples are not eligible to come to the ancestral land.Lei Zhiruo's lineage is actually a branch of the main line, but three thousand years ago, there were no masters above saints in her lineage, so she was kicked out of the main line.However, I read that they are branches of the main line, so I let them lead the collateral family.

If Lei Ao and the others didn't leave the ancestral land, Lei Zhiruo would be the head of the family just like Lu Wanrou.

"Haven't you been here?"

When Lei Zhiruo came to the ancestral land of the Lei family, he lifted the red veil and his eyes were full of curiosity, Lin Fanchen asked with a smile.

"I used to be qualified to come to the ancestral land! According to the family rules, unless there is a saint in my lineage, otherwise it can only be regarded as a collateral line."

Lei Zhiruo bit her lip and said helplessly.

"You like it here!"

"Marry a beggar according to the beggar, marry an old man according to the old man! You go there, and I will go there with you!"

Lei Zhiruo glanced at Lin Fanchen, then lowered her head and said.This was the first time she had seen Lin Fanchen. She had been covered with a red veil at the gate of Lei's house before. Although she could not see the way, she could not see clearly.

Lin Fanchen was very handsome, and he had the air of a Confucian scholar.

"After I settle the matter of the Lin family, I will take you around the world."

Lin Fanchen looked at the shy Lei Zhiruo and said.


Lei Zhiruo lowered his head and hummed.

They stood in front of the Lei family's ancestral land and looked at each other, while Ling Yun and Lu Wanrou appeared on the stone hundreds of meters away and looked at them.

"Do you think they will kiss..."

Lu Wanrou smiled and asked Ling Yun.

"will not!"

Ling Yun shook his head, and said with a very sure look, but he was quickly slapped in the face.

"Pfft! Men don't have a good thing!"

Lu Wanrou said with a smile.


Ling Yun was speechless for a while, scolding Lin Fanchen in his heart for being too disappointing!With Lin Fanchen's ability, it is impossible not to know that he and Lu Wanrou are nearby.

But he ignored Lei Zhiruo's charm!
"It's almost done! Patriarch Lei and the others are almost here!"

Shouldn't you be gentle when meeting for the first time?After dozens of breaths, Ling Yun couldn't help but speak.

"Hey! The speed of space crossing is really fast!"

Lin Fanchen said with embarrassment.He knew that he arrived almost at the same time as Ling Yun and the others.Ling Yun and Lu Wanrou didn't show up, it was to give them a little private space.

But Lei Zhiruo didn't know.

"Shrinking the ground into an inch is also well-deserved! Haha!"


Ling Yun laughed loudly, and Lu Wanrou couldn't help laughing either.On the side, Lei Zhiruo stared at Lin Fanchen, feeling ashamed and angry, pinched Lin Fanchen hard.

Lin Fanchen almost had a conditioned reflex, the force instantly shook Lei Zhiruo's hand away, and when he was about to shake Lei Zhiruo out, he reacted in time and hugged her into his arms.

"Uh! It seems that we two old men came at the wrong time!"

When Lin Fanchen hugged Lei Zhiruo, Lei Ao and Lei Chaoshui had just arrived.

"Father! Great Elder!"

"Young people, we understand! The ancestral land has always been occupied by people, and there are quite a few vacant houses. Great Elder, Young Master Ling, why don't we stay here for two days first."

Lei Ao said seriously.

What he meant was obvious, it was to let them spend their wedding day here!Both Lin Fanchen and Lei Zhiruo felt embarrassed and shy when they heard what he said.

"Is two days enough?"

Ling Yun made up his sword and looked at Lin Fanchen meaningfully.


Lin Fanchen was speechless for a while, how could he answer this.

"Pfft! This is not very good. The agreed-upon matchmaker is getting married, but Young Master Lin and Sister Zhiruo haven't formally paid homage to him. Don't take him too lightly."

Lu Wanrou stepped forward to help them out.

"Haha, people who practice cultivation have their feet on the ground and change their fate against the sky! Why do you need vulgar etiquette!"

Lei Chaoshui said with a smile.

When monks get married, usually they only need to recognize each other. As for marriage, most of them don't know how to do it.Because the monks are changing their fate against the sky, even if they pray to the sky and the earth to get married, they are afraid that the sky and the earth will not give them a witness.

"That's true! Otherwise, you are busy with your work and leave us alone!"

Lin Fanchen said with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Ling, please follow me..."

Lei Ao smiled and led Ling Yun and the others to the forest behind the ancestral land, and Lin Fanchen naturally followed them.

There is a valley in the depths of this mountain forest, not a single blade of grass grows in the valley, and when stepping into it, there is a faint thunder force, and ordinary monks dare not enter the valley at all.

"This is the geomantic treasure of Julei!"

Ling Yun recognized You Gu's origin at a glance.The reason why there is the power of thunder in this valley is precisely because this valley is a treasure land of geomantic omen.

"That's right! The ancestors of the Lei family established the Lei family village here precisely because they found this secluded valley! The thunder water needed by Lei Shui is produced in the valley."

Lei Ao said, then led the way into the deep valley.

"I'm curious, the power of thunder is transformed into water, you know?"

Lin Fanchen looked at Ling Yun and asked.

"It's actually not difficult! But it needs a carrying body! If I'm not mistaken, there is a feng shui sacred object in this deep valley. And this feng shui sacred object happens to be the thing that gathers and transforms thunder."

Ling Yun only guessed half right.

(End of this chapter)

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