extreme dog days

Chapter 3617

Chapter 3617
Now the Lin family and the Lei family have broken up and no longer form an alliance.Some forces directly switched to the Seven Evil Gates.The rest are in a wait-and-see, neutral attitude.

"Seven, seven!"

Lin Zaiqiu said weakly.

"Huh, 35 middle-class forces, only seven families came. Okay, very good. Are they looking down on me, Lin Wanzhou? After today, if these people want to join the Lin family again, I don't want to see you. Tell the Patriarch about this, Even if this is what the old man meant, all middle-class forces who did not come to the birthday banquet will be included in the blacklist of the Lin family. Hmph!"

Lin Wanzhou said domineeringly.


Lin Zaiqiu knew that his father had invited two Taoist masters to sit in the Lin family's seat. With these two Taoist masters coming, even if the Lin family did not form an alliance with the Lei family, they still had enough confidence.

On the other hand, without the alliance of the Lin family on the Lei family, the grievances between the Lei family and the Qixiemen would not be long before they would be wiped out by the Qixiemen.

At that time, the Lin family will be the number one family in the region.Those mid-level forces who did not come to the Lin family today to celebrate his birthday would find it difficult to join their Lin family's camp in the future.

Of course, they can choose to join the Seven Evil Gates.It's just that the Seven Evil Sects must belong to evil sects and crooked ways, and their reputation is not very good.Joining their camp of the Seven Evil Sects might be digging their own grave.

"By the way, where is Xiang Long? Why didn't the old man see him."

Lin Wanzhou attaches great importance to Lin Xianglong.The reason why Lin Xianglong became the fourth son of the Lin family is actually due to Lin Wanzhou.

If he hadn't personally taught Lin Xianglong to practice and given him the best resources all the time, he would not have achieved what he is today.

"That kid ran out early in the morning! I don't know where he went."

Lin Zaiqiu said helplessly.

Because Lin Wanzhou doted on Lin Xianglong so much that he, a father, couldn't control his son.

"How can you be a father! You can't even look down on your own son. Don't you know what day it is today. If Xianglong has any good or bad, I will only ask you!"

Lin Wanzhou said angrily.

"Yes, father, don't worry, I'll send someone to find him right now, let's do it!"

"Well, go down!"

Lin Zaiqiu said helplessly.

The reason why Lin Xianglong ran out of the Lin family early in the morning was because he received news that someone saw Lin Fanchen appearing in the back of the Lin family.

The mountain behind the Lin family is also where Lin Fanchen lived when he was a child.

Lin Xianglong has always been brooding about what happened at the gate of Lei's house that day.Especially when he thought that Lei Zhiruo rejected him in front of so many people and chose to marry Lin Fanchen, that trash, he couldn't get angry.

Knowing that Lin Fanchen appeared in the back mountain, he guessed that Lei Zhiruo might also be there, so he made an appointment with Lin Fanchen's second brother, Lin Xige, the second young master of the Lin family.In addition, several Lin family disciples were going to humiliate Lin Fanchen and Lei Zhiruo.

Lin Fanchen and Lei Zhiruo lived in the back mangosteen house for three days. During these three days, Lin Fanchen maintained his gentlemanly demeanor and never crossed the line.

"Beasts are worse!"

"Uh, lady, I offended you. I didn't touch you last night!"

"Hmph, you have the nerve to say it! You are not as good as a beast!"

Lei Zhiruo said last night that she wanted to test him, so she slept with him.It's settled, if Lin Fanchen can't control it, then he is a beast.

In fact, it was Lei Zhiruo who gave him a chance to cross the thunder pool last night, and the two of them completed the last step, but Lin Fanchen kept his promise and slept separately!

"...! Woah, I'm here, I'm there! How about...or let's go back to sleep and feel it, anyway, it's still early!"

Lin Fanchen realized that he seemed to have missed something.With such a beautiful woman sleeping next to him, he was actually indifferent. It wasn't that he was inferior to a beast, what was it?

Looking back on last night, Lei Zhiruo seemed to be giving him a chance, what did he miss?


"Don't do this, lady..."

"Don't touch me! Believe it or not, I cut you!"

"Hey, lady, let's put down the scissors first, and talk if you have something to say!"

Lei Zhiruo unexpectedly held a pair of large scissors in his hand.Suddenly, ten thousand mud horses galloped past Lin Fanchen's heart.I was lucky in my heart, fortunately I held back last night, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable!

"I want to change clothes, you get out!"

"Don't! We are husband and wife, otherwise, I will wait for the lady to change clothes!"



Lei Zhiruo was directly in front of him, did she really want to change clothes?No, no, the ending proved that Lin Fanchen was overthinking.Lei Zhiruo showed only his shoulders, turned around, and just when Lin Fanchen thought there was something to be done, a pair of large scissors suddenly appeared in front of him.

"excuse me!"

Lin Fanchen faltered when he saw the scissors, turned around and ran out.

"Pfft! This guy is so stupid!"

Lei Zhiruo held the scissors in her hand, this was her last line of defense.She couldn't beat Lin Fanchen, how could she hurt him with scissors?

In fact, as long as Lin Fanchen is a little more domineering, it will be done.

However, Lin Fanchen's actions made Lei Zhiruo feel a little more fond of him.Maybe that day, she will not have scissors in her hand.

"It's you! What are you doing here?"

Lei Zhiruo dressed up in the bamboo house and was about to go out to look for Lin Fanchen, but she saw Lin Xianglong and the others.

"The number one beauty in the Nanzi area really lives up to its reputation, wonderful!"

"Xige, let her serve us well in front of Lin Fanchen, that trash later."

Lin Xianglong said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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