extreme dog days

Chapter 3650 Secret: Forcibly activate the soul

Chapter 3650 Secret: Forcibly activate the soul

For thousands of years, the monks in the Nanzi area are grateful for the dedication of the former Soul Sect, so they consciously abide by the rules of entering the Soul City.Therefore, except for the establishment of the City Lord's Mansion here by the Soul Sect, no disciples of the Soul Sect have been in the city.

A large number of people came suddenly today, which naturally made the people in the city feel that something big was about to happen.

"What kind of wind is this that the Soul Sect has blocked the city?"

"What the hell, the Soul Sect is crazy, and dare to seal the city!"

"Is the Soul Sect drifting away? They dare to seal the city! I want to ask Lian Qiansheng, who gave him the courage!"


The masters who lived in seclusion in the soul city were not happy when they learned that the soul sect was going to block the city.Most of them are not spiritual practitioners, but their cultivation is not weak at all.

If it was the former Soul Sect, they would definitely not be able to offend them.At the same time, they are here, invisibly protecting the Soul Sect.

It's good now, the Soul Sect suddenly wants to blockade the Soul City, this is to trap them in the city, can they agree?
huh, huh, huh

There are a total of six saints and more than a dozen venerables living in the soul city. None of them are spiritual practitioners, but they were once well-known figures in the Nanzi area.

"Back off, do you want to resist?"

The disciples of the Bear Soul Clan pretending to be the disciples of the Soul Sect saw the monks led by six saints gathering towards them, and immediately confronted each other.

A leader shouted.

"Where is Lian Qiansheng!"

"Where is the Soul Sect Master? Let them come out!"

"That's right, your Soul Sect is so courageous and wants to seal off the city, have you asked us?"


The six saints spoke, they were very dissatisfied with the sudden closure of the Soul Sect.

"Haha, we are closing the city, and we still need to ask you, who do you think you are?"

One of the headed Bear Soul Clan stewards came out and said disdainfully.

"Hmph, you are courting death!"

When the saint with the highest cultivation base and strongest strength heard it, he was not happy on the spot.In his impression, the Soul Sect was extremely weak, so he had the courage to talk to him like this.

"The disciples of the Soul Sect are all gone!"

"Zhang Lie was a famous and fierce figure in the Nanzi area back then. If he didn't owe the Soul Sect a favor, how would he talk nonsense to these Soul Sect disciples, and it would be possible to kill the Soul Sect directly?"

"Isn't it? I angered Mr. Zhang, these Soul Sect disciples really hate their lives!"


All the people who knew Zhang Lie gave sympathetic looks to the fake Soul Sect disciple who scolded him.But in the next second, they were slapped in the face and shocked!
The Bear Soul Clan actually ordered the closure of the city, not just to trap the monks in the city, but to kill all the people here.

Since you want to kill them, there is no need to pretend to be in front of them.

The person in charge directly summoned the bear soul, which was the form of the Dharma. A loud roar shocked Zhang Lie, who was defenseless, his ears were bleeding. He covered his ears with a frightened expression, but he didn't wait for him to react.

The man punched him hard, and he felt as if he was hit hard by a huge boulder hitting him at high speed. He opened his mouth and spewed blood. His body flew tens of meters away from the ground and smashed directly through the wall. His life and death are unknown.

"Zhang Lie!"


"Isn't it?"

"What's the situation! The power of the saint, the bear-shaped spirit, who is he? Why is he so powerful?"

"Soul Sect actually has a saint"



Everyone was stunned, especially the remaining five saint monks. They could clearly feel the power of the punch from the fake Soul Sect disciple just now, and they couldn't catch that punch head-on. fist.

"Here, the Soul Sect is a spiritual cultivation sect. Aren't they majoring in the art of souls? Why are they so powerful in combat?"


The Soul Sect focuses on cultivating the soul, so normal fighting is their shortcoming, but the punch just now overturned everyone's perception of the Soul Sect.

Next, there was something even more surprising to them.

'Who else! "

The Saint of the Bear Soul Clan shouted loudly.At the same time, the saints of the bear soul clan who were with him also summoned bear souls one after another. The bear souls of the saint level were so powerful that everyone trembled a little.

"Hun, how come there are so many saints in the Soul Sect?"

"They're all bear-shaped spirits. How could a saint in the world have a spirit of energy?"

"You are not spiritual practitioners, you are not from the Soul Sect, who are you?"


Sensing the aura emanating from the disciples of the Soul Sect in their eyes, many people suddenly realized that these people were not spiritual practitioners at all.

Since they are not spiritual practitioners, they are naturally not members of the Soul Sect.

"Soul Sect? The Soul Sect you mentioned no longer exists."

"We are the great Bear Soul Clan! Today we are here to help you activate your Qi Soul and make you slaves of our Bear Soul Clan! Haha!"


The purpose of the thirteen soul masters of the bear soul clan to block the entry into the soul city is to turn all the people in the city into soul clans, activate their souls, and let the souls eat back and replace them.

To activate the soul of energy, generally only the soul master in the world can do it, that is, the master of soul in Ling Yun's body.Other soul clan powerhouses, even Tiandao, cannot normally activate the spirit and soul in the human body to make them become soul clans.

However, it can be activated forcibly, but this kind of activated spirit cannot be regarded as a real soul clan, but only a slave of the soul clan.

If it is activated by the Bear Soul Clan, then the activated Qi Soul will be controlled by the Bear Soul Clan and become a slave of the Bear Soul Clan, just like the Soul Clan that appears in the underworld, it can only be regarded as an inferior Soul Clan, not Perfect.

So this is a taboo of the soul clan. Generally speaking, except for the soul masters of the world, other soul clans cannot activate the human spirit without permission.

(End of this chapter)

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