extreme dog days

Chapter 3657

Chapter 3657


The Supreme Sword Dao and the Qi Soul of the Bear Soul King were in a deadlock. As long as the Bear Soul King used Taoism and blessed the Taoism with the Bear Soul, the Supreme Sword Dao would be blown away.


Ling Yun yelled, and his body instantly flew upside down from the ground.He cursed secretly in his heart: What about the so-called Broken Sword Gang, Broken Sword Dao?You are cheating!
The Bear Soul King couldn't break the Supreme Sword Dao's Sword Qi Tiangang, so naturally he couldn't break the Supreme Sword Dao, so he chose to overthrow the Supreme Sword Dao.

This is called a trick!

"Tao God, that's all! If you can't reach the level of cultivation, it will be nothing! Haha!"

The Bear Soul King said disdainfully.

Ling Yun's Supreme Sword Dao can't beat the Bear Soul King, it's not that the Supreme Sword Dao is not good, but Ling Yun's cultivation base is too weak.

"Cultivation does not represent strength!"

Although Ling Yun was overturned, he was not injured.It's just that after using the supreme swordsmanship just now, more than half of his power was consumed, so when he was overturned just now, he swallowed a few pills, and at the same time operated "Xiantian Secret Record" to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth into his body, and he could recover in an instant About [-]%.

It's just that if he uses the Supreme Sword Dao again, it will be directly exhausted, so he has no choice but to delay.The Bear Soul King was arrogant, so naturally he didn't notice this.

However, Ling Yun was also prepared, and if he couldn't delay, he would use his immortal body.

"Really? But you are not the king's opponent at all."

The Bear Soul King is very confident in his own strength.Under his power, even if Patriarch Tiandao came, he would not be afraid.

"Then how about me? Brother Ling, I'm not late, am I?"

Lin Fanchen took the lead to rush to the foot of Soul Sect Mountain and meet Ling Yun.
"Just right, waiting for you?"

With Lin Fanchen coming, Ling Yun felt relieved.Even without Lin Fanchen, he is certain that he can deal with the Bear Soul King, but it will definitely be very difficult.

Even he needs to play all his cards.

"Good time. Two Dao gods, you can definitely be called the top wizards of the human race in the world. Today, this king will let you two wizards of the human race in the world become slaves of my Bear Soul Clan, and let you become my Bear Soul Clan to dominate the Western Province. Continent, a great hero who has made great achievements. Haha!"

The Bear Soul King appeared.If it was just Ling Yun alone, he could dismiss it, but with Lin Fanchen added, it would be different.

He knew very well that even if he didn't show up, he would probably be forced out.

"This bear is the Bear Soul King, he looks a bit inhumane!"

"Please, is he not human at all? That's humane."

"That's right, but it's too ugly. I really don't know why the Bear Soul Clan chose him to be the Fifth Bear. Are you blind? No blind Xiong, you mean them. They are indeed blind, the appraisal is complete!"


Visually guessing that Lin Fanchen is also the master who is so angry that people don't pay for his life, when he sees the Bear Soul King, he immediately sarcastically.

"Shut up! This king is strong!"

The Bear Soul King, who was not at ease with sarcasm at first, was also angered by them at this time.I'm so angry, his appearance is indeed a bit unattractive.But he can't be blamed for this, and it doesn't matter about Qihun, the main thing is to blame his father!

The Bear Soul King belongs to the second-generation Bear Soul Clan, and although his father is not the previous Bear Soul King, he also belongs to the first awakened Bear Soul Clan, but the appearance of his awakened host is not flattering.

Although the soul clan does not belong to the bloodline inheritance, their appearance is also related to the bloodline.However, the bear soul of the bear soul king does not look very good, but it is the same as the first bear soul king, so he can be recognized by the soul tool left by the first bear soul king and become a new generation of bear king.

"Strong, there are bears who are not strong. Brother Ling, are you right!"

Lin Fanchen responded with a smile.

"Isn't it? Ugly is ugly, and it's useless to explain!"

When they sang together, the Bear Soul King was almost blown away.

"This king has decided to kill you guys? Give me a stick!"

The Bear Soul King was really enraged.Originally, he wanted to awaken the souls of Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen and make them slaves of the Bear Soul Clan.

Now he changed his mind and had to kill them.

"Don't underestimate him, this guy is ugly, he is very powerful."

Ling Yun was worried that Lin Fanchen would suffer, so he quickly reminded him.

'Understood, bears are like this!Five elements, together!The five elements are running..."

Although Lin Fanchen was ruthless, he did not dare to take it lightly.It not only operates the five-element Taoism, but also performs the law of the unity of the five elements.

Only in this way can he have the qualifications to compete above the quasi-heaven.

Lin Fanchen used the five elements and Taoism to unite, and confronted the Bear Soul King head-on.

"Hiss, cowhide, the Five Elements Taoism really lives up to its reputation"

Lin Fanchen used the Five Elements Taoism to take the Bear Soul King's stick head-on. Although he fell behind, he was undefeated.This power is close to the level of heaven.

"Come again!"

Lin Fanchen was repelled, and even though he was empty-handed, he was fine with the five elements.Confronted the Bear Soul King several times in a row.

Ling Yun glanced at it, and naturally he didn't just watch the show.But he doesn't use the supreme sword, it seems that some can't help.


Ling Yun used space teleportation to appear beside the Bear Soul King. He wanted to injure him with the Exterminating Soul Curse, but he was discovered and sent away.

"This guy is Ling Yun that the pavilion master said. Doesn't it look good?"

"Yeah, he can't even reach the level of the Taoist master. Although he has the strength of the Taoist master level, he can't help at all in the battle like the pavilion master's level."

Tianlao and Dilao also rushed to the Soul Sect after they dealt with Xiong Hai and the Ten Soul Lords, just in time to see the scene where Ling Yun was kicked away by the Xionghun King.

Immediately couldn't help but despise him.

(End of this chapter)

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