extreme dog days

Chapter 3663 Heavenly Demon Palace

Chapter 3663 Heavenly Demon Palace

Since the first pavilion master of Butian Pavilion, no one has been able to practice the Heaven Swallowing Dao, the reason is that the physical body is not strong enough.

Ordinary dao bodies can't bear this heaven-swallowing dao law.

It's not easy for Lin Fanchen, a person of the five elements, to appear. If he has a unique hobby, he will be cheated.Fortunately, Lin Fanchen married Lei Zhiruo in the end, which was a great joy for them.

"Great Dharma Protector, all Bear Soul Clan members must be executed!"

Three days later, the battle among the Soul Sect was finally over.None of the Bear Soul clansmen who were in the Soul Sect could escape.

Except for Ling Yun and Lin Fanchen to kill the Bear Soul King and other strong bear soul clans at the soul master level, Ling Yun didn't make any more moves, but only fought for the group of spiritual practitioners.

After being baptized by the Holy Land of Spiritual Cultivation, the power of the soul technique has greatly increased, and the weakest of them all have reached the fourth level of Shinto or above.

In this battle, although many spirit cultivators were killed and injured, they won a complete victory in the end.Successfully accomplished what the Soul Sect failed to accomplish three thousand years ago.

"Thank you for your hard work! The Bear Soul Clan is extinct. The Soul Sect is still alive after the catastrophe. It depends on you to rebuild the Soul Sect."

Ling Yun said happily.

"Ah, Great Protector. You are not leaving!"

"Great Protector, we have discussed it before, and we want to ask you to be the master of our Soul Sect and lead our Soul Sect to regain its glory."

"That's right, Great Protector, please take over as the Lord of the Soul Sect!"


All the spiritual practitioners said one after another.Most of the people present were new to the Soul Sect, and they joined the Soul Sect not only because the Soul Sect was their spiritual cultivation sect, but also because of Ling Yun.

For a power to grow, there must be a strong person in charge.Only in this way can other people dare not peep and provoke.

"Lord of the Soul Sect, I can't afford it! But I am the Great Guardian of the Soul Sect, and I will always be the Great Guardian of the Soul Sect. If the Soul Sect is in trouble, I will definitely not stand idly by!"

Ling Yun immediately pushed back.It's not that he doesn't want to take on this important task, but that he has more important things to do.

"Great Protector!"

"Listen to me! Lingxiu is the nemesis of the soul clan in the world, and will definitely be one of the main forces against the soul clan in the future. At the same time, the soul clan will also be regarded as a thorn in the side of the soul clan! Lingxiu will also become their prey. Right now The most urgent task of the Soul Sect is to improve its strength, and at the same time find a way to call the spiritual cultivators from all over the world to support each other. Therefore, I suggest that the Soul Sect move to the ancestral land, temporarily appoint Chao Lingbei as the head of the Soul Sect, and let Sun Lianzhen, the former Great Elder, succeed the First Elder of the Soul Sect The job! Other saints and above spiritual cultivation are the elders of the Soul Sect, so as to teach the disciples of the Soul Sect to practice. I don’t know what you think?"

Ling Yun directly pushed the responsibility of the head of the Soul Sect to Chao Lingbei. This Chao Lingbei was originally the head of the Beiling Sect, and his leadership ability is beyond doubt.

Moreover, he is also the most prestigious among the group of spiritual practitioners, and he was also a genius disciple of the Soul Sect before, so it is perfect for him to be the master of the Soul Sect.

In addition, Lianzhen, the grandson of the former Great Elder Lian Qiansheng, will inherit the position of Great Elder, which will also stabilize the hearts of the original disciples of the Soul Sect.

After the great battle just now in the land of Soul Sect and Soul City, most places were razed to the ground, and it would be a huge project to rebuild.So Ling Yun's proposal to move the Soul Sect to the ancestral land of the Soul Sect is perfect. Wasn't there the Beiling Gate before?In addition, there is a holy place for spiritual practice, where spiritual practice can be practiced, but it can get twice the result with half the effort.

He believes that there is no reason for all the spiritual practitioners present to refuse.

"I'm so witty.'

Ling Yun himself admired his proposal.

"Since the Great Protector said so, brother Chao will be the head of the Soul Sect. I, Yan Wandong, have no objection."

"Me too……"

"Brother Chao, don't delay."


"Ah...well, since the Great Guardian has asked me to take over the Lord of the Soul Sect temporarily, then I can only bite the bullet and continue! I will definitely live up to the Great Guardian's high expectations."

Chao Lingbei was embarrassed for a while, thought for a while, and had no choice but to agree.


After dealing with the matter of the Soul Sect, Ling Yun took Lu Wanrou out of the Nanzi area.

West area
Omen Palace

"Welcome the Demon Lord to leave the customs!"

"Welcome the Demon Lord to leave the customs..."

The Tianmo Palace is Zhou Shaohao.Zhou Shaohao obtained the throne of the Heavenly Demon in the Tianlei magnetic field back then, and became one with the ancient Heavenly Demon. Not only was he assimilated by the Heavenly Demon, but he also assimilated the Heavenly Demon.

The two consciousnesses are completely fused together.

Over the years, he has successfully summoned ten great heavenly demons, all of whom are at the level of Taoist masters.And he himself has recovered to his former peak state and successfully reached the level of Heavenly Dao.

"Haha! This seat has finally recovered!
Zhou Shaohao had not fully recovered all the power of the Heavenly Demon until today.

"Devil Lord, eternal, unparalleled in the world."


All the demons knelt down to congratulate.Only one man in black stood there motionless.Because he is not a member of the Heavenly Demon Race.

"Master Heavenly Demon King, have you recovered all your strength?"

The man in black robe asked.

"You want to try."

Zhou Shaohao looked at him jokingly.

"Don't dare! If the strength of the Demon King recovers today, please don't forget your promise to our peak master."

The man in black is the emissary from Tianxia Peak.Originally, Zhou Shaohao killed Zhou Shaoyun, Tian Tianfeng would not let him go.

Zhou Shaoyun's mother learned about this and wanted Zhou Shaohao to be buried with her son before killing Ling Yun.So she sent two masters to chase and kill Zhou Shaoyun, but in the end they were all meat buns smashing dogs and never returning.

(End of this chapter)

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