extreme dog days

Chapter 3675 An indelible stigma

Chapter 3675 An indelible stigma

"Young Master Lu is so eloquent. He has definitely harmed girls in the past! But fortunately, it will be terminated by that Miss Fang. I will see Miss Fang later, and I must thank her for saving thousands of girls. .”

Yu Rong joked.

"Uh, haha!"

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and then there was some business bragging.Just when they were talking, Fang Yi led Lu Wanrou in.

If there is no accident, Lu Wanrou's beauty will definitely amaze the audience and blind everyone's eyes.

No need to speak, the heroine has always had her own halo, and being good-looking is her halo.

"Who is this! It's so beautiful!"

"I beat it, it's like the queen of the world."

"Is this from the human world? Shouldn't it be a fairy? This long red dress. Ten thousand wow!"


Although Lu Wanrou had been to Dipin City a few times before, but with her status, not everyone could see her.Moreover, most of the people in the reception at this time were people who came out of seclusion, so they didn't know Lu Wanrou at all.

"You two girls, my name is Zhang Mao, and I'm from the Zhang family in the Tianzi area! Please allow me to introduce myself."

Zhang Mao was dumbfounded, and directly ignored the girl Yu Rong beside him, and walked towards Lu Wanrou and the others with a wine glass.

"Didn't you introduce it?"

Lu Wanrou interrupted him with a smile.


Zhang Mao originally thought that with his graceful posture, he would definitely be able to attract attention. If it was not enough, then adding his Zhang family's background, he would definitely succeed.

But in the end, the beauty didn't follow the routine!
He didn't even give him a chance to show himself.

"Miss Fang, who is this girl? Please introduce me if you don't help me."

Lu Zhiren came to his senses, walked up to Fang Yi and asked.

"Let me introduce to you, this is my good sister, who is also the head of the Lu family and the helm of the Lu family chamber of commerce."

Fang Yi said with a smile.As she expected, everyone who heard about Lu Wanrou's identity was shocked.

"Lu Family Chamber of Commerce! That Lu Family Chamber of Commerce"

"Could it be the Xuanzi Lu family!"

"Xuanzi Lu family no longer exists, okay?"

"There is more than one Lu Family Chamber of Commerce in the world. But if it is the number one, it should be the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce with Xuanzi before. It is the first of the four major chambers of commerce in the world. It deserves the number one. It is a pity that the Lu Family has fallen."

"That's right, it was rumored that the Lu family with the Xuan character before was one of the most hidden families in the world. It seemed to be the number one family, but they offended someone, and they were wiped out! But it's strange to say. It stands to reason Xuanzi said that the hidden power of the Lu family has been wiped out, so the Lu family's chamber of commerce should also be disbanded, and the strange thing is that the Lu family's chamber of commerce is operating as usual!"

"I'm afraid that there is a powerful force controlling the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, and it belongs to the kind of changing the soup but not the medicine."

"That's right, that's right, I guess it's the same! But it's rumored that Lu Wanrou, the right-handed heroine of the Lu family, was forced to marry that wonderful young master of the Xiexuetang, it couldn't be her!"

"I think it should be. It is rumored that the right-handed heroine of the Lu family is the best in the world, and she seems to be similar to this one in front of me!"


For a while, everyone in the meeting started talking.About what happened to Lu Wanrou before, it has already been spread.After all, the Zuo Dao Lu family at that time was one of the top powers on the Xizhou mainland.

And the evil blood hall is notorious, so others don't care if they don't want to know about it!
Hearing what happened in the Xiexue Hall before, Lu Wanrou's face was obviously not very good-looking.

"Everyone be quiet, let me clarify. Everyone may be guessing whether the girl from the Lu family is the former heroine of the right way of the Lu family. I can tell you with certainty that it is her!"

Fang Yi said loudly.

"Ah! Wow, Se, what a pity!"


After confirming Lu Wanrou's identity, everyone became excited again.

"Please be quiet! Can you hear me out?"

Fang Yi shouted louder, and everyone's eyes immediately focused on her.Just when she came in, Lu Wanrou entrusted her to clarify on her behalf.

After all, not many people know about that matter.And now that the Xiexuetang no longer exists, it will become a fact if there is no explanation.

"Back then, Patriarch Lu was indeed forced to marry the young master of the Xiexue Hall, but on the day of the marriage, the Heavenly Palace in the Dongzi area descended on Xiexue Hall with force, destroyed it in one fell swoop, and rescued Patriarch Lu!"

Fang Yi said.

"Uh, I seem to have heard of this. The Xiexue Hall was destroyed by the Temple of Heaven!"

"That's right, according to the monks who were lucky enough to survive the wedding banquet at the time, it's a good thing that the Heavenly Palace showed up in time, otherwise they would have all been killed by the evil blood hall."


Everything that happened in the Xiexue Hall was covered up by the Temple of Heaven.And those monks who were lucky enough to survive in the evil blood hall were grateful to Ling Yun for saving them, so naturally they would not easily tell others about the real situation at that time.

Therefore, the good reputation of destroying the blood evil hall fell on the head of the Tiandian.

Lu Wanrou only told Fang Yi about this.As for the latter, just make up your own mind.

Tiandian came forward to save Lu Wanrou, and it was not difficult for everyone to guess that Tiandian was the backer of the Lu family.It is said that Tiandian used to be number one in the world.

Even Tianzang Temple once bowed its head!

With Tiandian as the backer of the Lu family, no one would dare to provoke him.

As for who destroyed the Zuo Dao Lu family, most of the guesses fell on Tiandian. After all, Li Xuanzhong, the new head of Tiandian at that time, led people to Lujiaxuancheng, but many people saw it.

At that time, Li Xuanzhong led people to Lujiaxuanzhong City, but he did not actually participate in the battle. His real purpose was to help Ling Yun cover up the truth.

This is the intelligence quotient of a human counselor.

(End of this chapter)

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