extreme dog days

Chapter 3690 Wheel Chapter Experience

Chapter 3690 Reincarnation Experience
"Uh, so what?"

Ling Yun was taken aback, he knew that the spirit of the earth was definitely not scaring him, the art of Feng Shui was mysterious and unpredictable, and he had seen its power before.

Moreover, building this hell reincarnation formation by himself belongs to his own exploration, which can be said to be nonsense.It would be a tragedy if he really cheated himself.

"There are two ways. The first is to abandon this formation! Re-build a six-level formation. If you want to rebuild the formation, this old man can help you."

There are too few Fengshui masters in the world, so when Di Ling saw that Ling Yun was also qualified to be promoted to become a Fengshui master, he wanted to help him.

This is definitely from the heart.

"Eh! What about the second one?"

Ling Yun is well aware of the power of the hell reincarnation formation he has constructed, so if it is not a last resort, he really does not want to give up.

If he really completes this formation, then he will be able to use this formation to resist the Dao of Heaven.

"Master Ling, listen to the old man's advice. The formation you created is too mysterious, it is almost impossible to complete, give up! Unless you can find a magic weapon that can bear the reincarnation! But this reincarnation belongs to the most mysterious force in the world. One, the magic weapon that can be carried by the whole world is probably only a Taoist weapon."

Di Lingyu advised earnestly.


After hearing this, Ling Yun couldn't help thinking deeply.

"Master Ling, you are in charge of reincarnation, how much do you know about reincarnation?"

Seeing that Ling Yun was silent, Di Ling asked.In fact, he was also very surprised when he saw that Ling Yun had mastered reincarnation.Because of the existence of reincarnation, even in ancient times it was a legend.

But in fact, it is not that no one has successfully mastered reincarnation in ancient times, but very few.At the same time, there are very few records about reincarnation, and those who master reincarnation generally do not leave any inheritance.Want to get reincarnation, all rely on chance.

"There are six realms of reincarnation, namely the upper three realms and the lower realms. The upper three realms are heavenly reincarnation, hell reincarnation, and human reincarnation. The lower three realms are asura reincarnation, hungry ghost reincarnation and animal reincarnation. The six reincarnation realms have their own strengths and cannot be distinguished. High and low! But if reincarnation wants to merge, there is a difference between high and low."

Almost all Ling Yun's understanding of reincarnation was realized by himself.

"Uh, I didn't expect Master Ling to understand reincarnation so deeply, I admire it! But do you know why reincarnation has always been hailed as a legend?"

Earth Spirit was also surprised, he never expected Ling Yun to have such a deep understanding of reincarnation.

"Appreciate further details?"

"Samsara, as one of the most mysterious Taoisms in the world, actually existed as early as ancient times. However, because the masters of reincarnation in the past did not leave any inheritance, very few people in the world know about reincarnation, and even about reincarnation. The records are just a few words! But according to the speculation of a strong person in charge of reincarnation in ancient times, it seems that someone is deliberately hiding reincarnation."

Earth Spirit said solemnly.

"Hiss! Senior, is there a record about reincarnation in Butian Pavilion?"

After hearing this, Ling Yun's face changed slightly, and at the same time he took a deep breath.When he thought of what he had learned in the Tiger's Tomb, his face suddenly changed.

"Exactly, Palace Master Ling, please follow me..."

Di Ling once again led Ling Yun to the library of Butian Pavilion, and found a record about reincarnation in an inconspicuous place and handed it to Ling Yun.

Reincarnation has appeared as early as in ancient times, and more than once.It is a pity that every master of reincarnation does not end well in the end, and no matter how hard they try, they cannot leave reincarnation as a legacy.

Therefore, those who are in charge of reincarnation guess that someone is deliberately hiding the cause of reincarnation.As for why, they also guessed that some people didn't want the person in charge of reincarnation to use reincarnation to prove the way of heaven and earth.

"Anyone who is in charge of reincarnation will not die well. Could it be that there is a murderous intention hidden in this reincarnation."

Looking at the records about reincarnation, Ling Yun guessed in his heart.

His current understanding of reincarnation has not yet reached the realm of heaven, but it is almost there.And what is hidden in this reincarnation, he is naturally very concerned.

It's a pity that there are very limited records about reincarnation in Butian Pavilion.But so far, as far as the records about reincarnation are concerned, none in the Doujie can match Butian Pavilion.

The most important thing is that there is a record about Shura's reincarnation.This is not left behind by the ancestors of Butian Pavilion, but has always existed in Tianque City.

Because before Butian Pavilion, the previous owner of Tianque City was the owner of Shura Samsara.He was also the last person to master reincarnation in ancient times.

It's a pity that he seemed to touch something in the end and died unexpectedly.But he already knew the secrets of reincarnation before he was alive, so he left his experience of comprehending Shura's reincarnation in advance.

At the same time, at the end, it is also warned not to practice reincarnation lightly.Therefore, although this experience was obtained by Butian Pavilion, no one has dared to try to comprehend reincarnation.

"Di Ling, why did you hand over your experience of reincarnation to Palace Master Ling? Isn't this harming him?"

When Yu Tian came to the library, he saw Ling Yun was observing Shura's reincarnation experience, and quickly pulled Di Ling aside.

"Listen to me first. This Palace Master Ling has already mastered reincarnation!"

Earth Spirit said in a low voice.If he didn't know that Ling Yun had already mastered reincarnation, he wouldn't have given him the experience of Asura's reincarnation.

"Ugh, there is such a thing!"

"It's absolutely true, and I guess that Palace Master Ling has more than one understanding of reincarnation, or even more than one!"


Yu Tian was surprised for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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