extreme dog days

Chapter 3696 Void Dao Dharma Door

Chapter 3696 Void Dao Dharma Door

"I can't die, he is Moxie, the master of the Seven Evil Sects. His strength is very terrifying, you have to be careful."

Although Chen Yikai's injuries were serious, they were not fatal.

"You did it just now!"

Moxie looked at Ling Yun and asked in a cold voice.


Ling Yun replied.

"Haha, you want to stand up for the Chen family."

Moxie asked coldly.At the same time, his aura was rising steadily. He knew that Ling Yun was not easy, but he couldn't stop his arrogance.

"The Chen family is the guardian of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce in the Dizi area. If the family is in trouble, how can I just sit idly by."

Ling Yun said lightly.

"Haha, okay, then we have to see if you have this ability! Demonic silkworms are flying across the sky, and the sky net is dense!"

Moxie made a move, and the demon silkworm spun out silk, instantly weaving a skynet to cover the sky, enveloping Ling Yun in it.His move surprised the elders of heaven and earth for a while.

"Good fellow, he has actually combined the Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Silkworm with the Cloud Swallowing Art, and cultivated to this point."

The Cloud Swallowing Kung Fu is also the unique skill of Butian Pavilion, which was created by the previous generations of elders after borrowing the Swallowing Heaven Taoism.However, Moxie felt that although the cloud-swallowing skill was domineering, it was not strong enough, so he took away the Nine Transformations of the Celestial Silkworm from the Chen family, and forcibly combined the two techniques to create his Nine Transformations of the Demon Silkworm.

"Song Yu'an deserves to be a top genius, but it's a pity that he is too proud! He failed in the trial back then, and lost to you in the battle for the position with you. He was originally intended to stay in Butian Pavilion to become an elder guardian, but he left in anger! well!
Di Lao sighed.Moxie's talent potential is extremely high, but reaching ten stars, this is definitely the top talent in the world, even if he can't become a Taoist god, as long as he grows up, he will not be weaker than a Taoist god.It's a pity that Moxie's heart is too arrogant, he can't be the master of the Butian Pavilion, he can't be the old man, so he left the Butian Pavilion.

"That's it……"

Looking at the Skynet woven by Moxie, Ling Yun showed contempt in his eyes!Although Moxie's skynet is dense and imposing, it belongs to the group attack system. It is estimated that dozens of Daoist masters are not enough to destroy, and at the same time it will cause great psychological pressure on the opponent.

But it's obviously not very effective for Ling Yun, and Ling Yun's space method is the nemesis of this group attack system.As long as the space is divided, its power will be directly disrupted. If the power is disordered, the power will naturally be greatly reduced, and it will even be difficult to control.

"Well, space Taoism! Aren't you a sword cultivator?"

Moxie was taken aback. His Demon Silkworm Sky Net could be regarded as the nemesis of sword cultivators, and it was precisely because he knew that Ling Yun was a sword cultivator that he cast the Demon Silkworm Sky Net in order to entangle Ling Yun and prevent him from being able to perform The power of the sword.

"There are regulations, sword cultivators cannot be Dao gods!"

Ling Yun smiled and said, walking towards Moxie step by step.

"Hmph, Dao God, so what about sword cultivators! Demonic silkworms have changed, and Taoism has added to your body! Haha, sword cultivators? Melee combat is your biggest shortcoming."

Facing Ling Yun, Mo Xie did not dare to neglect at all.He chose to fight in close combat, just to prevent Ling Yun from having the opportunity to use the way of the sword.Melee combat is also his forte.

Unfortunately, even if Ling Yun doesn't use swordsmanship, he is still not weaker than him.It's just that Moxie can't do anything about it for a while.But Moxie secretly cried out.

Regret should not choose melee combat, is Ling Yun weak in melee combat?Before he understood the way of swordsmanship, he relied on melee combat.

With space Taoism combined with void chaotic steps, his body skills can be unpredictable, and he can give Moxie a space trap at every turn, which feels like playing.

"Hey! Mud, horse! Get the hell out of here..."

After a long battle, Mo Xie is impatient, because his attack power is tyrannical, but it consumes quickly!But Ling Yun is more than capable, playing him like a monkey, naturally consumes less.

"Heh, do you think you are the way of heaven?"

"you wanna die…"

"you are right……"



Injury for injury, Ling Yun didn't want to waste time, so he directly exchanged injury for injury.He tested Moxie's strength, although it was strong, but it would not exceed the range of harmlessness.

It's just that it's a bit difficult for him to take him down without using the Supreme Sword.So it would be much easier to directly injure him by exchanging injuries for injuries.

"I strangled him, this is too cruel!"

Seeing this scene, Chen Yikai couldn't help but twitch wildly.

"Hiss! Exchanging injury for injury, Palace Master Ling is crazy."

"As for it! With the strength of Palace Master Ling, although Moxie will not be able to deal with Moxie for a while, he will definitely gain the upper hand!"

"Dianzhu Ling didn't intend to use his hole card, but he didn't want Song Yuan to have a chance to escape, so he used this method of harming both sides. Ruthless, too ruthless."

"Indeed! I can't afford to provoke you!"

The old man of heaven and the old man of the earth are also twitching.It is the most ruthless way to exchange injuries for injuries. If you are not ruthless, you will be the one who will be injured in the end.

"Ah! You're crazy! Do you want to die together! The magic silkworm swallows the clouds! Kill..."

Moxie used his ultimate move, trying to drive Ling Yun back with all his strength.This move is very powerful, he believes that Ling Yun will never dare to fight recklessly, as long as Ling Yun retreats, he can get away.

"Hehe, good time! There is no void in the space, the way of the void! Please come in..."

"Wow! Che! What do you want!"

As the demon silkworm entered the Lingyun Dao Dharma Gate, Moxie panicked immediately.But before he could react, Dao Famen blew himself up.


With a loud bang, the ground, as well as the space between heaven and earth, split open.Then Moxie let out a scream, and flew out together with Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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