extreme dog days

Chapter 3808 Lingyun arrives, the sword retreats to heaven

Chapter 3808 Lingyun arrives, the sword retreats to heaven
"how is this possible!"

The ground burial was also stunned, his knife couldn't cut through the secret gold soldiers, is this human?The secret gold warrior grabbed his knife with one hand, and punched it with a fist with the other.


The burial was hit, and the defense was almost broken, causing him to vomit blood.But then the secret soldier sent him a few more punches, this time he could only let go, not even the knife.

And his knife was melted into an iron ball in the hands of the secret gold soldier, and it was directly stuffed into his mouth.

"Pfft! Who the hell are you!"

The burial was dumbfounded.His knife was gone and he was eaten.Will anyone believe what he said?
He saw it and didn't believe it.

The Secret Gold Warrior wouldn't talk nonsense to him. After eating the knife, he teleported to Dibu's body, and Dibu retreated in fright, but he couldn't get rid of the Secret Gold Warrior.

He was being beaten passively for a while.

At this time, the scholar also came to Ji's house, and when he saw the people in Zangtian Temple, he became very angry. With his strength, there was no one below the Taoist master to stop him, and he overthrew more than a dozen warrior monks with one move. , entered Ji's family forcefully.


"Pfft! Ah!"

Ji Chunqiu was finally defeated, he was no match for Sky Burial.

"Old ancestor!"

Seeing that Ji Chunqiu was injured by the sky burial, Ji Qingkong immediately turned around and went straight to the sky burial. He couldn't let the sky burial have a chance to attack Ji Chunqiu again.

But his strength is even worse than Sky Burial.


Ji Qingkong was already injured, fighting with human burials and demon burials consumed most of his strength, and even a sky burial couldn't stop him.

"Overestimate your own strength! Ji Chunqiu, I will give you one last chance. Where is a quarter of the Shocking Drum?"

Sky Burial said disdainfully, then asked again.

"Bah! Sky Burial, don't think about it! Even if you kill all the members of my Ji family today, it's impossible to get the Shocking Drum. Haha!"

Ji Chunqiu expressed his determination, even if the Ji family was wiped out, he would not hand over the Zhentiangu.Because this is the ancestral precept, even if the disciples of the Ji family die, they cannot lose the Zhentian drum.

"Then I will kill all the disciples of your Ji family first..."

Sky Burial stared at the two disciples of the Ji family while speaking, beheaded them with a palm from the air, leaving only a cloud of blood.

"I'll fight with you! Zangxue Wuhen, pointing the sword to the world"

Ji Qingkong felt extremely sad and indignant when he saw the family disciple died at the hands of the sky burial.Because the celestial burial is the Taoist master, it is their incompetence as the family Taoist master to give the Taoist master the opportunity to kill the family disciples in their family.

"Don't go there!"

Ji Chunqiu said anxiously.Even he was no match for Sky Burial, let alone Ji Qingkong.That palm just now has proved everything, he is not even qualified to approach the sky burial.

"Heavenly Sword! Slash"

Liu Qi knew that with Ji Qingkong alone, he was afraid that he would surely die. After he hastily struck back the human burial with a sword, he turned to control the sky sword and slashed towards the sky burial.

But what surprised them was that they couldn't hurt Sky Burial at all, maybe they couldn't hit him.

"what's the situation!"

"not good!"

Liu Qi and Ji Qingkong spoke out almost at the same time!

"Haha! Courting death!"

Sky Burial laughed triumphantly, and then two phantoms hit Liu Qi and Ji Qingkong at the same time, sending them flying.

"Pfft, the middle way, ethereal!"

Liu Qi recognized the Taoist method used in the sky burial, and his face changed drastically!The reason why they were unable to attack the sky burial was precisely because of the sky burial's ethereal way.

The Ethereal Taoism is known as the middle way of the Tao, precisely because this Taoism can make people in an ethereal state, thus avoiding attacks.This can be said to be the way to open up.

There are absolutely not many ways in the world that can hurt him.

At the same time, this ethereal Taoism is also one of the most difficult to cultivate and comprehend.Because it is necessary to comprehend the Kongling Taoism while practicing the Kongling Taoism.

"That's right! In front of me, you are nothing but rubbish! Jianxiu, you are meddling too much, so I will kill you first

! ”

Liu Qi's existence would threaten the disciples of Zangtian Temple, so Tianzhu chose to kill him first.

"not good……"

Liu Qi's expression changed drastically!But in the face of Kongling Taoism, he has no chance of winning.But with his strength, it is difficult for Sky Burial to kill him instantly.

Just when Sky Burial attacked Liu Qi, a mirror stood in front of Liu Qi, and the ethereal attack was dispelled invisible.


Sky Burial frowned.

"finally come!"

When Liu Qi saw the mirror, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sky burial, take your life!"

The scholar beheaded more than [-] disciples of Zantian Temple in a row, and seriously injured a Taoist master at the same time, and then went straight to the sky burial.

"The guy who doesn't know how to live or die, is it up to you?"

Sky Burial slapped the scholar directly with one palm, knocking the scholar into the air with ease, and then chopped down with a knife in his hand. After the knife qi was cut out, the vitality of the heaven and earth gathered in the past, forming a gang in an instant.


The scholar never thought that Sky Burial would be so powerful.

A sword gang struck and shot down the sword gang of the sky burial.

"Evening spirit Taoism is miraculous, but it is not impossible to crack!"

Ling Yun walked over step by step, and at the same time displayed the Dao Sword Realm, the mirror flower and the water moon.The two mirrors merged into one, and the light and shadow were cast, and then pointed directly at the sky burial!

"It's the sword cultivator again!"

Sky Burial's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't dare to be careless in the face of the attack of the mirror flower and the water moon. He used the ethereal Taoism, and a black shadow punched the light and shadow with a fist.

The Flower in the Mirror and the Moon in the Water were broken, but the celestial burial also flipped backwards!

"who are you?"

Sky Burial asked.

"The king of the Lu family! Ling Yun!"

In order to make the Xuanzi Lu family feared by the world, Ling Yun naturally had to use the name of the king of the Lu family.

"It turns out that you are the mysterious strongman who recently appeared in the Western Province Continent, the one who destroyed the leftist Lu family! With such swordsmanship, it's no wonder that even Lu Buren was defeated by you!"

Sky Burial also heard about the Xuanzi area, and at the same time knew about the King of the Lu Family.

(End of this chapter)

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