extreme dog days

Chapter 3813 Lobbying Nanjia

Chapter 3813 Lobbying Nanjia
"Isn't that right? Besides, the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce is a foreign chamber of commerce. They established a bank in our Tianzi area, and they have a good reputation!"


The senior officials of the Nanjia Chamber of Commerce obviously didn't take it seriously.

"Idiots, you are all idiots. Didn't the members of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce think of what you can think of? It is precisely because of this that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce disrupted the market in the entire Tianzi area before. Now they control the market , as long as they are willing, they can press all the chambers of commerce to death, just ask who dares to resist!"

Nan Yuxing shouted!He had already guessed that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce might be setting up a big picture before, but he didn't expect that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce would actually want to establish a bank.

Once this is successful, no force in the world will dare to touch the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce.

"What about reputation? Without reputation, how can others deposit money in their bank. Right now, they are just deliberately targeting our Nan family."


"If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has already reached an agreement with the Ji family and the Xia family. With the support of the Ji family and the Xia family, the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce will naturally gain the trust of everyone."

Of the three major families in the Tianzi area, the Ji family and the Xia family are considered veteran families, and their influence is far greater than their Nan family.With Xia's and Ji's coming forward, the reputation of Yunzi Bank is naturally not a problem.

"Ah this...!"

"Ah! Then, why don't we let the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce set up a bank on our territory?"

"That's right, as long as they can't open a bank here, won't they be unable to compete with us?"


Everyone said in a hurry.Of course, their Nanjia Chamber of Commerce also has their Lingshi pass.Because the strong men from the Nan family had cut off their wrists before, they did not participate in the later market chaos, and the Nan family's family fortune was still there.

The problem is that the Nanjia Chamber of Commerce is completely paralyzed today!
"Stupid! Now that the general trend is the general trend, we wish that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce's bank can appear on our territory, but you still want to boycott it. Don't you see that our Chamber of Commerce can't operate at all now? Go and see what we have A store can be opened, and even the inn has to be closed because of the previous incident! If the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce does not reconcile with us, then our Nan Family Chamber of Commerce will wait to close down!"

Nan Yuxing scolded.Now their Nan family is very anxious that the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce can send someone to discuss with them about exchanging spirit stones.

At the same time, let the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce set up the bank in Tiannan County and other places, otherwise their Nanjia Chamber of Commerce will not be able to operate!And because they fell into the trap of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce before, it was the fuse of the market chaos in the entire Tianzi area.

Many chambers of commerce that had cooperated with them in the past suffered a great loss in that turmoil, but they all bear a grudge against them, and now they have cut off contact with them.

Although there are still some chambers of commerce that cooperate with them, once the Nan family fails to reconcile with the Lu family chamber of commerce, those chambers of commerce will decisively choose to cut off cooperation with them.

In this way, their Nanjia Chamber of Commerce will really have to close down.

South Courtyard
"Changqin, our Nan family has really suffered from you!"

Seeing Palace Master Changqin again, Nan Wuya complained immediately.

"We didn't expect that the Xuan family and the Lu family would have such great courage. Now their Lu family chamber of commerce is estimated to become the absolute overlord of the Western Province mainland! If they get the Lu family chamber of commerce, the Nan family will definitely sit firmly in Tiandu City! At the same time No faction in the Tianzi area dares to take the idea of ​​the Nan family. This is a great opportunity for your Nan family! Brother Nan, do you want to miss it!"

Changqin also knew the current situation of the Nan family. She came to the Nan family again today because she was worried that the Nan family would give up cooperation with them and reconcile with the Lu family chamber of commerce.

If this is the case, their plan will be in vain.


Hearing that Nan's family could ascend Tiandu City, Nan Wuya immediately hesitated.

"Boy from the Nan family, what are you still hesitating about? Do your Nan family have any choice now?"

A wolf girl dressed in red came in. In fact, the wolf girl's appearance was no worse than Changqin's, but except for Xingxiu Banxian, no one dared to think about her.

"Senior wolf girl? Why are you here?"

Nan Wuya frowned and asked.

"Nan Wuya, if your Nan family can successfully enter Tiandu City, I will be the master. In the future, your Nan family can intermarry with our Tiannv Palace!"

Although I learned about the current situation of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, Tiannv Palace still didn't want to give up, but was more active.

This time the wolf girl came in person.Because she knew her situation very well, she couldn't wait too long.Moreover, at this time, the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce has already opened a bank. Once the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce's banks spread all over the Western Province, there will be a response from everyone.

If he dared to hit Lu Wanrou's idea again, he would violate the world's ban.

"Brother Nan! Even if you reconcile with the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce now, I'm afraid you will suffer heavy losses. And from now on, you will also condescend to be under the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce, and there will be no chance of recovery, but there is a chance for your Nan Family Climbing to the top, why not take a chance?"

Changqin also followed suit.

"Since Senior Wolf Girl has come forward, my Nan family can only risk my life to accompany Gentleman. But for safety's sake, I plan to invite Old Monster Beihe and the old blind man to come and help me!"

In fact, Nan Wuya had the opportunity to directly take Lu Wanrou hostage after the Nan Family Chamber of Commerce was tricked by Lu Wanrou, so he had invited two former friends to the Nan Family in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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