extreme dog days

Chapter 3830 Burial Mutiny

Chapter 3830 Burial Mutiny
"Amitabha, this Zantian Temple is as powerful as a fellow. If they really show up in the arena, it will definitely be a bloody storm."

Dou Fo said seriously.They haven't made a move yet, just waiting for a signal from Ling Yun.

"Isn't it! This time, they must be destroyed no matter what, otherwise the Tianzi area will never have peace."

Ji Chunqiu said solemnly.


Dou Fo didn't answer, but his thought was the same as Ji Chunqiu's.Ji Chunqiu is for the safety of their Ji family, but Fighting Buddha is for the common people.

"Then let's take action, there is no need to wait. If there is really a way of heaven in Zangtian Temple, we will take action."

Yun Zang said.

"No, wait for the signal from benefactor Ling first!"

Dou Fo refuses, he chooses to believe in Ling Yun.


When Yunzang and Xuanzang saw Doufo speak, they didn't have much to say.After all, Dou Buddha is the host of Tianzang Temple.


"No! Could it be your eyesight!"

The two guardian priests of the funeral temple sensed a breath, but when they arrived, there was no one there.

"No, here is the protective formation I set up. Someone disturbed my formation just now!"

The one who spoke was a top sixth-level divine formation master in Zangtian Temple. Ling Yun didn't even notice the concealment formation he had arranged, so that's why he was alarmed.

"Uh! If that's the case, then find him!"

Another Taoist said quickly.

"Wait until I activate the formation to find him!"

The magician said.He has set up a lot of formations in the funeral temple, but the sixth-level formations consume a lot of resources, so they will not be opened at ordinary times.

"Good guy, it turned out to be the Sky Eye Formation! This is troublesome..."

Ling Yun was taken aback, fortunately he found out in time, otherwise he would have been found out.However, there is a sky eye formation in the funeral temple, and the sky eye can monitor every move within the range of the formation through the formation.

However, although the Sky Eye Formation is currently activated, it will take time to connect to other formations.Once the entire Zangtian Temple is under the Heavenly Eye Formation, Ling Yun will have nowhere to hide.

Ling Yun was the first to think of the underground burial, and now he can only ask the underground burial for help, find the whereabouts of the sixth-level magician and kill him, breaking the sky-eye formation.

Otherwise, not only will he be discovered, but even the formation he arranged in the funeral temple will be discovered by him, and thus be suppressed.

"Ground burial!"


The underground burial is responsible for protecting the safety of the Zangtian Temple, so no one went to intercept the Tianzang Temple and Ji's family.

"it's me!"

"Are you lurking in, are you crazy? If you are discovered, it will be difficult for you to leave!"

Seeing that it was Ling Yun, Dibu hurriedly lowered his voice.

"So I need your help! There is a sky-eye formation here. If there is a sixth-level magician, it will be very troublesome! It must be solved first!"

Ling Yun said solemnly.

"Uh, he's in the ancestral hall at the foot of the mountain, leave this to me!"

After thinking about it for a while, he said in a deep voice.Since he decided to destroy the Zantian Temple, he would naturally spare no effort.

"That's work!"

Ling Yun nodded and left immediately.The ground burial also left for the ancestral hall at the foot of the mountain.


"Meet the burial master!"

"Master Wen is here!"

With the status of ground burial, there is no place he can't go to except the forbidden area of ​​Zantian Temple, and no one dares to stop him.

"It turns out that Mr. Dibu, I don't know what you are looking for Master Wen. The master is opening the ten formations at this time. If there is no important matter, don't bother!"

Said the Taoist who followed the sixth-level magician before.

He is the person of the Sky Burial Sect who protects Master Wen by his side. Although he is not a top Taoist master, his strength is quite good. It can be said that he is at the same level as a scholar.

"Now Tianzang Temple and Ji's family are jointly attacking, so we can't be careless. I'll go and see..."

Dibu found an excuse and was about to go to find Master Wen, but the Taoist master still stopped him.

"Lord Earth Burial, Master Wen said that before he starts the formation, no one can disturb him, even if Lord Sky Burial comes!"

"Well! What if I have to go in?"

Di Zong said in a cold voice.

"My lord, please don't embarrass me, I was just ordered to protect Master Wen."

"it is good!"

Di Zang said a word, and when he turned around, he suddenly drew out his knife and slashed the Taoist master's neck. He was determined to betray Zantian Temple.

"Ah! Tomb, you... you want to kill me"

Although the Taoist master grabbed the knife of the ground burial in time, the knife had already broken his defense, and his strength was not as good as that of the ground burial. If no one came to rescue him, he would die.

"Who told you to stop me! You should have enough in this life, go with peace of mind!"

The burial said coldly, and the Yunli knife cut off his head, and then walked into the ancestral hall. Many women were also imprisoned in the ancestral hall, and they were locked in iron cages like animals.

When they saw someone entering, they were all like frightened birds.

"Ground Burial, why are you here! Didn't I tell Mr. He that no one is allowed to come in and disturb me?"

Sensing the arrival of the burial, Master Wen spoke.

"He's not here, I'm worried, so I'll come over and have a look!"

Dibu said with a smile.

"Oh! Humph!"

Master Wen responded, and suddenly launched an attack, using formations to suppress the burial.

"Master Wen, what do you mean!"

Di Zong frowned and asked.

"What do you mean? Earth burial, you killed Mr. He, do you think I don't know? This ancestral hall is within my sight for ten miles, and it's useless to hide it from me."

Master Wen had already discovered that the Taoist master had been killed by the ground burial, and he kept his face, just to introduce the ground burial into his formation.

(End of this chapter)

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