extreme dog days

Chapter 3837 Give some incense money

Chapter 3837 Give some incense money

Especially the monks of Tianzang Temple.Even if the Ji family proposed to cut the weeds and eradicate the troubles forever, they tried their best to stop them, and even almost got into a fight with the members of the Ji family.

"Amitabha, Patriarch Ji! No matter what you say about these children, they are innocent. There were countless casualties in this battle at Zangtian Temple, why bother to kill again!"

Yunfo persuaded.

"Yunfo, you have seen it too. These boys are all villains. They have been instilled with bad ideas by the people of Zangtian Temple, and they will definitely be evil when they grow up! And some of them are one in a million. If the talent of the sky grows up, it will definitely harm one side, if it is not eliminated, there will inevitably be another funeral temple in the future."

Ji Qingkong said.

"Yunfo, I think brother Ji is right! Only by cutting the grass and roots can we never have future troubles!"

"I agree!"

The Xia family and the Nan family also agreed with Ji Qingkong's decision.


When Yunfo heard this, he immediately became embarrassed.

"Amitabha! In the opinion of the poor monk, it is better to ask Master Ling about this matter and listen to his opinion!"

After Dou Fo learned about this, he kicked the ball directly to Ling Yun.It's not that Dou Fo intends to bully Ling Yun, but that the Ji family, Xia family, and Nan family are clearly headed by Ling Yun.

Moreover, the attack on Zangtian Temple this time was also initiated by Ling Yun, so it was only appropriate for him to come forward in this matter.In this way, their Tianzang Temple will not offend the three major families.

At the same time, there is no need to be embarrassed!
"Yes! I think it's up to Ling Shao to decide!"

Nan Wuya seemed to have found an opportunity to curry favor with Ling Yun, so he said.

"Well! That's good!"

Ji Qingkong thought for a while and nodded in agreement.Xia Deling didn't even have any objections.

"Is this difficult? As for the embarrassment?"

When Ling Yun heard about this, he gave them a straight look.

"Easy to handle! Does Master Ling have any good solutions?"

Yunfo asked quickly.

These children of Zangtian Temple are only children after all, and they have not done any evil so far.
"It's enough to abolish the cultivation base and clear the memory! In this way, there will be no murder!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Uh, this is feasible, let them be ordinary people and live a peaceful life! Amitabha!"

Yunfo agreed on the spot as soon as he heard it.

"Young Master Ling, there are a lot of good things stored in this funeral temple, how to deal with these things?"

After solving the children's questions, Nan Wuya asked first.

"Doufo, what do you think?"

Ling Yun turned to look at Dou Buddha.

"Amitabha, benefactor, we..."

Yunfo spoke, but Doufo interrupted it.

"This trip to Tianzang Temple is not for money, let alone for plunder, but only for the common people. If Master Ling is sorry, just give some incense money!"


After hearing this, Yunfo couldn't help but look at Doufo.

The first sentence was what he wanted to say, but he didn't have the second half!The reason why Tianzang Temple came forward to deal with Zantian Temple was not for money, but to defend the reputation of Buddhism and eliminate the great harm for the common people.

"Hehe, that won't work! How about this! The things obtained here will be divided into five parts, and the part of Tianzang Temple will be exchanged by the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce for spiritual stones. In addition, all the evil methods in the funeral temple will be sent to Tianzang Temple. It’s good for the Tibetan temple to be sealed up!”

Ling Yun understands!

This time, the loss of Tianzang Temple was not small. Only two 300 people died of the venerable monks, and more than [-] people were killed or injured by the saints.The monks in their Tianzang Temple also need to practice, and this resource is naturally indispensable.

If you don't take anything this time, it's really a big loss.

"Amitabha, I have no objection!"

Dou Buddha said immediately.

"Our Ji family has no objection either."

"It's all up to Ling Shao's arrangement."

"The Xia family has no objections either!"


"Patriarch, Mr. Ling, we found a hidden mountain mansion in the back mountain!"

An elder of the Ji family rushed to speak.They were harvesting things in the funeral temple. Some people went to the back mountain and found a mountain mansion by accident.

Because this mountain mansion is covered by formations, it is called concealment.Because everyone suspected that it might be the residence of the ghost Buddha, they dared not break in easily.

After all, the place where the powerhouses at the level of Heavenly Dao live, even if it is inherited from within, you have to have your life to get it.

Ling Yun and others also wanted to find the ghost Buddha's residence, so they rushed over when they heard that there was a hidden mountain mansion.However, Long Zhandu had already entered the mountain mansion before them.

There is a cave in this mountain mansion, and the interior is like a palace.In the middle is a huge statue of a ghostly god, which is also the statue of a ghostly Buddha in the funeral temple.

"Grandpa Long, what can you find?"

Ling Yun walked to Long Zhandu and asked.

"Except for this weird statue, there is nothing unusual."

Long Zhan shook his head and said.The reason why he paid attention to the places where the ghosts and Buddhas lived was not because of his Heavenly Dao of the Four Ghosts, but because he, like Ling Yun, guessed that the Buddhas and Ghosts might have been inherited from the ancient times, so he practiced the Heavenly Dao of the Four Ghosts.

Naturally, I came here to find clues.

However, although this mountain mansion is extravagant, there is nothing worthy of Long Zhan's attention except for this weird statue.

"That's weird!"

Ling Yun also looked at the strange statue. He used his extreme pupils, but he couldn't see through it.

"Young Master Ling, we found a lot of bones there!"

Nan Wuya came over and interrupted Ling Yun's thoughts.This mountain mansion is the place where ghosts and Buddhas live, and it is estimated that no one will come here. Even if ghosts and Buddhas have killed innocent women here, they will not leave their bones in the mountain mansion. .

(End of this chapter)

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