extreme dog days

Chapter 3859 Does your conscience hurt?

Chapter 3859 Does your conscience hurt?
Bang, Bang

"Knock what, didn't you hear something going on inside? Get out, hurry up!"

Meng Congwen cursed angrily, but the knock on the door didn't stop.

"Second young master, stop making trouble, you have caused a big disaster."

The butler said helplessly.

"I caused trouble, what trouble can I cause. Don't fool me! Get out of here. It's useless even if my father comes, don't let me out of this room today!"

Meng Congwen still didn't intend to stop, and let go of his harsh words.

"Second Young Master, if you don't come out again, then I have no choice but to break in! Do you know that the bad debt you owed before has already been approached by someone. The Patriarch asked you to go there, and he was really angry!"

When the butler heard the movement in the room, he was still angry.In addition to being the steward, he is also one of the elders of the Meng family.

This Meng Congwen has defeated the Meng family, and everyone will be angry.This guy is fine, he is still enjoying himself.

"Bad debt, what a bad debt! Could it be that I was discovered that I had embezzled [-] million spirit stones from my family before? Impossible! Even if it is this matter, with my current status, my father should turn a blind eye and close his eyes." Only eyes are right!"

Meng Congwen used to be in charge of the Mengjia Chamber of Commerce, but he did not have much money for himself.If he had been discovered before, it is estimated that he would have died.After all, it is in the interest of the whole family.

But now he is different.Don't say five hundred million, even one billion.The Meng family will act as if nothing happened.

After all, if there is no accident, he will be the strength of the Meng family in the future.

"Second Young Master, hurry up!"

The butler couldn't wait any longer, pushed the door open and urged.This startled the woman in the room.After seeing the woman in the room, the butler almost exploded with anger. Isn't this his daughter?

"Daddy, daddy!"

"Second Young Master, doesn't your conscience hurt when you do this?"

the butler asked with a cold face.

"Hey, didn't I ask you to come in? You came in by yourself. I'm leaving first, you guys talk first!"

Meng Congwen is very good at throwing pot away.

"Father, this, this is none of my business!"

The housekeeper's daughter was frightened.

"I'll settle accounts with you later! Hmph!"

The housekeeper has no time to deal with his daughter's affairs.If the family's 10 billion IOU is not resolved, the Meng family will have to eat dirt.

"It's you! Someone... arrest him for me."

Meng Congwen rushed over and was furious when he saw Ling Yun.Couldn't it be that Ling Yun made him suffer from Lu Zhiren's trouble?It's just that he still has to thank Ling Yun after all.

If it wasn't for a mistake, he wouldn't be able to worship Yang Kaichun as his teacher!


Ling Yun smiled.

No one in the Meng family dared to touch him.

Because he came on behalf of the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce.

"Are you deaf? Still not moving... Ah! Dad, why are you beating me!"

Before Meng Congwen finished speaking, he was slapped.You must know that since he successfully worshiped Yang Kaichun as his teacher, he has done a lot of ridiculous things in the family.

But his father never beat him, but today he beat him because of an outsider. What's going on?
"Do you know who he is?"

Patriarch Meng asked.

"I know, is he just the bodyguard next to the Lu family's mistress?"

"Bodyguard! Okay, okay! Tell me, how did you owe the Lu Family Chamber of Commerce 10 billion."

Patriarch Meng almost fainted.The bodyguard, he is the king of the Lu family.But when he heard Meng Congwen say this, he already guessed that it was 100% that his unworthy son provoked the other party, but he was tricked into writing such a prodigal IOU.

"10 billion! It's impossible!"

10 billion, Meng Congwen didn't even dare to think about this amount.He used to be in charge of the Meng Family Chamber of Commerce, so he knew very well that even if he sold the Meng Family Chamber of Commerce, it would not be worth 10 billion!
Unless the whole family is moved out, that's about the same.

"Impossible. Tell me, did you write a 10 million IOU to someone else?"

Patriarch Meng asked again.

"Yes, I did. But this guy cheated on me. Dad, he cheated on me!"

Meng Congwen recalled what happened at that time, and immediately cried out.He would get angry just thinking about it, if only he could have given Lu Wanrou the heart control cup at that time.

Now Lu Wanrou will be as infatuated with him as Lu Zhiren!

"To cheat you, you should tell me how I cheated you."

Ling Yun smiled, looked at Meng Congwen and asked.

"Hmph, how dare you ask!"

Meng Congwen said angrily.

"If you don't tell me, why don't you tell me! You paid 10 million to put the heart control cup into my wife's wine. I did as you said and showed you the wine. But you said that I cheated on you, the old Lai in this world is not as good as you. Patriarch Meng, are you right!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.


When Patriarch Meng heard this, he couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.I couldn't help cursing Meng Congwen in my heart, and cursing myself at the same time.Why didn't he just throw it on the ground?

Look, giving birth to such a stupid son is more than cheating.This guy is simply cheating the whole family with his strength!
"Hmph, it's only 10 million. I'll give it to you, get lost!"

As soon as Meng Congwen heard that he knew he was wrong, he directly took out the 10 million Lingshi ticket from their Meng Family Chamber of Commerce and threw it to Ling Yun.

"Aren't you stupid! I waived the 10 million principal for you, and you give it back! All right, then I'll take it, don't want it for nothing, but the interest of 10 billion, that's not a penny less."

Ling Yun waved and took the spirit stone ticket on the ground in his hand, and said at the same time.

"10 billion interest, why don't you grab it?"

Meng Congwen is neither stupid nor deaf. When he heard 10 billion, he was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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