extreme dog days

Chapter 3887 Flickering Spider Witch

Chapter 3887 Flickering Spider Witch
But these spiders were not afraid at all, and came to him one after another, so he had to kill the spiders that gathered towards him, opening a blood path, and finally released his spirit cup, and a group of poisonous spiders sensed him Only then did he let out the breath of the spirit cup.

Lingyun has already entered the valley, and there is a treasure in the valley, the bones of the ancient demon ancestor, and the weapon and magic core of the demon ancestor.

However, the weapon and magic core were taken away by the spider witch long ago.The reason why the bones of the ancestors of the demons were not taken away is precisely because of the bones that created the Myriad Spider Valley.

After all, all the poisonous spiders here were born because of the existence of this demon skeleton.Although this ancestor of the demon race fell in ancient times, after his fall, he fell into a crack in the ground.Originally, for such a long time in the past, even the bones of the Heavenly Dao level would rot, but it is a coincidence that this is the place where spirits gather, and the bones absorbed the aura of heaven and earth and turned into spiritual veins.

It has become a treasure of heaven and earth!
It is precisely because of this that the bones of the ancestor of the demon clan will affect the surrounding environment, thus giving birth to poisonous spiders.

Ling Yun wanted to get the skeleton, but he didn't dare to act rashly when the spider witch was here.The spider witch's spirit cup is a ghost-eyed spirit cup!It happens to belong to the spider class.The reason why the spider witch chose to seal himself here was also to allow his spirit cup to absorb the energy released by this skeleton.

If Ling Yun took it away at this time, the Spider Witch would not let him go.

"Junior, how dare you come here to disturb this ancestor"

When Ling Yun stepped into the depths of the Valley of Ten Thousand Spiders, the poisonous spiders on the statue of the Spider Witch retreated one after another, allowing the stone statue of the Spider Witch to appear.

"Junior, the king of the Lu family, I have seen Senior Spider Witch, but I don't know if Senior invited me here, what's the matter, I just said no visit!"

Ling Yun arched his hands, and immediately took the lead.


The spider witch was directly fooled.When did he invite Ling Yun to come?

The spider witch was unsealed from the petrification. He was usually dressed in a dark black robe, his eyes were full of blood, and he looked extremely evil.

"When will I invite you to come here?"

"Senior wanted to leave the mountain and sent someone to take my wife away. Isn't it just to invite me here? Could it be that senior wants to go around and let me guess your intention?"

Ling Yun smiled and guided the spider witch to follow his rhythm step by step.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the spider witch didn't intend to lure him here at all, he let the high priest and the others kidnap Lu Wanrou, just to lure all the heroes in the world to attack Wushan.This is trying to borrow a knife to kill someone!
His real target should be the other four ancient witches in Wushan.He just wanted to let the other four ancient witches in Wushan fight to the death with the county heroes of the world, and then reap the benefits of being a fisherman and get what he wanted.

"Then you want to guess?"

The spider witch said in a low voice.

"Senior is one of the five great ancient witches in Wushan. If you want to cause chaos in Wushan, the purpose must be to obtain something in Wushan! But senior wants to borrow a knife to kill someone, but he doesn't do it himself. This is unreasonable."

As for the spider witch's purpose, Ling Yun guessed roughly.

"Haha! You really think so?"

The spider witch's eyes became gloomy and cold, staring at Ling Yun with a half-smile.

"Since the junior dares to come, he is naturally well prepared and sincere. If the senior is not willing to talk about it, then he probably won't be able to get out of here!"

The spider witch's face, he was threatening Ling Yun.But Ling Yun threatened him instead.This wave of operations, the spider witch was also taken aback for a while.

The momentum has converged a lot!
"Haha! For countless years, you are the first person who dares to threaten this ancestor! Very good, very good!"

The spider witch reacted and laughed out loud.The five ancient witches have lived from ancient times to today, and this is probably the first time they have been threatened.

Most importantly, it was a saint who threatened him.

"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you!"

Ling Yun said lightly.

"Prove, how do you want to prove it!"

The spider witch's face became gloomy and cold, and his aura once again pressed down on Ling Yun.

"Didn't you find out? Haha! It seems that the five great ancient witches in Wushan are nothing more than that! I came here by mistake!"

Ling Yun smiled.At this moment, the red gold soldiers have taken away the skeleton of the ancestor of the demon clan in the ground.


The spider witch's attention was attracted by Ling Yun just now, and he didn't notice that the bones of the demons underground were stolen.This really startled him.

Although the bones of the demon race were in the ground, they were less than a hundred feet away from him. Someone could take them away without anyone noticing at such a close distance.

This ability can be called against the sky!

But what he didn't know was that the secret gold soldier didn't have any aura, as long as he didn't appear under his nose, he couldn't find it at all.

"Give it back!"

The spider witch's face was gloomy, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Haha, this is the compensation you gave me! But you can go back if you want, so there is no need to talk about it!"

Ling Yun said, and then threw a black iron token at the spider witch's feet.

"The token of the snake witch! Why is it here with you!"

The spider witch took a look at the black iron token in his hand, and his expression changed instantly.This token is the token of the Snake Witch.

"I killed her, do you believe it?"

Ling Yun said jokingly.Ling Yun and the others took down the Snake Witch. The Snake Witch didn't have a physical body like Ling Yun to store things in. Her things could only be stored in the storage space.

(End of this chapter)

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