extreme dog days

Chapter 3908 Feitian Palace Lord travels

Chapter 3908 Feitian Palace Lord travels
The main reason is that Feitian Gong's figure is beyond the standard. Although the waist is not thin, it is not thick. The other two aspects are the dreams of many men.

"Just as you think!"

"Chen Feitian!"

"Not bad! Brother Hu, what do you think this is?"

"This is!"

"Love together! This is definitely a good thing!"

Li Shangqian took out a small bottle and said proudly.Li Shangqian is known as a thief, and he still has no bottom line, so he usually likes to tinker with some weird things.

The combination of affection and looseness is what he uses to become famous!Hu Heng has heard about it for a long time!

"Wait! Brother Hu, let's make an agreement first. Take Chen Feitian, you can't enjoy it alone."

"This won't work! She is the goddess in my heart! At the end of the day, I will help you enter the Tiannv Palace, and the Changqin will belong to you."

"Hey, Brother Hu, you don't understand this! When we break into the Tiannv Palace, it will all be ours. Think about it, what will be divided between each other!"

"Well, that's true. Haha! Listen to you! That's it!"

Hu Heng reacted, and his saliva flowed out.


Li Shangqian has already found out that the master of Feitian Palace left the Tiannv Palace with a few disciples and rushed to the Nan family. This is to discuss with the Nan family about transferring the property, and at the same time, Nan Wuya is asked to personally come forward as their Tiannv Palace. Escaped witnesses.

Originally, it was most appropriate for Changqin to come forward to invite the Nan family.But Changqin hadn't come out of seclusion, so the Flying Palace Master had no choice but to come by himself.

From Yunshui County to Nanjia, but across Tiannan County.Generally speaking, when traveling, you will choose a beast car to travel, firstly, it will not be ostentatious, and secondly, it can save energy.

So it takes at least two or three days.On the way, Palace Master Feitian chose to rest at Wangyun City in Tiannan County.Although Tiannan County is under the jurisdiction of the Nan Family, Tiannv Palace has an affiliated family here, and they opened a large-scale inn in the city, so if the disciples of Tiannv Palace come to Tiannan County, most of them will choose to stay in Wangyun. The city settles down.

But what Palace Master Feitian didn't expect was that even though their Tiannv Palace was closed to the world, the family that was originally attached to Tiannv Palace had already been bought and sold by Li Shangqian.

As for the news outside Palace Master Feitian, this family also disclosed it to Li Shangqian.Because many women in their family worshiped in the Tiannv Palace.

"Palace Master, this is the dinner we specially prepared for you, please take it easy!"

"Patriarch He is busy."

Palace Master Feitian said very politely.If it was before, the Patriarch He would definitely feel flattered, but now there is no surprise on his face, but some indifference.

"Should be, should be! Mistress, please use it slowly, I won't bother you."

Although Patriarch He was extremely respectful in his words, his expression said everything.

"Patriarch He, please go ahead!"

"Palace Master! It seems that He Xinde doesn't think of you, Palace Master!"

The disciples who came with Palace Master Feitian said with some dissatisfaction.

"How can I see it!"

Palace Master Feitian asked nonchalantly, while using chopsticks to eat, with her Taoist cultivation, ordinary poisons can't trouble her at all.

So she was not afraid that the He family would tamper with the food.

"Judging from his expression! The disciples have been here several times before, and once came with Elder Yan. When He Jiaxinde saw Elder Yan coming, let alone how respectful he was, his face was even more serious. An expression of ecstasy. But now that he sees you, although his mouth is respectful, his expression cannot deceive anyone. "

In the past, Tiannv Palace was one of the three major sects in the Tianzi area, and only one elder walking outside could intimidate the general middle-class forces.

The family affiliated to the Tiannv Palace naturally showed great enthusiasm when seeing the elders of the Tiannv Palace, fearing that others would not know that they were affiliated families of the Tiannv Palace.

Compared with now, they are like two different people.

"Hehe, there is nothing wrong with this. After all, our Tiannv Palace is about to close the sect and hide from the world, and we will no longer be able to provide them with shelter. If he still behaves as before, then I am worried that he has some schemes! Sit down , having dinner together, you are exhausted after a long day of driving!"

Palace Master Feitian said indifferently.No matter what she said, she is also a person who has lived for more than three thousand years, and she has a thorough understanding of the cruelty of the world!

For example, in the Tiannv Palace, when you gain power, others will look at you differently, and spend all their efforts to build a good relationship with you, but one day you lose power, and people don't spit on your face, which is considered trivial of.

In the past, although the Tiannv Palace was a female cultivator, there was a top-ranking Taoist master who was listed as one of the three major sects in the Tianzi area. Even ordinary middle-class forces would be proud to be affiliated with their Tiannv Palace.

But if today's female palace wants to seal the clan to hide from the world, it means that the Tiannv palace will not care about world affairs in the future, and it also means the decline of the Tiannv palace.

It is also common sense for those attached forces to be centrifugal.

After Patriarch He left the restaurant, he immediately rushed to report to Li Shangqian.

"Your Majesty, I have delivered the food and wine to the main room of Feitian Palace according to your instructions."

"Wine and food are not important, but the sandalwood is important. Have you lit it!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Don't worry, my lord, before they move in, I'll let someone ignite it! But Palace Master Feitian is a master of Daoism. Can sandalwood alone do it?"

Patriarch He asked puzzledly.

(End of this chapter)

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