extreme dog days

Chapter 3910 Encounter with Li Tianbao

Chapter 3910 Encounter with Li Tianbao

"Hey, beauty, you can't escape. Obediently, let's get caught. We will take good care of you!"

"That's right, you must have never repaid the joy of fish and water! Let me tell you, it's wonderful."

Li Shangqian and the two said very proudly.


Palace Master Feitian cursed angrily.

"Shameless, how can this matter be shameless! If we don't touch you, you will beg us to take good care of you later!"

Li Shangqian's face was flushed when he saw Palace Master Feitian, indicating that the effect of the medicine had already taken effect.


Palace Master Feitian also realized at this time that he might have been poisoned!She subconsciously looked at the small stove in the room, as if she realized that her abnormality was caused by the sandalwood lit by that small stove.

"Do you feel stuffy all over your body, more uncomfortable than being burned by fire! Don't bear it, haha!"

Hu Heng swallowed his saliva and said.

"Shameless! Even if I die, I will not do what you want! Sirius Xiaoyue!"

The Master Feitian took out a bead, smashed the bead with luck, and instantly manifested a white silver wolf and rushed towards Hu Heng and Li Shangqian.

"Wolf Girl's Heavenly Wolf Magic Art!"

Hu Heng exclaimed, the space in the room is too small, there is no way to avoid it, so he hastily used all his strength to resist.Fortunately, the two of them reacted quickly, otherwise they would have been severely injured.

This bead was condensed by the wolf girl who did not hesitate to expend her vitality not long ago. Although this attack of Sirius Xiaoyue is not as good as the full blow of the wolf girl, it still has [-]% of the strength.

This is for Palace Master Feitian to save his life and escape when necessary.

"Hurry up, her love poison has exploded, and she can't escape very far!"

After Li Shangqian came back to his senses, he hurriedly chased after him.It's just that the speed of Feitian Palace Master is not slow at all. Although she is plump, she specializes in body skills and is as light as a swallow. If it is not for the poison in her body, there is absolutely no problem in escaping Li Shangqian's pursuit with her body skills .

After Princess Feitian escaped from the restaurant, she knew she couldn't stay in the city, because Li Shangqian and Hu Heng, the two Taoist masters joined hands, and the whole city might be covered by their spiritual consciousness.

If he wanted a glimmer of life, he could only flee outside the city.

It's a pity that although her body is fast, but her body is poisonous, she still can't escape Li Shangqian's pursuit!
"Haha, my beauty, you really know how to choose a place, such a place with beautiful mountains and green waters, coupled with a beauty like you, is definitely a fairyland on earth! Hehe!"

Li Shangqian was the first to find Palace Master Feitian.Princess Feitian originally planned to flee to Tiannan City, but after the onset of love poison, her consciousness became a little confused, and happened to see a waterfall pool, she wanted to use the water to keep herself awake and wash away the harm of love poison , as long as you carry it over, you'll be fine.

Unexpectedly, it will not work at all.

Li Shangqian rushed over, and when he saw Palace Master Feitian was drenched all over, his expression lit up.There is no need to take care of the previous agreement with Hu Heng.

"You don't come here!"

Palace Master Feitian still had some sanity. Seeing Li Shangqian approaching him, he wanted to escape, but under the turbulence of blood, he couldn't perform his skills at all.

Hearing the limp voice of the Feitian palace master, Li Shangqian became even more angry.

"Hey, seeing you suffer so much, I feel so distressed, let me help you!"

"Get out! Don't come here! Don't come here!"

Just when Li Shangqian was about to hug the Lord Feitian, the water of the waterfall suddenly condensed several sword auras and flew over.Li Shangqian hurriedly pulled back.

"Sword Qi Formed! Sword Master!"

The sword energy transformed by the water is formed on the ground, just like a sword made of water, it condenses and does not disperse, this is something only a sword master can do.

Li Shangqian couldn't help being startled.

"I don't know that sword master is retreating here, I don't intend to disturb you! Please forgive me! I will take my lover away!"

Li Shangqian yelled, seeing that the other party didn't respond, so he said again, and then wanted to get close to Palace Master Feitian and take her away.

But in the next second, another sword energy flew over, and Li Shangqian hurriedly blocked it.

"She is your lover, but I see that she seems to be insane!"

The waterfall was separated by a force, and a young man with a sword from inside fell to the edge of the pool, looked at Li Shangqian and said.He is Li Tianbao.

After Li Tianbao fought Fu Beilou from Tongchi City, Ling Yun saw that his strength could improve again, so he passed the seventh realm of the Illusory Sword Realm to him, so that he could comprehend his own sword realm, so that the sword realm could be improved again. Entrance.

Li Tianbao came here to retreat after leaving Tongchi City, and today coincides with this event.

"You misunderstood, my wife took the poison of love today, and we were going to have some fun in this beautiful place, but we didn't expect fellow Taoists to retreat here. I hope you will forgive me for disturbing you. I will take her away right away! "

Li Shangqian knew that the sword master was not easy to mess with, so he said with a smile.This is complete shrimp nonsense!He also secretly admired himself, even thinking of such an excuse.

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

Li Tianbao is not stupid, he glanced at Palace Master Feitian, and then looked at Li Shangqian.Just based on this guy's looks, is he worthy of him?

"Believe it, why don't you believe it! This kind of thing happens often! Daoist friends are young, so they don't know the fun! Hehe"

Li Shangqian apologized and explained.

"Yes, if there is another person coming here, what do you say?"

Li Tianbao retreated here, so he naturally arranged formations nearby.So when Palace Master Feitian came here, he had already been alarmed.

At this time, he also discovered that there was another person coming here.

(End of this chapter)

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