extreme dog days

Chapter 3924 to discuss the argument

Chapter 3924 to discuss the argument
The Tiannv Palace was filled with joy, and as Palace Master Changqin led a group of female disciples out, everyone's eyes were fixed.Normally, they wouldn't have the chance to meet the Palace Master Changqin.

"Palace Master Changqin deserves to be the number one beauty in the Tianzi area more than [-] years ago, with just this face! And this figure is absolutely amazing!"

"Master Changqin is certainly beautiful, but in terms of figure, she still has to be Master Flying Heaven! That is the ultimate fantasy of a man! Unexpectedly, she is going to marry someone! Didn't it say that according to the gate rules of Tiannv Palace, the Palace Master is not allowed to marry?"

"Could it be that, as rumored, it was Li Tianbao who forced Palace Master Feitian to marry him with his kindness. This is too much."

"Princess Changqin, isn't today your Tiannv Palace's conferring ceremony, how did it turn into a wedding, should I give everyone an explanation!"

"It was rumored in your Tiannv Palace that you were enshrined in the sect before, how much our industry has been affected, don't you know? Now you are no longer enshrined in the sect, let's play!"

"You Tiannv Palace's family can afford to have a great career, but we can't afford it. Just because of your words, our chamber of commerce will be cut off. If your Tiannv Palace really seals the clan and hides from the world, then we have nothing to say. But since you The sect is no longer sealed, so you want to give us an explanation!"


Palace Master Changqin came out, and before she could speak, a large group of people stood up to criticize and demand compensation.This is all to be expected.

"What does your loss have to do with the Tiannv Palace! As far as I know, the Tiannv Palace has never accepted any form of attachment! Everything is your wishful thinking! Why, now that something happens, the responsibility will be shifted to the Tiannv Palace. "

Ji Xiaofeng stood up and said righteously.

He was right!Tiannvgong is a female cultivator, so apart from her own property, she has never accepted any form of attachment.

Even if it is the family of Tiannv Palace disciples, Tiannv Palace has never accepted their attachment.It's just that I usually have some business contacts with them.

And they also claimed that they were backed by the Tiannv Palace through their business dealings with the Tiannv Palace.Take this as a convenience for yourself.

So their loss has nothing to do with the Tiannv Palace.

"You can't say that! If Tiannv Palace hadn't lent Fengzong to hide from the world, how could we suddenly suffer losses?"

"That's right! That's right! Tiannv Palace must bear all our losses!"

"That's right. If the Tiannv Palace doesn't enshrine the sect and hide from the world, then we have to bear our losses. Otherwise, it won't make sense!"


Everyone said with some excitement.

"Your losses will be borne by me!"

"You, who do you think you are?"

"That's why we believe you!"

"Just because I am the master of Tianxu sect, the second young master of the Ji family. Is that enough?"

In fact, these people were all called by Ji Xiaofeng to make trouble.Let them deliberately come out to ask for an explanation from the Tiannv Palace, and he can take the opportunity to come out and help the Tiannv Palace solve their troubles!

Of course, these people also knew in their hearts that they were not really attached to the Tiannv Palace at all, and it was impossible for them to jump out and ask for compensation.

But Ji Xiaofeng promised.As long as they do so, he will compensate according to the price.So why not do it!
"What, you, you are the master of Tianxu sect!"

"The head of the Tianxu Sect is actually the second young master of the Ji family! How is this possible!"

"You all know this! Isn't the great elder of Tianxumen the second wife of the Ji family? It's just that he has been living in Tianxumen."

"So that's how it is! Since Sect Master Tianxu has spoken, we still have to give this face!"

"That's right, since Sect Master Tianxu is willing to bear our losses for Tiannv Palace, then why are we making trouble!"

"Isn't it, it's gone, it's gone!"

Everyone was like clowns, performing hard there.

"Are you done with the show?"

Palace Master Changqin asked coldly.



Everyone immediately looked at Palace Master Changqin!

"You want the Celestial Lady Palace Lord to compensate you for your losses? But why don't I remember what to compensate you? As long as you can come up with an attachment agreement with our Celestial Lady Palace, my Celestial Lady Palace will compensate you ten times! Also, Before that, you families and chambers of commerce that had business dealings with our Tiannv Palace. Our Tiannv Palace has also settled accounts with you. May I ask, what compensation do you want!"

Palace Master Changqin complained angrily.

After it was reported that the Tiannv Palace had conferred the title of emperor and avoided the world, all business was liquidated.Those who should be paid have also been paid.Many people also took a lot of benefits from their Tiannv Palace.

But they were so lucky that they even had the nerve to come to ask for compensation.

"Ah this..."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Palace Master Changqin's rebuke.Even Ji Xiaofeng didn't react.He thought that he let these things come out to make trouble, but he took the initiative to make things right.After the matter subsides, the Celestial Lady Palace Mistress should not pursue the matter any further.

After all, who would despise this kind of thing that someone takes advantage of!And he came forward as the master of Tianxu sect and the second young master of the Ji family, Tiannv Palace should also give him this face.

But what he didn't expect was that the Palace Master Changqin didn't accept his favor at all!

"Hmph, today is my junior sister's big wedding day, so let's not argue with you for now! If you want to settle accounts in the future, you can go to the Tiannv Palace again!"

Changqin Palace Master Overlord said.Just these guys are no threat to their Tiannv Palace at all.

"Palace Master Changqin, the rule of your Tiannv Palace is not that all palace masters in the past are not allowed to marry. Why is Palace Master Feitian allowed to marry now?"

"Yes, yes! That's got to give us an explanation!"


(End of this chapter)

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