extreme dog days

Chapter 3944

Chapter 3944
"Haha, Su Beiluan, since you have torn your face, there is no need to hide it! After we pamper you, we will let you eat Liangjiesan, it will be the same. By the way, I forgot to tell you, I am the only one who owns the Two Worlds Separation! If you want to eat it then you have to be obedient, and you have to serve whoever I ask you to serve!"

Wang Junsheng said very proudly.

Several other people also showed unscrupulous smiles and gazes at this time.

"You bastard! Wang Junsheng, I won't let you go, and you!"

Su Beiluan was very frightened, stepped back a few steps, and said while biting.

"Don't let us go! Haha, it's our blessing to remind the number one beauty in Xuancheng!"

"Isn't it? It's a pity that Gao Xuanpin has been dead for 600 years, you must be very lonely! Let us enlighten you today, enlighten you!"

The principals of the chamber of commerce and the owner of the shop were equally distracted, as if Su Beiluan had become a prey in front of their eyes.

"Let's go! There's no need to talk!"

Liu Qi said something lightly!
"Go, where do you want to go. Kill this guy first. No, cut off his limbs, and let him appreciate our performance later!"

Wang Junsheng said with a sneer.

"Young Master Wang really knows how to play! Haha!"

One of the chamber of commerce principals laughed.

Several guards of the Wang family were about to make a move, but as soon as they took a step, a strange scene appeared. They put their swords around their necks one by one, and then wiped themselves.

"What the hell!"

"Ah this..."

Wang Junsheng and the others were dumbfounded!The six guards of the royal family are all saints, and they wiped themselves like this!
"You're going to cut off my limbs! Then I'll cut off a few inches of your stuff, it's not too much!"

Liu Qi stepped forward and swiped lightly with his sword finger!

Wang Junsheng looked down at himself, only felt a chill, and then the blood had already wet his pants.No, it seems that his prodigal gadget has dropped.

After Liu Qi cut him, the door opened automatically with a wave of his hand, and walked out with his hands behind his back.

Su Beiluan didn't react a little, but when he saw Liu Qi leaving, he followed him.

"Master Wang, what's wrong with you! Hiss! It's gone!"

"Hey, what's going on, that person didn't seem to move just now!"

"Isn't that right? How did he do it! He even cut off Young Master Wang."

"This is troublesome. I heard that the fifth young master is the only descendant of the nine generations of the Wang family! The head of the Wang family knows this, and he is afraid that he will blame us!"


Seeing Wang Junsheng's miserable state, everyone was also shocked!The Wang family is the No. [-] family and the No. [-] chamber of commerce in Xuancheng on the Sea, and they are simply not something they can afford to offend.

Now that Wang Junsheng has been abolished, and his lifeline has been cut off, the Wang family will definitely not feel better if they pursue it.

Wanyuefang, the largest alchemy workshop in Xuancheng on the Sea, does not belong to any chamber of commerce.It was originally established by the Dan League of Yunshuiyu, but the Dan League had been disbanded thousands of years ago.

The current owner of Wanyuefang is none other than Mei Qianzai, one of the six sixth-level alchemy gods in Haishang Xuancheng.

Originally, there was a sixth-level Alchemy God sitting in Wanyuefang, and the business was not bad.But now the Xuanpin Merchant Association has sprung up strongly, occupying the market for the fifth-level god pills, and instantly made their appearance deserted.

"Fangzhu, we just heard the news that Wang Junsheng, the young master of the Wang Family Chamber of Commerce, made an appointment with Su Beiluan from the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce yesterday!"

The steward of Wanyuefang came to Mei Qianzai and said.

"What, why didn't you say it earlier! Now that the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce has occupied the market for the fifth-level god pills, if the Wang family joins hands with them, it will be fine!"

Said Mei Changkong, one of the three fifth-level pill gods in Wanyuefang.

"Yes! Over the years, the Wang family has occupied [-]% of the market in the city. All chambers of commerce and alchemy workshops have turned to them! Even our customers have been robbed a lot! Once they monopolize the market for level five divine pills , then we will have no way out!"

Another fifth-level Alchemy said.

"Brother, you are talking!"

Mei Changkong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, turning his head to look at Mei Qianzai who was making alchemy there.

"What's the rush. It is impossible for the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce to unite with the Wang family!"

Mei Qianzai said slowly.


Another fifth-level alchemy asked puzzledly.

"You have forgotten that one of the two chief alchemy gods of the Wang family came from there."

"Uh, Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce. I remembered, wasn't that old fellow He Songnian the chief alchemist of the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce?"

Mei Changkong realized that his eyes lit up.

"That's right. And as far as I know, Gao Xuanpin, the founder of the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce, might have been killed by the Wang family. How could Su Beiluan cooperate with the Wang family?"

Mei Qianzai turned around and said.

"But why did the Wang family want to meet Su Beiluan? Don't they have any idea?"

He Dan asked puzzledly.

"The eldest son of the Wang family has always harbored ill-will toward Su Beiluan. He made an appointment to meet Su Beiluan just because he wanted to play tricks!"

Wang Junsheng has a little thought for Su Beiluan, no one in Xuanhai City knows it!However, Mei Qianzai has always loved Su Beiluan, but he and Su Beiluan's husband are considered brothers, but not many people know about it.

All these years, he was the one who secretly helped Su Beiluan, otherwise, the Xuanpin Chamber of Commerce would have been unable to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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