extreme dog days

Chapter 3967 Shangguan Yurong

Chapter 3967 Shangguan Yurong
"What is the fortune of the general trend?"

Heavenly Kill asked curiously.

"This old man can't tell clearly. It can only be said that he was born according to destiny! Or it is the inheritance of fate!"

Fallen Leaf said.

"Can fortune be passed on?"

Tian Shou didn't understand even more, and stared at him with wide-eyed eyes.

"Of course. Tao can be passed on, and fortune is like Tao, so it can naturally be passed on. According to records, the Wulong family has a fortune inheritance."

Fallen Leaf said with a smile.

"Uh, so that's the case, the family can pass on their fortunes!
"That's not true. The inheritance of fortune is an extremely mysterious thing. It requires a special method. Besides the family, the sect can also inherit the fortune, but the method is different! As for the method, the old man is different. Got it. But the most mysterious thing about the inheritance of this fortune is the Temple of the God of Fighting. It is rumored that the masters of the Temple of the God of Fighting in the past are all passed on by fortune! From generation to generation!"

Fallen Leaf explained!
The inheritance of family fortune is a kind of soul inheritance, but the sect is a pool of merit!In the Temple of Gods of Fighting, the masters of the past dynasties need to prepare their own merit pools, and their fortune inheritance is the skills.

So it is also the most mysterious.

Other forces can't imitate at all, and they are unwilling to imitate, because this is the selfless spirit of the previous hall masters of the Dou Shen Temple, which is only prepared for the final victory of the human race against the soul race.

There is a hole in the ancient tomb, it is a natural mystery, and it is precisely because of this that the founder of the Baiye League chose to build this ancient tomb here.

It is precisely because of the existence of this natural secret place that the shadow of the heavenly dao of the founder of Baiyemeng is preserved intact.

With the help of the power of this natural secret realm, the Shadow of the Heavenly Dao turns the virtual into reality.If people who don't know see her, they will think she is a complete human race.

Shangguan Yurong used to be a first-class genius in Nanzhou Continent, and also one of the most beautiful women in Nanzhou Continent.Although she is dead, the shadow of the Dao of Heaven is exactly the same as her after turning the emptiness into reality!
And Shangguan Yurong's Shadow of the Dao of Heaven has Shangguan Yurong's past memories, but she has lived here alone for more than [-] years. Except for someone who came in thousands of years ago, no one has come here, so she has been free and unrestrained. It seems very casual!
At the same time, he has long forgotten the worldly vision, the clothes on his body are extremely thin, and the jade body is faintly visible, and he often sits quietly under the waterfall in the secret place.

Even if she found out that someone had entered the secret realm, she remained unmoved and just said lightly.

"Finally someone came! Hey! Too weak! The cultivation of a saint!"

Shangguan Yurong's Shadow of the Dao of Heaven sensed Ling Yun and couldn't help shaking her head.


Sensing the aura of the Shadow of the Heavenly Dao, Ling Yun came under the waterfall, saw Shangguan Yurong's Shadow of the Heavenly Dao, was speechless for a while, and turned around quickly.

"You came to the secret realm of the ancient tomb, and you dare to turn your back on me! Are you here to visit the mountains and rivers?"

The shadow of heaven is also drunk, she is here to guard the pass!There are only two kinds of people to enter the ancient tomb, one is the person who made an appointment with the Baiyemeng to come to the barrier, and the other is the tomb robber.

And when these two kinds of people see her, the former will naturally be ready, while the latter will surely shine.People like Ling Yun, are they mistakenly intruding on a gentleman?
"Senior misunderstood, just don't look at evil!"

Ling Yun said helplessly.Damn, you are embarrassed to dress like this, but I am embarrassed!
"Don't look at evil! Hehe, do you think I'm ugly? Or do you think I'm too old? I remember the kid who came in last time, but he wanted to take me away."

The Shadow of the Dao of Heaven appeared in front of Ling Yun in a flash. He didn't want to see it, but he seemed to have seen it too.

"Can I say that senior is so beautiful that I can't bear to look directly?"

Ling Yun said calmly.

"Duplicity, men don't have a good thing! They should all be damned!"

The woman turned her face faster than a book.Just now he had a charming smile on his face, but now his face was full of murderous intent, and when he stretched out his plain hand, there was an artistic conception of being so close to the world.

No matter how Ling Yun retreated, he couldn't escape from her palm, so he had to use the space method, but in front of the shadow of the heaven, his space could not resist at all, so he had to use the space escape method to avoid it.

"It turned out to be a space Taoist, but your space Taoism seems useless in front of me!"

The Shadow of the Heavenly Dao smiled charmingly, his figure was like lightning, and he went straight to Ling Yun.

The shadow of the Heavenly Dao is no less than the average Heavenly Dao-level powerhouse. Ling Yun doesn't use the Supreme Sword Dao, and his Dao skills alone can't parry him at all.

"The way of the sword, what kind of way of the sword is this? You, a little saint, can use this way of the sword to ascend to the Dao of Heaven!"

Seeing the Supreme Sword Dao, the Shadow of the Heavenly Dao was also surprised.After all, Ling Yun's cultivation was too weak.Only relying on the cultivation of a saint can enter the way of heaven with his sword.

"This is the supreme way of swordsmanship, and this sword is the Celestial Immortal Sword. This junior relies on this way of swordsmanship and the sword in his hand. Ask seniors for the sword!"

Holding the Celestial Immortal Sword in his hand, Ling Yun stood on the supreme path of the sword, like a sword god coming to the world.

The Shadow of the Dao of Heaven has extraordinary strength, even if it does not enter the level that fits the Dao of Heaven, its strength belongs to the top existence.Therefore, with Ling Yun's supreme kendo combined with the Celestial Immortal Sword, he could only draw with the Shadow of the Dao of Heaven.

"What a supreme way of the sword! If you enter the Tao, you can probably rely on this way of swordsmanship to resist the middle stage of the Dao of Heaven."

The Shadow of Heavenly Dao praised.

"Senior, are you still fighting?"

Ling Yun asked in a deep voice!If he keeps fighting, if he doesn't use his immortal body, he will lose!After all, even with the ultimate blessing of a saint's cultivation base, it is impossible for his vitality to last for too long.

(End of this chapter)

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