extreme dog days

Chapter 3985 Investigate the news

Chapter 3985 Investigate the news
This place is the stronghold of the human race, and the demon race will not settle here.According to the rules, a trade fair will be held here every seven days.

Only during the time of the trade fair, the demons will come here!This is also a rule, in order to avoid conflicts.

Two days later, it was the trade fair here, and Ling Yun thought about inquiring about the longevity bacteria from the demons.

"Young master, you want to inquire about the whereabouts of the longevity bacteria from the demons!"

Code asked.

"Exactly, I think that old boy Xi Daolong is hiding something! Maybe he doesn't want me to know the whereabouts of the longevity bacteria at all!"

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.Although Xi Daolong's previous compilation was reasonable, Ling Yun still found something!It's just that it hasn't been revealed face to face.

"Uh, how about I cut him back and ask him clearly?"

"Hey, let you assassinate him, you may succeed, but you may not be able to beat him in a head-to-head confrontation."

Liu Qi laughed.

"I can't beat him, isn't that guy on the fourth floor of the Dao, and I have already stepped into the seventh floor!"

The code name said with some pride.He is on the seventh floor of Taoism, majoring in assassination techniques, so far he has never missed a shot, and even assassinated a top-ranking Taoist master.

It's a pity that he couldn't be killed with a single sword. It took a long time to succeed.Therefore, he wants to practice dark night swordsmanship, combined with his assassination technique, then he can become a real night assassin.

"Cultivation does not represent strength, just like the son. He is a man of saint cultivation, and he can send you back to the west with both hands!"

Liu Qi laughed.

"Uh! Is Xi Daolong hiding so deeply? Wouldn't it be very dangerous to follow the witch and barbarian people who went to explore the way together?"

Even Zhu Gao and Man Nanhuang couldn't see the true strength of Xi Daolong.But Ling Yun and Liu Qi found some clues.

If Zhu Gao and Man Nanhuang knew the true strength of Xi Daolong, 100% would not let Xi Daolong go to explore the road in person, but let him draw out the route and let others go on his behalf.

"He should have practiced some kind of special technique. However, there is a faint evil spirit appearing in him. If I guessed correctly, he might be practicing the Demon Clan's technique!"

The magic kung fu practiced by Xi Daolong is very special, it is a magic kung fu that has been lost for a long time.If this set of magic skills is discovered by the demons, it will inevitably cause a great sensation.

And this magic skill has the ability to conceal cultivation.At the Dao level, as long as you don't meet the Heavenly Dao level, you can't find it.

Two days later, the trade fair at the stronghold officially started, because the demons were not allowed to enter this place before the trade fair, so the trade fair usually lasted for three days.

On the first day, the demons closest to here will come.The demons control the resources of the entire earth fire domain, and every time they bring the spiritual herbs and medicines they got from the earth fire domain!Ore, or magic weapon embryos created by the demons came to trade.

And one of the things that the demons like to exchange with the human race most is the pill.Pills are one of the things that the demons lack the most.The demons have the innate advantage of practicing weapon art, but they lack the talent for practicing alchemy.

Even if some demons try their best to practice alchemy, their final achievements are very limited.Therefore, at every trade fair, elixir is undoubtedly the most popular.

The second is daily necessities.It has to be said that the human race knows how to enjoy life better than the demon race.In addition, some unscrupulous chambers of commerce even secretly captured some human women to trade with the demons.

This is what the human race in the world hates the most, so even here they dare not be blatant.But most of the monks who come here are also well aware of it.

It's just that the chambers of commerce that dare to do this kind of transaction with the demons generally have a good background, and some demons will also provide them with protection.

With the arrival of the demons, the place became lively all of a sudden.Demons are everywhere!Because some demons lack magic weapons for storage, they can only transport a large amount of ore or spiritual grass directly.

"Brother Dahe, you haven't come here for quite a while. I don't know how many good things you brought this time!"

A person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce saw the demons who used to trade with them, and hurried forward to greet them.

"Don't mention it, the weather in our territory has not been very good for a while, and it has been raining heavily for a month. Many high-level spiritual herbs or elixir that were kept before are broken! How unlucky! There are only some ores!"

Dahe Demon Sage said helplessly.He is a hippopotamus.A small demon clan belonging to the Earth and Fire Domain.Therefore, their territory is not large, so their resources are really limited.

If they encounter bad weather, it will be even worse for them.

At the same time, there are still some grievances between the demons.Therefore, a small clan like the Hippo Demon Clan would be expelled if they were a little careless.

Of course, the demons also have rules that must be obeyed by the demons, that is, no matter how much hatred there is, no one above the demon god is allowed to attack a monster that has not yet transformed.

The Hippo Demon Clan once offended the Giant Crocodile Demon Clan, and at that time almost all the Transformation Demon Clan were devoured.

"Uh, that would be such a pity! I don't know, Brother Dahe, what do you want to exchange these ores for?"

The Hippo Demon Clan now only has one Demon Sage, Dahe Demon Sage, so they never fight or snatch.Usually, when I come to participate in the trade fair, I just exchange some pills for cultivation and daily necessities.

So I am more familiar with this chamber of commerce.

"Lingshi! Although your Chamber of Commerce has pills, they are all auxiliary pills. I need some healing pills!"

Dahe Demon Saint said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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