extreme dog days

Chapter 3990 Demon Corpse Appears

Chapter 3990 Demon Corpse Appears
Chapter 61

Demon Corpse Appears
"Now here comes the problem! It's fine if it's other demons. But the hippo demons have a huge body, and their internal organs alone can be equivalent to small monsters. With so many hippo demons, even three demon pythons can't devour."

The giant dragon demon master is one of the demon pythons, and their food intake is much larger than other demons.But facing so many hippo demons, even if it's just their internal organs, they can't finish it.

But of course this is not the work of the Demon Python Clan, because the Demon Python Clan never picks food and devours it directly, leaving so many broken corpses!
"Brother Juju, did you think of something?"

The bone lizard asked hastily.

"In the whole world, there are only two kinds with such terrifying devouring abilities. One is the swallowing mouse. It's just that the swallowing mouse devours everything, but it doesn't only eat internal organs. And as the king of the devil rat clan, the swallowing mouse will never They will do something that violates the Demon Clan's agreement, and the Rat Clan and the Hippo Demon Clan don't have such deep hatred!"

The giant squirrel demon lord explained.

"That's right! The Demon Race Convention, in order to ensure the immortality of the Demon Race, even if there is any deep hatred between the Demon Race in the world, no Demon Cultivator can take action against a Demonic Beast that has not been demonized."

"But who could it be?"

"What's the second one?"

A group of demon cultivators, as well as Ling Yun, also looked at the giant monster demon, waiting for his answer.

"Devil corpse!"

The giant squirrel demon lord looked around, then lowered his voice and said.

"What? Really, there really are demon corpses!"

"Demon, Demon Corpse, is this, is this true?"

"Didn't the demon corpse devour flesh and blood? How could it eat internal organs?"

"That's right, I've heard a lot about the legends about demon corpses? But I've never said anything about demon corpses devouring internal organs!"


Those demon cultivators who knew the existence of the demon corpse said one after another.

"That's because you are ignorant! Demon corpses transformed by different demon clans have different habits! According to records, the masters of the demon clan who followed the ancestor of Yunchan to hunt and kill demon corpses tens of thousands of years ago..."

While the giant dragon demon was explaining, he suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by something, shut up immediately, looked around in a panic and looked around.

But did not find anything?

Ling Yun whispered in Code Name's ear, and then became alert.

"Giant Demon Lord, haven't you finished yet?"

A demon cultivator stopped when he saw that the giant python demon master was speaking halfway.He couldn't help asking, but was reprimanded by the giant squirrel demon master.

"To shut up!"

"Then, what is that!"

At this moment, a demon cultivator saw two red lights appearing in the distance. When all the demon cultivators noticed, a thin, bloody demon wolf came out.

This devil wolf is very thin, it seems to be skin and bones, but there are strange herbs with blue light growing on the top of its head.

There is also a faint blue light in his body.

"Magic wolf!"

"It belongs to the Demon Wolf Clan!"

"Isn't the Demon Wolf Clan the Thousand Demon Realm? Why did it appear here? What does he want to do?"

All the demon cultivators were stunned.The Demon Wolf Clan is the master of the Moon Devouring Valley, which is one of the four major demon territories in the Nanzhou Continent. Under normal circumstances, the Demon Wolf Clan will not leave the Moon Devouring Valley, and the Demon Wolf Clan is not like the other three. Like the demon territory, it recruits other demons to attach, so it has always been mysterious.

On the surface they are the weakest of the four major territories, but even the strongest Daming King territory dare not provoke them.

"He's not a demon wolf, he, he's a demon, a demon corpse!"

The bone lizard demon lord exclaimed!
"That's right, he is a demon corpse! Run away..."

The giant squirrel demon master also reacted, turned around and wanted to escape without saying a word.

Because this demon wolf is no longer a demon wolf clan, but a demon corpse that mutated after being dead for an unknown number of years.

And it was the demon corpse that ancestor Yunchan died tens of thousands of years ago to hunt him down.Ancestor Yunchan was at the level of heaven, even he died in the hands of this demon corpse in the end, how dare the giant dragon demon master fight!

If you can escape, you will be lucky.

It's just that he underestimated the speed of the demon corpse, and the demon corpse stopped the giant scorpion demon lord almost in one breath. If he hadn't stopped in time, he would probably have narrowed the distance by ten feet.

Ten feet away, he is finished.

"Longevity Bacteria!"

Ling Yun's eyes lit up when he saw the demon corpse.Because the blue-glowing herbs on the top of the corpse's head were exactly the longevity bacteria he had been looking for.

Ling Yun made a move, running the supreme sword, and the three thousand supreme swords flew away in an instant. His target was obvious, and that was the longevity bacteria on the top of the demon corpse.

But he also underestimated the strength of the demon corpse.He can't tell the level of this demon corpse, but he can tell his strength once he tries it.

When the Three Thousand Unsurpassed Dao Sword approached the demon corpse, the demon corpse opened its mouth and roared, and all of them shattered.

"so scary"

Ling Yun was taken aback, stretched out his hand to push the code name, and changed his position immediately, and the next second the demon corpse came to their position just now.

When the code name saw this, he couldn't help being shocked.

"Hiss, so fierce!"

Codename gasped.


A sudden scream startled everyone.When they looked over, a demon cultivator showed the real body of the monster in front of the corpse, and was torn apart by the corpse, and the internal organs were taken out and devoured in a blink of an eye.

"Ah this..."

Even though he is the code name of an assassin, he was also frightened by this scene.

"The strength of the demon corpse is unexpected! I'm afraid it will surpass the heavens. You go first..."

Ling Yun said to the code name.At this time, the main target of the demon corpse is the demon clan.So if the code name wants to leave at this time, the demon corpse will not care at all.

(End of this chapter)

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