extreme dog days

Chapter 3995 Dead Sea: Thunder Domain

Chapter 3995 Dead Sea: Thunder Domain

"The human race has a lineage of the corpse clan, and the cultivation of this corpse clan lineage is the blood path of heaven and earth. Therefore, there are records about blood mosquitoes!"

The appearance of the blood grave was not because of the demon corpse.It is the sea of ​​blood avenue between heaven and earth.Not only did blood tombs appear here in the Nanzhou mainland, blood tombs once ravaged the world in ancient times, and later because of the understanding of the sea of ​​​​blood avenue, the blood mosquitoes were suppressed.

And the reason why he later practiced the corpse path was to deal with the soul race.

Ling Yun knew the way to deal with the blood mosquitoes, which was the record left inside the copper coffin.Heaven and Earth Thunder restrained the Blood Sea Avenue, and naturally they could also eliminate the blood mosquitoes.

"Heaven and Earth Thunder! If Heaven and Earth Thunder can really deal with blood mosquitoes, then it will be easy."

Ape Tongxian said.

"Easy? After the ancient times, who in the world will control the thunder! No matter if it is a human race or a demon race, who would dare to easily enter the Tao with thunder?"

The old monkey king glared at Yuan Tongxian, and said with hatred.

"Heaven and earth thunder is the way of destruction between heaven and earth. At the same time, it requires extremely high talent for cultivators. Even if you have the physique of thunder, you may not be able to succeed. Secondly, because of the seal of heaven and earth after ancient times, the power of heaven and earth thunder has also been greatly affected. Therefore, there are almost no humans or demons who practice Heaven and Earth Thunder."

After ancient times, the reason why there are few people who cultivate Heaven and Earth Thunder is not because Heaven and Earth Thunder is too difficult to cultivate. In the final analysis, there are two reasons.

One is that after the ancient times, the heaven and earth were sealed, and the thunder of this world was also subject to certain restrictions. At least in the North State Continent, Dongzhou Continent, and West State Continent, Ling Yun had never encountered a thunderbolt whose strength reached the Dao level. It is not an easy task for a monk to enter the Tao through the cultivation of Lei Ting who has not reached the Dao level.

As for the other reason, the Dao of Heaven, Earth and Thunder is one of the most dangerous methods in the world.Even if you have the physique of cultivating thunder, you will die if you are not careful.

Therefore, many people are discouraged.

"Lei Ying, isn't he a born Thunder Demon? Just ask him to come and help!"

Yuan Tongxian said weakly.

Lei Ying is known as the Thunder King, and is the only entry-level demon clan in the Skyfire Domain that has not joined the territory of the Daming King.And although he is only a Taoist master, because he is born with the power of thunder and lightning, there are few opponents at the same level, and generally few people dare to provoke him.

"That's right, why did I forget about that guy! Although Lei Ying is in the Skyfire Domain, he hasn't joined the Daming King's territory, so it's not difficult to ask him to help!"

Lei Ying is a new star who came to the demon clan nearly ten thousand years ago, and the old monkey king doesn't know him.But Sun Qitian had heard of him.After all, Yuan Tongxian and Lei Ying still have a good friendship.

Yuan Tongxian is warlike, and he and Lei Ying are congenial.Before Yuan Tongxian stepped into the heaven, they often competed with each other.

Moreover, when Lei Ying offended the territory of the Daming King in the past, he was chased and killed by the strong men of the Daming King's territory, and fled to Tianyu Mountain for refuge. Therefore, it was not difficult for Yuan Tongxian to ask Lei Ying to come forward for help.

However, when Yuan Tongxian rushed to the place where Lei Ying lived, he was told that Lei Ying had left his territory to practice in Leiyu after he learned that Yuan Tongxian had stepped into the heaven a thousand years ago.

"Lei Yu, what is that place?"

Hearing Yuan Tongxian mentioning that Leiying went to Leiyu thousands of years ago, Ling Yun couldn't help asking.

"That is a fierce place that has existed since ancient times! It is rumored that in ancient times, all the Dao-level thunder experts of the human race and the demon race jointly set up a place to block the soul race! Non-thunder cultivators, just stepping on the edge, even entering the Tao, will be wiped out in ashes! It seems that that kid Lei Ying was hit hard when he learned that you had stepped into the Heavenly Dao! He even went directly there to practice in seclusion."

Sun Qitian said.

At this time, Di Xuanjie and the old monkey king entered the Yanyun Mountain Range to investigate the situation.The old monkey king was worried that there would be danger, so he asked Sun Qitian to stay.

"I don't think he's going to die! He's just crazy!"

Yuan Tongxian also knew about that place, so he couldn't help but worry about Lei Ying.

"Now the problem is that Lei Ying has gone to Lei Yu, so it's very difficult to find him! Besides, it's been a thousand years, and I don't know whether he is alive or dead!"

Sun Qitian said helplessly.

The thunder field is all over the heaven and earth thunder, although the place is not very big, in the heaven and earth thunder, even the spiritual consciousness of the heaven and earth will be abolished.

So trying to find something there is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I'm going to find him!"

Yuan Tongxian said without hesitation.After he learned that Lei Ying had gone to Lei Yu for a thousand years, he had this plan.I came back just to tell Sun Qitian.

After all, going to Leiyu is not a matter of a day or two.

"Alright! But remember, don't break into the center of the mine field, otherwise even if you are the Dao of Heaven, it will be difficult to survive."

Sun Qitian reminded.


Yuan Tongxian responded, and his figure flew thousands of feet away.

"Uh, what about the kid?"

When Sun Qitian came back to his senses, Ling Yun who was standing beside him had disappeared.

"Could it be the Taoism of space!"

Sun Qitian realized that he was able to leave quietly by his side, which is impossible for ordinary people.

"Boy, why did you come here?"

As soon as he left the low valley area, Yuan Tongxian saw Ling Yun.Ling Yun did not hide, but followed generously.

"Lei Yu, I want to take a trip!"

Ling Yun's answer was very simple.

"You don't want to die? Even if you are a Taoist god and comprehend the way of heavenly swords, you have never entered the Tao after all. And where is Leiyu, even if it is a place that we Daoist Daoists of the Demon Race dare not approach, it is undoubtedly that you have gone court death."

Know heroes, value heroes.

(End of this chapter)

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