extreme dog days

Chapter 4001 3 days of eucharist

However, because Ling Yun was abandoned and stood up, he lost his Canglong Qi and soul.Before the realm of Shinto, he also used weapons to display Canglong tactics, but as his own cultivation base and strength gradually increased, he gradually gave up.

"Back then, I used the divine artifact Heaven Punishment as a medium to induce Qi to transform into a dragon, and to use the Cangtian Eyes of the Canglong Battle Technique! Although it has not exerted its real power, it is a good method. But the physical body is different, the physical body belongs to It's not going to work at all!"

Ling Yun pondered, constantly rehearsing the Canglong tactics in his mind, while recalling the Canglong tactics.The Canglong tactics can only exert the strongest power when combined with the Canglong tactic and the Canglong Qi and Soul.

Therefore, if Ling Yun wanted to directly use the Canglong tactics to unleash the power of thunder, it would not work.

"Take your body into a dragon, and thunder is the law! No, use your body as the law, and thunder into a dragon!"

hold head high!
After less than an hour, Ling Yun, relying on the Canglong tactics, successfully released the excess thunder power in his body.However, it cannot be used to unleash the thunder power of Thunder's true body.

In other words, this can only be used to release the excess thunder power in the body during cultivation.At the same time, after the power of thunder that was released was transformed into a dragon, it was not controlled by Ling Yun at all, and soon disappeared.

It's a success and it's a failure.But it can be used as inspiration.At the same time, it can release the excess thunder power in the body, Ling Yun can also ignore it and continue to run the physical exercises to cultivate the thunder golden body.

If the Thunder Golden Body didn't go one step further, Lingyun would not be able to continue walking into the depths of the Thunder Realm. With the Thunder Golden Body's ability to bear, it was within a hundred paces at most.

This is similar to the tolerance range of the Demon Sage's true body of Warcraft in the minefield.

Yuan Tongxian saw that Ling Yun had cast a golden body of thunder, but at present he could only move at a distance of a hundred paces, so he stopped watching him and went to find Thunder Eagle on his own.
The minefield can be divided into three layers!The first layer is the periphery, which is where Ling Yun is.It's just that his [-]-step distance is less than half of the periphery!
You can only walk in the first floor if you have reached the Thunder Holy Body, or the defense of the entry-level cultivation base.But the sea was empty, and there was no place to stay.

Only in the distance from the edge of the second floor is there a small island that has long been razed to the ground.However, that small island is covered by the power of thunder all the year round, and it is no less than the scope of entering the second floor.

In the second layer, there are some islands, but they are all extinct, but one thing, the stones there are all ores, and they are all refined by the power of thunder, even ordinary ores, as long as If it is not destroyed under the coverage of the thunder of heaven and earth, it will have the thunder attribute.

It's just that this second floor can only be entered by those above the Heavenly Dao, and the powerhouses of the Heavenly Dao level can't despise these ores.

As for the third floor, that is the center of the minefield.Heavenly Dao-level demon cultivators can barely enter it, but they dare not stay for too long, nor do they dare to approach the center.

The central location is extremely strange. There is an island there, and there is a towering tree on the island. There was a Heavenly Dao expert who tried to check it out, but the result was that it was wiped out in the thunder of heaven and earth.

Because that towering tree is the way of thunder.It is also the powerhouses who laid out the Thunder Territory back then, gathered by the way of heaven.

To put it bluntly, it is the root of Leiyu.

And the formation of this thunder field is actually a great formation of good fortune. Unless it is above the heaven, it cannot be destroyed.

The Thunder Eagle Daoist has been here for thousands of years, his Thunder Dao method has reached its peak, and his cultivation has also reached the ninth level of entering the Dao Great Perfection.

He was only one step away from stepping into the way of heaven, but this one step was like a gap between heaven and earth, so he could never cross this step.

He was not reconciled, so he became obsessive and tried to break into the center of the minefield. As a result, he was severely injured and had to stay in the minefield, sealed himself, and turned into a stone eagle statue.

It is not easy for Yuan Tongxian to find him.

However, Lei Ying had previously cultivated in the Thunder Territory, but left a lot of traces, so Yuan Tongxian guessed that this guy might still be alive.

"It's been three days, and where is this guy? I've searched almost all over the second floor! Could it be that he broke through the realm of Heaven and stepped into the center of the Thunder Realm! No, if he had broken through, he should have left here long ago to find him. I'm fighting. Lei Ying, Lei Changming, why are you there?"

Yuan Tongxian couldn't help shouting loudly, but he didn't get a response.Lei Ying couldn't step into the realm of heaven for a long time. He knew that his chances were not enough, so he took the risk to enter the third floor, and even tried to go to the central area.

If he hadn't retreated quickly back then, it probably wouldn't exist.However, he is now on an island on the third floor and has become a very symbolic stone statue of that island.

On the third floor, Heavenly Dao experts can barely enter it. As long as they do not set foot in the central area, there is generally no danger.

The reason why Thunder Eagle can be in the third floor is because he has the thunder attribute, and because he has practiced the Thunder Mother Dao, so as long as he doesn't go to the central area, there is not much danger.

"Uh, how did that kid enter the second floor. The Holy Body, three days, in only three days, he actually achieved the Thunder Holy Body. Am I dazzled?"

Yuan Tongxian was about to enter the third floor and look for it again, but he saw that Ling Yun successfully stepped into the second floor and settled on an island.


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