extreme dog days

Chapter 4005

Chapter 4005
"I see. No wonder he broke through to the Holy Body in only three days!"

"What did you say, Eucharist! Three days? Is this what you saw with your own eyes?"

"Yes! What's the matter? Is there a problem?"

"This is a big problem! After the ancient times, the seal of heaven and earth, and the thunder of heaven and earth are also restricted. Except for the thunder field, it is impossible for the power of thunder above level five to exist in other places! So no matter how good the talent is, it is not available in other places. It may reach the height of the Holy Body of Thunder!"

As a strong practitioner of Thunder Dao, Lei Ying naturally understands the matter of Heaven and Earth Thunder very well.Otherwise, he wouldn't take the risk to come here to practice.

It was also because of this place that he was able to enter the Tao with Lei Mu.

"Ugh! So that kid was really a dragon among the people at that time! But it's a pity, after all, he paid a price for his eagerness for success!"

Yuan Tongxian felt pity again.

"That's not necessarily the case. Maybe he was the one who opened the Thunder Source Barrier? Of course, it's not ruled out that it was done by other strong men. By the way, you haven't told me yet, what are you doing here?"

Lei Ying is not sure whether Ling Yun is still alive, but this is not what he cares about!Right now, his cultivation has reached the ninth level of Dzogchen, and he is only one step away from breaking through the heaven.And this step, the difference is not the power of thunder, but the chance, so staying here has no meaning for him.

"Looking for you!"

"Looking for me? Are you sick? You won't run here if you want to fight with me, right? Call me crazy, you are crazier than me!"

Lei Ying scolded.

"You think too much about you! You have not entered the way of heaven, looking for you is not called fighting, it is called beating you!"


Lei Ying knew Yuan Tongxian's strength.Although his Lei Mu Dao method has certain advantages, but he has not entered the way of heaven, if he fights with Yuan Tongxian, he will really only be beaten.

Yuan Tongxian told Lei Ying about the blood mosquito, and learned that his Taoism could restrain the blood mosquito and prevent the blood mosquito from wreaking havoc on the world. Lei Ying naturally agreed without hesitation. They left Thunderfield together.

At this time, Ling Yun had already stepped into the center of the thunder field, and came under the towering tree.

"You finally came!"

Just when Ling Yun arrived, a voice rang out.Only under this big tree can the sound be heard.

"Do you know who I am?"

Ling Yun asked curiously.

"The new Lord of the God of Fighting, the next generation of God of Fighting God, isn't he? From the moment you stepped into the Thunder Domain, I knew it. Are you curious, who am I?"

said the voice.

"Didn't ask?"

Ling Yun cupped his hands and asked.

"I am the master of the seventh generation of God of War! Thunder Prison! Which generation host are you now?"

Strictly speaking, the current Ling Yun cannot be regarded as the Lord of the Battle God Hall, but it can be said to belong to the default, and no one can replace him.

But before he took charge of the Dou Shen Temple, it is more appropriate to say that he is the host.

"Ah! Ninth Generation"

Ling Yun thought for a while and replied.

"The saint's peak is perfect! It seems that the soul path is far above you! Unexpectedly, the Temple of the Fighting God has been passed down from generation to generation, but after all, it still cannot surpass the soul path! Sigh!"

Lei Gui could see Ling Yun's cultivation at a glance, and at the same time guessed that Ling Yun did not dare to enter the Tao at this time, because the cultivation of the Soul Dao was far above him. The soul path is awakened.

The layout of the previous hall masters of the Dou Shen Temple has allowed their mantle and fortune to be passed on from generation to generation, so that one day, they can surpass the soul path, occupy the initiative, and be able to suppress the soul path with the advantage of only their cultivation.

But I didn't expect that Ling Yun's generation would not advance but retreat, and in turn fell one level behind Soul Dao!

"Actually, strictly speaking, I should be regarded as the tenth generation. The old master Douluo is the ninth generation host! It's just that he was killed by an adulterer, so he passed on the mantle to me!"

Ling Yun explained.

He can be regarded as the ninth generation palace master, but he is the tenth generation host!Because the eighth-generation hall master is the fighting god, and the fighting god did not lose back then, he and the soul master of that generation will die together, but he has already arranged everything, because he has mastered the way of reincarnation in the world, so He was successfully reincarnated and reincarnated as Old Man Douluo.

Originally, Old Man Douluo had completely suppressed the soul masters of this generation. If nothing else, when he cut the Dao, it was the time when he disappeared as a soul master.But in the end, it was destroyed by Tianxia Peak, which is not as good as God.

As a last resort, he passed it on to Ling Yun.This also caused Ling Yun to start too late, and was suppressed by the soul path instead.However, Ling Yun's luck seems to be very good, so he met Youzi Peak.

Youzifeng is also a soul master, but he belongs to the soul master who has passed away. He wants to replace the soul master of this generation, so he has been secretly helping Ling Yun suppress the soul path in his body.

At the same time, it also helped Ling Yun grow up rapidly, otherwise Ling Yun probably wouldn't have achieved what he is today.

"So that's how it is. The eighth generation is reincarnated as the ninth generation. What a pity! This may be destiny!"

Lei Gui reacted and couldn't help sighing.

"By the way, senior, the Temple of the God of Fighting has been passed down from generation to generation, can you tell me about it?"

Ling Yun didn't know much about the succession of the successive masters of the Dou Shen Temple, and no one had told him.Just like the person in front of him who claims to be the seventh generation master of the Temple of the God of Fighting, he doesn't know what he has inherited?
"The first-generation hall master majored in the flesh body. He was known as the undefeated god king. He was also the person who created the "Innate Secret Record". His inheritance is the way of the flesh body! The second-generation hall master Wu Tian is the most mysterious existence. After destroying the soul way, his inheritance was originally the way of the spirit cup, but the way of the spirit cup could not be included in the "Congenital Secret Records", so he included the time-space way of the Golden Silkworm God Cup in the "Congenital Secret Records" Among them, if you want to get this inheritance, you need to find the golden silkworm cup! The third-generation hall master, Gu Yue, comprehended the sealing method by virtue of the time-space way of the golden silkworm cup, and the fourth-generation hall master practiced the way of space. The Five Dynasties Hall mainly practiced Kongkong Dao, the sixth generation Hall Master majored in Alchemy Dao, and the main one is Fengshui Dao."

The successive masters of the Temple of Gods of Fighting all have their own strengths. In addition to obtaining the inherited Taoism, they also created their own Taoism by virtue of their advantages, and included them in the "Congenital Secret Records", and this "Congenital "Secret Record" is also the enlightenment of the Limit Nine Paths.

(End of this chapter)

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