extreme dog days

Chapter 4075 Only Children Make Choices

This fortune-teller is so powerful that he can know the past thousand years and the next hundred years.If he makes a move, he will definitely solve their troubles for the Witch King!
Don't let the power of the witch clan fall into the hands of the high priest.

What kind of person is Shi En, he can even kill the disciples of the clan, if he is in charge of this witch clan, something big will happen.

"The fate between you and me is over! No need to say more, let go!"

Ling Yun wanted to break free and leave, but Yuri would not let him go.

"Sir, please do me a favor! Help me this time! Please! Otherwise I won't let you go!"

Yuri begged.Is this still a strong man of heaven?That has a little prestige of the second priest of the Wu clan, but at this moment he looks like a rascal in the market!
"I've never seen such a brazen person! I'm afraid of you! You Wu Clan, I can't afford to offend you, you go find a kid from Xizhou mainland! He is destined for your Wu Clan, as long as he is willing, Of course I can help you!"

Ling Yun waved his hands and said.

"Ugh! He's from the mainland of Xizhou, so how can I find him?"

Yuri's eyes lit up, and he asked hastily.

"Don't reveal the secret! Let go!"

Ling Yun kicked Yuri down, and said with disgust.

"Don't, sir, at least tell me what his name is!"

Yuri, one head and two big, said with a mournful face.With so little information, how could he find someone!Boys from the Xizhou Continent, there are people who come from the Xizhou Continent every year, and there are also those who live in the Nanzhou Continent. There are not [-], but there are [-].

If you don't even know the name, how can you find it!I don't know how big the Nanzhou mainland is?
"Let go! I don't know what his name is? But he is a pill god!"

Ling Yun finally gave Yuri some more clues with an impatient face.He separated these two identities in order to leave a way out.

If that side fails and cannot be exchanged for holy water from the Wu Clan, then use today's identity to ask Yuri for it.

"Dan God, Xizhou Continent. It is also related to our Wu Clan. Could it be him! First... a master! No, a god! No, I don’t know what his name is!".
When Yuri came back to his senses, Ling Yun had disappeared!This made Yuri more convinced that he had encountered a life usurper.

With clues, Yuri guessed who he was looking for, and rushed to Xuanhai City.At this time, Ling Yun was already waiting in Xuanhai City.

"Young master, you said that the Witch King's people would come to ask you for help. Could it be that you are overthinking it. It's been a day, and there is no one."

Ling Yun said before that they don't need to go to the Witch King for help, the Witch King's people will come to ask them for help.Everyone doesn't believe it.

But the day passed, but there was no one there!You must know that the current situation cannot be dragged on. If they want to find the witch clan leader, they have to strike while the iron is hot.

"What's the hurry, you're on the way! Even the gods have time to hurry, don't you? It's you, why worry about it if you don't do your serious business?"

Ling Yun rolled his eyes at Liu Qi and said.

Even though Liu Qi has now stepped into the Dao of Heaven and comprehended the Dao of the Sword, their relationship remains unchanged.Both friends and servants!

Liu Qi was speechless for a while.I thought I was not that kind of person.And because of Xi Laile's death recently, Su Beiluan is also depressed, so what's on his mind.

At the same time, he became insecure and even reluctant to see Liu Qi.

This gave Liu Qi some headaches!

"My lord, Miss Su seems to be overwhelmed and depressed recently. I'm worried that something will happen to her. What should I do!"

Liu Qi wanted to leave, but he couldn't help asking.

"How do I know? I'm not a professional! It's up to you!"

Ling Yun gave him a white look and said.

"All right!"

Liu Qi reluctantly responded, turned and left.

"What's going on, Old Liu!"

As soon as Liu Qi left, Qin Yuyan walked in.she sees

Liu Qi was a little frustrated, so he asked curiously.

"Children love each other!"

Ling Yun shrugged and said.

"He is because of Su Beiluan's business! The housekeeper she has always regarded as her elder has died. For her, Lao Liu is her only relative! But Lao Liu is not from the mainland of Nanzhou after all. At this time, she is worried about gains and losses. You Do you think Lao Liu will stay here for her?"

Originally, Su Beiluan just wanted to repay Liu Qi, and didn't think too much about it.But sometimes, falling in love with someone is always unconscious.

She was especially happy to die, because there was no one she could trust around Su Beiluan, which made her instantly lose her sense of security and feel helpless.Therefore, subconsciously, Liu Qi, the person who swore an eternal alliance with her, became her closest relative.

And Liu Qi came from the mainland of Xizhou, Su Beiluan worried that one day, Liu Qi would leave her, so naturally he was worried and depressed.

"It's hard to say, but no matter what Lao Liu chooses, it won't have any impact on him!"

No matter what choice Liu Qi made, Ling Yun would never interfere!Because Liu Qi had already resigned from the position of Sect Master of Heavenly Sword, now he is free and at ease, and his cultivation has even reached the level of Heavenly Dao.

He wants to stay in the Nanzhou mainland, and he has nothing to pay!

As for the Heavenly Sword Sect, as long as the news of Liu Qi's advancement to the Dao of Heaven spreads, no one dares to provoke the Heavenly Sword Sect easily, let alone the Heavenly Sword Sect still has a strong Heavenly Dao in Tianwaitian.

"Oh, what about you, how do you choose?"

Sitting on Ling Yun's lap, Qin Yuyan said with a malicious expression on her face.

"Hey, kids only make choices, I want them all!"

Ling Yun hugged her tightly, the two looked at each other for a while, and then kissed.Just as he was about to fall in love, a figure came in from outside.

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