extreme dog days

Chapter 4095 No need to keep him

Chapter 4095 No need to keep him

hold head high!
"Damn it, if it weren't for your minefield, you would no longer be my opponent!"

Long Xi said angrily, his soul path was severely injured, if he continued to fight, he would really have to stay here, so he turned and fled.

However, the members of the Dragon Soul Clan he brought were all fell into the minefield.This is the frightening thing about the Creation Formation.

There is no nonsense in Thunder Prison. If the dragon's breath can be left at this time, it can be regarded as a solution to a serious problem.He gathered the power of thunder and turned it into a giant hand of thunder,
“Want to keep me…lol!”

Long Xi had crossed into the Thunder Field before, but every time he was beaten and bruised all over his body, he was almost beheaded by the Thunder Prison, but he was rescued by other clan kings.

For this reason, Long Xi did not die, but many soul kings died in this thunder prison.

The reason why Longxi dared to come this time was precisely because he had a backhand, even if he couldn't destroy Lei Yuan, he could still get away with his own body.


Lei Prison saw that he was escaped by Longxi again, and he was a little angry!Under the rage of Lei Yu, all the souls brought by the dragon's breath turned into fans.


Even though Ling Yun possessed the Dao Body of Thunder, under the thunderstorm, his whole body was in pain, so he couldn't help but gasped.

But after the rage, he calmed down in an instant, as if nothing had happened, Ling Yun guessed that the matter might have ended, so he hurried over.

"Senior, just now?"

When Ling Yun came to the center of the thunder field, he could sense that the power of the thunder source seemed to be much weaker than before, and the longevity thunder tree transformed by the thunder source and the spirit of the thunder prison seemed to have a lot less leaves.

"It's not the first time that the soul race has come to attack! The general trend of the world is coming, I'm afraid we won't be able to guard here for long!"

Lei Prison was a little surprised when he saw Ling Yun coming, but he still told the truth.

"Senior, I've tried my best! Senior's righteousness is a blessing to the world! Please be respected by this junior!"

Ling Yun felt admiration in his heart.Even though Lei Prison died, but left behind this spirit, he still guarded the human race and never retreated. This kind of righteousness made Ling Yun feel ashamed.

This is a responsibility!
"Haha! Boy, your future path may be more difficult than that of previous palace masters! Because what you have to face is not only the soul clan of this generation, but also the remnants of the soul clan in No Man's Land! You have a heavy responsibility. It's a long way!"

Thunder Prison laughed.

In fact, the one who should thank him the most is Ling Yun's master, who is also the master of the previous generation of God of War.It is precisely because of the Thunder Prison to stop these remnants of the soul clan left over from the past dynasties that God of Fighting was able to sweep the world and set the overall situation!

The soul race of the previous generation was almost wiped out by the Temple of Dou.

If it wasn't for the existence of Tianxia Peak, the layout of the fighting god, and the rebirth of Douluo, then he would have successfully cut off the lineage of the soul clan.The result is that people are not as good as God.

This responsibility fell on Ling Yun, but after so long, the Thunderfield could no longer be held, and the remnants of the Soul Clan who were driven to the Supreme Realm by the Battle God Temple in the past would also return to the world.

At that time, Ling Yun will have to face not only the soul clan of this generation, but also these remnants of the soul clan, the difficulty has obviously increased a lot!

In addition, the Dou Shen Temple is currently torn apart, and it is also a huge challenge to unite them.

"One enemy is evenly matched, and two enemies stand on three legs, so why should we be afraid of three enemies... Can the soul clan be united as one?"

Ling Yun has already made up his mind to deal with the overall situation of the world. Although there are many enemies, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"That's right! Boy, did you encounter anything when you came back to look for me?"

Lei Prison expressed his appreciation, and then asked.

"The junior came here to ask about the Demon Devouring Dao Pill! I don't know if the senior has heard of it!"

Ling Yun only guessed from Gui Xianren's words that the emergence of the Devil-eating Dao Pill in ancient times was the era of the seventh generation of hall masters.

"Has the Demon Devouring Dao Pill appeared again?"

In Lei Gui's tone, he was obviously very shocked!

"Exactly! Senior, do you know how to crack it?"

Ling Yun asked hastily.

"I remember that the prescription was completely destroyed back then, how could it still appear!"

Lei Gui said very puzzled.Back then, the appearance of the Demon Devouring Dao Pill gave him a lot of headaches, and in the end, he tried his best to avoid future troubles.

It was even more painful under the killer, and many demons were killed for this.

"Uh, as far as I know, it appeared once after the ancient times! And the prescription was destroyed, but for some reason, it appeared again now!"

Ling Yun said.

"In order to prevent future troubles, I did not hesitate to kill all the demons who might know the formula! How could it be leaked! Could it be that he is the real instigator behind this!"

Lei Prison clearly remembered that when the demons in the Nanzhou Continent appeared Demon Devouring Dao Pills, causing the demons to be in chaos, the Temple of Fighting invited nearly half of the alchemy gods and medicine gods from the Wuzhou Continent to develop the antidote, and even he participated in it, but In the end, it can only be suppressed, not completely resolved.

In order to prevent this kind of pill from appearing again in the future, Lei Gui had to order the extermination of all demons who might know the prescription.

At that time, none of them were let go!
How could it appear again?
Therefore, he guessed that the person who really created the prescription at that time was not the strong demon who was beheaded by him, but someone else.

"Senior, did you think of anything?"

"King of Ming Dynasty, Kong Tian!"

"Who is he?"

"An old monster who lived in the middle of antiquity! He existed as early as the second generation of palace masters. At that time, he tried to provoke a war between the demons and the human race! He angered the second generation of palace masters and was After pressing it down, it will disappear! After that, it will be regarded as security!"

"Uh, it might be him! The demon clan chaos this time was caused by the Daming King's territory among the four major territories!"

Ling Yun reacted and said hastily.

"If it's really him, then there's no need to keep him."

Thunder Prison said solemnly.

The existence of the Daming King was known to all the masters of the Battle God Hall, and all the masters of the past generations had visited him. The purpose was not to please, but to warn him, so that he could settle down.

Even Lei Prison, he also went to look for him back then.


Ling Yun was speechless for a while!There is no need to keep him, this is easy to say, but it is not easy to do!That is the Heavenly Dao powerhouse who has lived from the early days of ancient times to the present!

Ling Yun couldn't even imagine how strong that strength was!
(End of this chapter)

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