extreme dog days

Chapter 4098 Grime

Chapter 4098 Grime
The magma lake, where the cemetery is located, is located in the Tianhuo region. The temperature here has reached a terrifying state. The Taoist below dare not stay there. In addition, there is no power of heaven and earth within a hundred miles of the magma lake. Therefore, even the fire-type demons can Will not come here.

"Wanli Lava Lake, are you sure the end of the world is here?"

Although Emperor Xuanzhe had never been to this place, he had heard of it.It is definitely a place where there are no living beings, and it is also unremarkable, so no one has paid attention to it.

"No mistake! The location given to me by Lord Lei is at the bottom of the magma lake!"

Ling Yun said solemnly.

"You use the space to protect yourself, I will take you in!"

Di Xuanjie didn't talk nonsense, with his cultivation base, this magma couldn't hurt him.But Ling Yun is different, his own cultivation base is only a saint.

Even if the space defense can isolate magma, once the space is melted by magma, it may be swallowed.The magma lake is the end of the heaven and the earth, and the power of the heaven and the earth is attached to the magma, so ordinary Taoists dare not enter it.

Of course, with Ling Yun's ability, it's not like he can't even enter a magma lake.But there are people guarding and opening the way, why not do it!
Di Xuanjie wrapped Ling Yun with the power of heaven, and then led him into the lake.

The bottom of the magma lake seems to be in a volcano, but it has never erupted. In the deepest part, there is a door to the secret realm, where the end of the world is located.

Originally, the end of the world was a bottomless abyss, but when the second-generation God of Fighting Hall Master put the Emperor Blade into the end of the world, in order to prevent Moxiu from finding this place and taking the Emperor Blade, he set aside several nearby volcanoes. All led into the abyss.In addition, let the good fortune master change the landscape of the mountains and rivers, so as to seal the end of the world.

"Found it! Let's go..."

It took Di Xuanjie and Ling Yun three hours to find the end of the world. He almost suspected that he had found the wrong place.

After passing through the door of the secret realm, Ling Yun and Di Xuanjie were separated.Ling Yun appeared in a barren land, boundless at first glance, there is no end at all.

"Is this the end of the world?"

Ling Yun was a little dumbfounded!It looks like the end of the world, it looks like a secret space!

In fact, Ling Yun did not go wrong, this is the end of the world, but the end of the world is divided into two parts, one is the loophole of the world, and the other is the dirt of the world!
After the heaven and the earth rotate, all the dust and dirt will appear here. As the end of the heaven and the earth opens every time, the dust and dirt of the heaven and the earth will also be expelled from the sky and the earth, and become the dust there in the void.

This is like a transit station!
However, the opening of the end of the world does not completely empty out the dust of the world. Over time, the dust of the world accumulates here, and dirt spirits are gradually born!
That's why there are horrible ghosts here!

When Ling Yun entered here, he was targeted by the ghosts!
The dirty spirit is transformed by the dust and dirt of the world, and when the dust and dirt of the world come here, they all turn into sand dust, so this dirty spirit is actually a huge sand man.

And it doesn't have any aura here, so when it came to Ling Yun at this time, Ling Yun didn't notice it either.


Ling Yun heard a sound coming from the ground, looked down, and saw the tentacles formed by the sand approaching him.


The speed of the sand tentacles was extremely fast, Ling Yun subconsciously flew back, but then there were sand tentacles coming from all directions, engulfing Ling Yun in an instant!

Ling Yun used the space to protect himself, but found that the sand was gnawing at his space.

"What the hell? Is this sand? Explosion..."

Ling Yun used the space to self-destruct, and the impact force constantly washed away the sand around him, and he fled away.At this time, a huge sand man appeared on the red ground!


The sand man let out a loud roar, and then stamped his palm on Ling Yun!Every move is the power of heaven and earth.The most important thing is that Ling Yun used the space palm print and was swallowed directly, so he could only avoid its attack.

The palm fell to the ground, and there was no trace on the red ground.It's not that the strength is not enough, but the degree of control of the strength is simply superb.

This sand man has no way of heaven, but his body is no less than the way of heaven.

Ling Yun's space Taoism can't hurt it at all, and don't want to hurt it at all!Even if Ling Yun uses the sword state, the Supreme Sword Dao is also helpless.

For a while it looked extremely embarrassing!

He was shot flying out several times and hit the red ground heavily. If it weren't for the strong defense of the Taoist body, he might have been injured.

"Cough! Good guy, what kind of monster is this! There is no way to start!"

Ling Yun exclaimed!
The sand man didn't give him a chance to breathe at all, and attacked wildly.

The sandman is afraid of water, but there is no water power here, let alone the power of heaven and earth.But the sand man is transformed from the dust and dirt of the world, and its power comes from the dust and dirt of the world, so he is not afraid of consumption, but Ling Yun is different.

Fighting is very unfavorable to him.The power is exhausted here, and there is no power of heaven and earth to replenish him, so he can only keep the pill!
"Damn it, I can't cut it! By the way, reincarnation, just put it in reincarnation! Hell reincarnation, open..."


Ling Yun was devoured by the sand man on purpose, and then started the cycle of hell.The sandman sensed fear!It wanted to escape, to spit out Ling Yun, but it was easy to please God.It is difficult to send God off.

(End of this chapter)

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