extreme dog days

Chapter 4109 IQ arrears, please recharge

Chapter 4109 IQ arrears, please recharge

"Ah, Emperor, the Emperor Blade is in your hands? How is this possible? It is rumored that the Emperor Blade was sealed away in ancient times. How did you find it?"

Emperor Blade is known as the most important weapon of the ancient demons. No one in the world knows the demons, and no one knows it!At that time, all the demons wanted to find it.

Therefore, ancient demons like the Demon Snakes naturally know of its existence.

"Is this important? If even the Emperor Blade can't resist the nine-color feathers of King Daming, it will be really troublesome."

Ling Yun hurriedly said.

It's not that there's nothing to hide, but it's that he didn't expect King Daming to have such supernatural powers, and weapons would be used by him, so how can he fight!
Does it make sense to take this Emperor Blade?

"No, according to records, apart from the five heavy weapons of the human race, the only weapon in the world that can withstand the nine-color feathers of the Daming King is the Emperor Blade!"

The Snake Queen said solemnly.

"No wonder the guy wants to get it!"

Di Xuanjie said suddenly.

"Lord Wolf, now that the Snake Queen has recovered, maybe you should go to the Thousand Demon Realm to sit in command! The attack on Moon Devouring Valley by King Daming's territory was obviously aimed at the passage between heaven and earth! The matter is of great importance!"

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

He was worried that Emperor Xuanjie would be immersed in the gentleness and forget the righteousness of the demon clan.

"Well! Zhu'er, you stay in the sea area, and I'll come pick you up after the demon race subsides!"

Di Xuanjie looked at Haizhu with some reluctance!But no matter how reluctant he was, he had to go back.The Demon Wolf Clan is still waiting for him to preside over the overall situation.

And I'm afraid that he is the only one who can contend against Daming King!

"Well, I'll wait to come back!"

Haizhu was also reluctant, and said with her arms around him.After an affectionate farewell, Di Xuanjie left the Jueming Sea Territory. The Skynet Huihui, which originally blocked the Jueming Sea Territory, had already been smashed by Di Xuanjie with the Emperor Blade!

"This time the demon clan is in chaos, I believe that the Potianlang God will definitely return, and even ask the Nanzhou Fighting God Hall to help! But if it is really the Great Ming King, I am afraid that a bloody storm will inevitably be inevitable!"

Seeing Di Xuanjie leave, the Panshan Snake Empress felt it!Although she likes to mess around, she is never ambiguous when encountering major events!

"It's already bloody now. Because you are under control, today's Tianyu Mountain has been razed to the ground, and I don't know how many land demons have been killed!"

Ling Yun said.


The Queen of the Snake couldn't help being shocked.

"Well, mother, it seems that you leveled Tianyu Mountain!"


"Even our Demon Snake Clan was hurt because of this. The chief patriarch and Aunt Qingsi almost fought to the death!"

The Panshan Snake Queen was previously under control, and she knew nothing about what happened.

"I have to go back and have a look!"

Knowing that the Demon Snake Clan is also in chaos, the Queen of the Panshan Snake can't sit still.

"No, given your current situation, you can't leave here yet. The Demon Snake Clan has now immigrated to the Thousand Demon Realm, and after the previous battle, King Daming's territory will not attack the Thousand Demon Realm again in a short time."

The current strength of Panshan Snake Empress is not even [-]%, and it is estimated that she will be very reluctant to do it. A random Heavenly Dao can almost take her away.

So it is undoubtedly the safest for her to stay here at the moment.

"My cultivation methods are different. If I want to recover my strength as soon as possible, the only way is dual cultivation!"

The Panshan Snake Queen also made no secrets.

"This is not difficult! Isn't there a good candidate in the Deadly Sea Area? But before that, you have to repair and consolidate the foundation first."

Although the Panshan Snake Queen is protected by the Dao of Heaven, her foundation is damaged, which is very troublesome!Based on her own words alone, there is no ten or eight years, and it is estimated that she will not be able to recover.

But with the current situation of the Demon Race, time does not wait for him!
"Boss, I can't, that's my mother!"

The Golden Snake Demon Monarch on one side suddenly yelled.

"You think too much!"

Qin Yuyan couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Pfft! Haha! Little boy, he wants me to find you a father!"

The Panshan Snake Empress couldn't help but laugh too.She knew who Ling Yun was referring to as the right candidate, wasn't it the Lord of the Desperate Sea Region, the Giant Scale Demon Dragon?
I have to say, he is too suitable!


The Golden Snake Demon Lord still didn't understand, so he looked at Ling Yun meaningfully.

"Boss, no, Dad!"

"What are you yelling about? Is your mind full of mud?"

Qin Yuyan scolded angrily.

"It's not my boss, who is that? It can't be Senior Guixianren, it's not good!"

The Golden Snake Demon Lord is still trying to guess.In his impression, Ling Yun is more suitable to be his father than Gui Xianren.

"Your son's IQ is in arrears, so he needs to recharge!"

Ling Yun complained.

"So I leave it to you!"


Ling Yun was speechless for a while, why wouldn't he also regard me as his father?
"Hehe, don't worry, I won't treat you badly! Huh, it's not easy to restore the foundation in a short time with my strength!"

The Panshan Snake Empress took a deep breath, she knew that the matter was urgent, and she could only recover her strength as soon as possible, but in her current situation, it was really too difficult.

She can't even summon the way of heaven now, how can she use the way of heaven to repair the foundation?
"I can help you with this."

"You want to volunteer yourself?"

"...Think too much, you! Don't forget, I can cure you. Naturally, I am not a god of alchemy, but a god of medicine! In your case, using medicinal baths, coupled with the assistance of pills, the meridians will be cured in three days , then you will be able to practice the exercises."

Ling Yun said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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