extreme dog days

Chapter 4119 Brothers meet again, Lingyun alone

Chapter 4119 Brothers meet again, Lingyun alone
Xiao Feng successfully integrated the inheritance left by the ancestors of the Xiao family, but this is the first battle after entering Taoism, so he needs to hone Taoism.

This is inheritance, which cannot be bestowed.

After this battle, Xiao Feng escaped with one enemy four, one dead, one wounded and two escaped!

"Daddy, it's amazing!"

Seeing Xiao Feng's complete victory, Xiao Yuqing clapped her hands excitedly.

"Big brother is so powerful?"

Bailiyuan was naturally stunned, and couldn't help looking at the two elders of his Baili family.They are also Taoists, but their strength is about the same as that of Mei Qianshang and the others.

In other words, the combination of the two of them is not Xiao Feng's opponent.

All the guards of the Baili family and the guards of Qianli City cheered when they saw this.The Lingxu Palace came in such a mighty manner that the entire army was wiped out in the end.

"Young Master Xiao, you, you are really from Qinglong Xiao's family."

Baili Liancheng couldn't help being curious and asked.


"Clan elder, my elder brother is indeed from Qinglong Xiao's family!"

Bailiyuan followed suit.

"Hiss! It's really Qinglong Xiao's family! Baili Liancheng has seen Mr. Xiao!"

In the past, the Wulong family was the overlord of the fighting world, and at the same time it was the existence that maintained the peace of the Wuzhou continent, especially the Qinglong Xiao family, known as chivalry, and had a great reputation!
"Senior, you're being polite! Now that the Xiao family is in decline, I'm the only disciple of the Xiao family. How can I be called a young master?"

Xiao Feng said helplessly.

"Ah! Hiss! I didn't expect that the Qinglong Xiao family would end up like this. The Qinglong Xiao family has always put chivalry first, whether it is in the Dongzhou continent or in the other four continents, everyone admires it! It is a pity that it is no match for the ups and downs of history. Now Mr. Xiao is afraid that the responsibility is heavy, if Mr. Xiao does not dislike it, the old man has a daughter under his knees, she is quite upright, she can be betrothed to Mr. Xiao, I don't know what will happen!"

Although the Xiao family has declined and there is only Xiao Feng now, the strength Xiao Feng has shown is a solid potential stock.

Baili Qianxi is very smart, it happens that his youngest daughter, although older than Xiao Feng, has not been out of the court, and looks pretty good.

"I agree!"

Before Xiao Feng could react, Yu Wanxi shouted!

Xiao Feng was speechless immediately.

"My mother! Then there is someone like you who finds my second mother for me!"

Xiao Yuqing directly covered her face, she couldn't stand it!
"Ha ha……"

Bailiyuan and his wife suddenly laughed.

"Wanxi has no objections, but you can think about it!"

The ancestor of the Xiao family brought Xiao Zhenlong to the city wall.

"Let me introduce, this is the patriarch of my Xiao family, Xiao He!"

Xiao Feng introduced.

"Xiao, Xiao He! Could it be Dongzhou No.5 1 years ago, Tu Dao Xiao He!"

Baili Liancheng looked at the unremarkable Xiao He with an expression of disbelief.Xiao Hena was a figure in the Dao of Heaven 5 years ago. Back then, he broke the legend that all people below the Dao of Heaven were ants, and slaughtered a strong man of Dao of Heaven.It was also the most glorious moment for the Xiao family!

It's just that shortly after he stepped into the Dao of Heaven, Tianwaitian was in a hurry. At that time, the Xiao family's combat power was [-]% to support Tianwaitian. It was precisely because of this that the Xiao family's defense was weak, allowing Tianxiafeng to take advantage of it!

In the end, 3 years ago, the Xiao family completely declined, and almost disappeared in the world ten thousand years ago!
"Tu Dao, Xiao He, is already dead, and now there is only an old man from the Xiao family!"

Xiao He no longer cared about those false names.For him now, there is only family.Back then, the strong members of the Xiao family rushed to Tianwaitian without hesitation. At that time, there were four heavenly dao and dozens of dao masters, but he was the only one who survived in the end.

"Meet the seniors!"

After Baili Liancheng and the others confirmed Xiao He's identity, they knelt down one after another, even Bailiyuan was no exception.This is not only respect for the strong, but also because of Xiao He's chivalrous heart.

Xiao He raised his hand lightly, and everyone stood up.

In front of him, these people wanted to kneel, but they really couldn't.

Lingxu Palace

"What, people from the Qinglong Xiao family! Isn't it rumored that all the members of the Qinglong Xiao family are dead? How did the Western Regions appear?"

Mei Buwen's face became heavy.

"It's absolutely true, what he used was the dragon-sealing sword in the "Blue Dragon Anti-Heaven Art"! Xie Chengwu died under his sword, and none of the [-] disciples we brought were spared! "

"And the third child was seriously injured and captured by them. I'm afraid life and death are unpredictable! Palace Master, you should think of a way!"

Mei Qianshang and Mei Lao Liu said one after another.

"Are you sure that guy is just a Daoist?"

Mei asked cautiously without asking.

"Definitely, if he reaches the realm of heaven, the two of us may not be able to come back alive."

Mei Qianshang said with certainty.

"Well, send someone to Dongzhou mainland to find out! If Qinglong Xiao's family is still here, we can't afford to mess with it! We can only get acquainted. In addition, let's put Yang Zizai under house arrest first!"

The prestige of the Wulong family in the past still lingers, and Mei didn't dare to act rashly without asking before she found out the background of the current Xiao family.Even if their Lingxu Palace had a strong man from the Dao of Heaven sitting in their command, they still couldn't offend the Qinglong Xiao family.

So he is going to keep one hand, and that is Yang Zizai!

Thousand Miles City

Bailiyuan and Xiao Feng chatted happily over wine, and when they talked about Lingyun, they all expressed longing.

"I don't know how the third brother is doing now! If he is still there, his strength is probably not weaker than that of the elder brother!"

"That's right, among the three of us, he has the best talent! If I hadn't received the inheritance left by the ancestors of the Xiao family, I wouldn't be where I am today. This is luck, but when it comes to luck, the third brother's luck is even better. It’s unbearable to look at.”

Xiao Feng sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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